VAERS – Huge Amount Of Under-Coded Reports Just Published
What happens when we dump & pump out the info and start analyzing the data with no data modeling or no preparation?
Meaning the already curated data from the CDC/FDA is not ethically “cleaned” or simple typos fixed where applicable. You get the curated view CDC/FDA want you get IS what you get. Hot lots will get diluted because of typos, age cohorts get skewed, and severe adverse events get diluted into in levels the pro-vax side would consider not serious aka safe & effective. Let me show what passes under everybody’s noses when people are left with no help with honest guys like me…
- Finding properly documented ages from the summary narrative and ethically populating empty age fields is not that difficult.
- Finding & fixing lot numbers and adding expiration dates is not terribly difficult, but it can become tedious even with embedded scripts or algorithms.
- Up-coding adverse events might be one the most difficult of all processes especially trying to incorporate a dynamic script or algorithm for the job.
This is the overview of the 6,386 Covid-19 just published by VAERS on Jan 5th.
You can see in my before and after view for age categories we brought down the Unknown ages by almost 500 reports! I easily went over 500 with these 46 children’s reports (below) where I couldn’t classify their precise age but we could at least capture their general or relative age like infant, baby, adolescent, child. We could even throw in a additional 80 reports where the victim is documented as an adult or elderly. Not to many peeps within our freedom fighting medical movement will even alert you to the fact that ~30% OF ALL COVID REPORTS ARE CLASSIFIED AS UNKNOWN AGE! I think I’m the only one with balls enough to say I beat that number down to about ~10% when I’m allowed to ethically populate the empty age fields with actual ages. I’m not even talking about the additional ~2% I can capture as children, infants, adolescents, teenagers, elderly, adults, pregnant women, etc…
However this article is not about the ages, it’s about the under-coded events.
These below are 140 under-coded events just dropped Jan5th C19 only.
141 reports if we count this newly reported UNCOUNTED DEATH!
Uncounted deaths are bad enough, worse yet she has “covid” pneumonia so this one will be counted on the “virus” ledger side. Convenient, they omit classifying as a break through or drug ineffective. Our only consolation is that the report was classified as a hospitalization aka severe adverse event, just not severe enough.
The real game changer and something that would move the needle on all types of analysis like relative reporting ratios, hot lot analysis, etc. would be those other 140 reports being properly and ethically classified into something like a life threatening event for a cardiac arrest, heart attack (infarction), or a brain stroke (cerebrovascular accident). Myo & pericarditis should at least be classified as serious or at least Emergency Level. Technically by CDC’s definition ER level is not considered serious. All fetal demise should at Birth Defect/Anomaly ethically speaking and in my opinion.
There is probably more reports in this new monthly tranche that can be combed through, squeezed out and ethically up-coded into a SAE, I just went after the low hanging fruit. I won’t bother giving you guys examples of specific reports, but I will present a short list of the cerebrovascular accidents (stroke), heart attacks (myocardial infarction), and cardiac arrests that were under-coded in this update.

I’d like to spend my time now to actually do the work and ethically up-code at least these 141 reports.
This whole philosophy and debate of weather to up-code or not is not even a debate per-se? Who is telling me I can’t? Who is telling me I can’t also create filters that allow you to toggle between unedited data and edited data? Nobody is! That’s the beauty, so why am I seething at OpenVAERS for not doing it? I know if she did, I would retire my #1 VAERS Auditor position and go back to making money. I need to remember OpenVAERS is probably not making a living doing this either. And contrary to what Liz Wilner says about data cleansing being easily reconcilable, it’s not as easy as she thinks. It’s a bitch and requires constant surveillance and some skill, apart from some hardware and software licenses.
Anyhow the reality is, is there’s still a lane for me here in the VAERS pharmacovigilance space. I don’t know how long I want to be here banging on the door and slapping lips, but I’ll be here as long as I have to, because it’s become spiritual for me at this point. I can’t let this lame ass cabal get away with this murder and deception!
I’ve said it for a long time, there are over 100K severe adverse event reports hiding in the “not serious” categories, and if properly and ethically up-coded would change the whole complexion of VAERS.

Heck I’ve already up-coded most of it! That’s what this view is all about:

Source: Substack
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Why will it take 12 months to get all this data when they could do a data dump in less than one day? Oh, I forgot…the government is still using Honeywell mainframes from the 1960’s with punch cards and data tapes.
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Report to VAERS and they will lie.
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The CDC has been heavily purging VAERS data from the very beginning according to multiple CDC whistleblowers.
The goal is to prevent the public from finding out the real numbers of deaths and injuries .