‘Vaccines caused worst-ever excess mortality in history’
The millennial generation experienced 61,000 excess death in the second half of 2021.
CDC data shows the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group in the second half of 2021, according to an analysis by a former Wall Street executive who made a career of crunching numbers at BlackRock.
Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84 percent increase in excess mortality in the fall, he said, describing it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year, seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.
And the increase coincided with the vaccine mandates and the approval of the booster shots.
He said the insurance expert with whom he worked is presenting the data to a financial group and will reveal his identity. “If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: There’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks,” he said.
Dowd said he also had examined the Pfizer clinical trial data provided by whistleblower Brook Jackson, concluding it, and the fact that Pfizer has tried to hide it, point to “clinical fraud.”
He also posted tables showing excess mortality for Gen X — about age 41 to 56 — since August 2021 was 101,000. The Baby Boomers saw 306,000 excess deaths during the same period.
See more here: citizenfreepress.com
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Mortality isn’t all. The Moderna patent contains:
The protein can inhibit human sperm motility and exhibits antimicrobial activity against E. coli, and polymorphisms in this gene are associated with male infertility.
Diseases associated with EPPIN include Orchitis and Prostatic Cyst.
Orchitis is inflammation of the testes, and this is exactly what Nicky Minaj said happened to someone she knows.
Looks like the vaccines may be doing extracurricular work. The patent peptide sequence list is full of infertility related proteins, male and female.
May want to have your eggs or sperm checked before you have a child; some are designed autosomal recessive.
Mark Tapley
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New and Improved blood poison “vaccine” injection for the masses. Insurance company execs. are reluctant to talk since all the big ones are controlled by the Black Rock-Vanguard investment interlock but some of them have publicly stated that all cause mortality is up 40% from normal. According the Spanish researchers who were among the first to examine “vaccine” vials has shown ap. 98% of the contents to be graphene oxide.
Literary figure and elite friend of the Royals, Bernard Shaw said a long time ago that it would be necessary to cull the useless eaters. A large herd of course requires more resources than a small one and are harder for the plantation manager to control.
From a financial standpoint, the fake virus phony “vaccine” has brought in hundreds of billions of dollars to the insiders pockets while inflicting massive economic damage as intended, so that all that “stimulus” money dumped on the banking cartel’s corporate buddies at Black Rock is now being used to buy up large swaths of prime subdivisions, commercial real estate and distressed businesses in this latest fleecing of the flock. No problem, Biden and his Jews are aware of the situation:
Tom O
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It’s not just commercial real estate they are gobbling up, it is single family housing as well. Taking cheaper houses off the market and turning them into rental property. Sadly, states and cities don’t seem to give a damn if poorer people never get a chance to get out of the rental trap.
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I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone,
Here is I started.…………>> https://www.worksful.com
Mark Tapley
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Hello Tom:
Right, and as I mentioned, Black Rock is grabbing the best subdivisions all around the country. Even many of the wealthier families cannot compete with them on any single family home as they are swiping up entire blocks. This puts pressure on the entire market from top to bottom.
Since the 911 era and then the bailout for billionaires program of 08 we have experienced a huge acceleration in debt monetization that is being used as a financial weapon against everyone not in the clique at the top. Both in 08-09 and again now under cover of the fake virus and staged riots, the banking cartel has used the so called “stimulus” to dump trillions of dollars, ostensibly to “assist the economy” into the pockets of Black Rock controlled corporate entities, all with congressional approval. It has only stimulated the same insider crowd of super rich insiders as are benefiting from wreaking small business as these same insiders make more billions from the fake virus “vaccines” and are also now bringing in money for military deployment and weapon systems for the staged Ukrainian crisis.
This is an old game first begun with the establishment of the banking cartel by the Zionist insiders in the U.S. in 1913. The economic front man for this plundering operation, the homosexual communist John Maynard Keynes, even admitted how the con works:
Herb Rose
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Hi Tom and Mark,
What will happen to the housing market and property values when over 10% of the population dies from the jab and people can’t have children? Demand plummets and there is no financial trickery that can overcome supply and demand. Hoisted by their own petards.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
Very good point.
