VAIDS – Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

A research paper published by the Murdoch Childrens’s Research Institute and Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne shows that two doses of Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” reduced the immune capacity to fight other viral and bacterial pathogens for up to six months.

This effect has been coined VAIDS and several other reports have shown similar results thus providing another reason to reconsider the risk-benefit of COVID-19 “vaccination”.

The paper, published Aug. 25 in the journal Frontiers of Immunology (see below), reported the immunological effect of COVID-19 “vaccination” in 29 children.

The study reported an immunological response to the Spike Protein produced by the “vaccination” but, surprisingly, found a reduced immune response in relation to other pathogens.

A short (6 min) video summarising the study has been produced by Epoch Times. CLICK HERE to view.

According to Dr. Andrew Bostom (Retired Professor of Medicine, Brown University) the findings suggest “that repeat mRNA vaccine injections could predispose children to both viral and bacterial infections”.

We already have evidence from NSW Government hospitalisation statistics that highly COVID vaccinated/boosted individuals have a higher chance of subsequent COVID-19 infections.

Given the fact that children are at zero to virtually nil risk of serious COVID-19 and the significantly reduced virulence of the latest variants of the virus, the general unqualified recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination in children need to be urgently reviewed.

This is just another reason to reconsider the risk-benefit of vaccines.

Note: I have not been a fan of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne due to their overzealous support for mass vaccination with COVID-19 “vaccines” and their discredited advice regarding predictions of COVID deaths and the safety and efficacy of these gene-based injections.

Maybe some in the Institute are waking up? Anyway…..congratulations to those scientists involved in this important research.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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    They have to shut down the immune system in order to get their nanoparticles to other parts of the body, such as the ovaries and testes.
    The liver houses 90% of immune macrophages and will filter out their LNPs.
    The spleen houses more macrophages and handles smaller nanoparticles than the liver.
    Both have to be incapacitated or the nanoparticles will get removed. The process of shutting down the immune system takes time to correct itself once their manipulation is over. This is where the duration of immune shutdown is noted.
    In one patent, chimeric monkey antibodies are used to cross-connect receptors on the macrophages, and this effectively turns the macrophage off. The chimeric antibodies have a much higher binding affinity than the human counterparts and take a while to be corrected.

    People focus on the immune deficiency, but they should be focused on why it has to be shut down: to get their nanoparticles to other parts of the body.


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