VAERS August Round-up Published Aug 2nd

I wanted to get the overall monthly stats report in before the next drop comes at the end of this week.

I jumped out early at the beginning of the month and only gave the highlight reels about the new data like the hidden RSV baby deaths here and the Guinness Record for a throttled death report here.

What is really maddening overall in the VAERS data is just how much it is shrinking and how much the death reports are being throttled all at the same time! Let’s dive in and peel the onion… Here is the monthly summary:

Here is what the event levels look like in

As you can see I increased the count by one report which is the Guinness Record death which was technically “up-coded” after 3½ years as opposed to being a brand new report. Now let’s look at the data by Vax Type and Territories.:

I hope you can deduce there is a few more Vax types and territories and the bottom of the list, but the majority is viewable here.

You’ll notice by default how much data is coming from UNKNOWN FOREIGN, that’s the EMA & MHRA European Union scam not letting us see the data, not even country of origin. Now let’s get down to just Covid only.:

Still looks pretty heavy on the foreign reports, now let’s take a look at just domestic and our territories:

522 domestic Covid reports is the lowest volume during this whole era. The way VAERS is curating and publishing reports makes it difficult to see the shrinkage of domestic Covid reports because of foreign and non-covid reports coming in as well.


Here is a unique look at domestic/foreign Covid reports published in 2024 only:

By comparison, please witness VAERS was publishing more than 30K Covid reports WEEKLY during the Kool-Aid drinking frenzy, and now we don’t even get 30K reports for all of 2024?

Now I want to give a word of wisdom for those with the ears to hear and the eyes to see and my most loyal followers…

Because nobody in the world has read more VAERS reports than me, I don’t spend as much time in the R language or SQL visual studio trying to figure out the best way to chop up the pig.

I spend a heck of amount of time actually reading and studying the reports! Particularly reading/analyzing the summary narrative, and supplemental fields like Previous Vaccine and Supplemental Medications.

With that said, I see a bunch on non-covid reports with documentation of a Covid jab in the supplemental medications, and previous vaccine fields. I’ll even see a Covid jab documented in the summary narrative as “concomitant medication”, yet no formal covid vaccine line item is documented on the report.

In reality these are unsuspecting sheep that have had a previous covid jab and are also keeping up with the vax schedule by getting there follow-up flu, RSV, Shingle, and Monkeypox shots mostly. These reports are not being counted towards C19 vaxx injuries if there is no official line item for it.

It also stands to reason that even if these sheep are clueless about their unicorn covid shot, wouldn’t there be a uptick of vaccine injuries in all the other non-covid jabs? Well there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a bird’s eye view and a peek into a future substack.:

I know the supporting question about the visual above is what does the previous years timeline look like by comparison? Stay tuned. But for now I’ll leave with what I’m calling my “throttled death pie” meme.:

In this last drop, 29 of 83 (35%) covid death reports had already died over a year from publication. Thanks early warning system, pretty snappy throttling job you guys are pulling off!

See more here Substack

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