And I need to add the knowledge of my experience. I bought worn out homes that appeared to many needed to be demolished and new rebuilt. I bought them, used my free labor to fix them up, and rented them at low, very affordable rents. Or in Minnesota where I lived, there was two levels of residents; property taxes. A low one for owners and one several times higher for landlords like me. So I and others like me offered attractive 15 year contract for deed at a monthly rate which was no more than the all rental rates than the tenants were paying before. Hence, in 15 years these poor tenants, if the stuck with the plan could own the own residence and have no payments to make. Unfortunately, most of these people did not stick with it and began to use drugs and or, beat their wives.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Rental property in most areas has to be priced for people who are not homeowner material. If they were they would already own a house and property. Individual character is ingrained very early in life. Thats the reason the gov, always wants to begin indoctrination as young as possible with quality educational programs such as gender fluidity, CRT and Drag Queen Story Time. You can take them out of the slums (for a while) but you can;t take the slums out of them.
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I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone,
Here is I started.…………>> https://www.worksful.com
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
I address this to you readers because when Mark wrote: “Rental property in most areas has to be priced for people who are not homeowner material.” he was wrong about the pricing of rents in the USA. I have no experience about other countries. However, I must admit that even in the USA our government is forbidding landlords to evict tenants who do not pay rent.
However, in general the natural economical law of supply and demand sets the maximum rent at which a landlord can ask. For it makes no sense for a property to sit (set?) empty and provide NO revenue with which to pay taxes.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
True but by the time the infertility from the eugenics injections begin to have a significant effect on property prices, the game of plunder the goy will be over. Just as Russia was plundered, starting with the Bolshevik (Zionist Jew) Revolution and finished with the “piratazation” by half Jew Putin and his Jew oligarchs, then codified and made all “legal” by the Harvard team led by Jew Larry Summers, the same banking cartel has finished off the middle class here and is now consolidating its plunder. Real estate values will be a non issue to the great mass of serfs who own nothing and are counting energy credits in the Neo- Feudal world of Agenda 2030-21.
Hello Jerry
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Hello Jerry:
I don’t know about where you are but in most areas if a landlord pays too much for rental property, by the time he figures in taxes, and maintenance he will end up having to raise rents more than most renters are willing to pay. At that point the potential renters can go put the money in a house.
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Herb, that’s what the millions of replacements flooding across our southern border are for.
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Shouldn’t the Anti-Trust Laws expand into ownership?
Something like the above mentioned investment corps should have been splintered into hundreds of pieces.
(I don’t have the clout to worry about driving a convertible in Dallas, TX 😉
Cheers, JaKo
Jerry Krause
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Hi JaKo,
I have going through all my old essays to decide which ones need to be thrown away. But this one was brief so I decided to run it by you to see if you can understand about I had written; it was titled: Philosophy of Models.
“There are two underlying philosophies toward scientific models which are used to explain and understand natural phenomena. The difference between these philosophies seldom surfaces but when it does it often leads to confrontation and conflict. Everyone agrees a good scientific model (hypothesis or theory) must describe what is observed and hopefully predict possible observations which have not yet been discovered. The difference is that not all agree that the model has to represent the real system.
When this difference surfaces it divides the scientific community into three groups; two of which are small in number and feel strongly on one side or the other of this issue. The much larger third group either are not aware of the issue and conflict or cannot understand the reasons of the strong feelings between the other two groups. If members of the third group become involved in the conflict it is as mediators.
It is not easy to see how a model which does not represent reality (a real system) could predict the behavior of the real system and not be representative of reality. Real debates are usually simplified because one group will readily agree that the system they initially define which structure their mathematical analysis (the models of conflict always end up as mathematical models and their origin is attempted to be forgotten) have little or no relationship to the real system they are attempting to describe with their mathematical relationships. The other group argues since this is true the first group has not increased our understanding of the phenomenon since we pretty well knew what was happening and what is desired is understanding how or why it is happening. The bottom line to this latter group is that good model must both begin with a realistic model of the system being studied and such a beginning predict the observed behavior of the system.
Since this difference of philosophy is often the object of unprofitable conflict it would seem to be in the interest of science to debate this issue when there are no specific causes on the floor to be argued for or against. It is an issue of importance and most scientists have experienced there is a right way of doing something and the wrong way. Most have commonly experienced the fact that the wrong ways out number the right ways.”
Have a good day, Jerry