Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers
This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players psychologically manipulated us during the Covid-19 crisis.
In this series, I will highlight various dirty tricks and explain why most people fell for them, one per post.
First, a little personal anecdote.
Richard Thaler is a brilliant behavioral economist, Nobel Prize winner, and a major contributor to the “Nudge Theory”, that provided impetus for the infamous UK “Nudge Unit”. His work on human decision making and cognitive biases was groundbreaking and, in part, helped governments worldwide to hypnotize most people into taking “Covid Vaccines”.
Richard Thaler, around 1999, also taught my favorite class “Decision Making”. He was my favorite professor at the University of Chicago, where I was an MBA student. He taught us a lot about ways that exist to hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions — as well as how we can use these manipulations to our own advantage in business.
What I learned in that class was helpful throughout my entire life, affected many investment and business decisions, helped me convert prospects to paying customers, avoid several stockmarket crashes, and much more. This same decision making class possibly saved my life, because it made me able to recognize and resist Covid vaccine propaganda and manipulation. Prof. Thaler ended up on the wrong side of history, supporting Covid vaccine propaganda and the nudge units, but his teachings made me able to recognize manipulation, and resist it.
Thinking about that made me appreciative of people who never took any such class, often had no formal education, and yet they made the right choice instinctively. These people, many of whom are my readers, are worthy of admiration, if for no other reason than remarkable independence of thinking and a clear mind in a very confusing, dangerous, and rapidly shifting situation.
My future posts will go through various psychological manipulation concepts and how they were applied, by shady actors and co-opted governments, and how they affected each of us.
The Asch Experiment
“All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective. ”
That was enough to get most people vaccinated. Except that anyone could ask two questions:
- How can I know that all experts agree, if those disagreeing are not allowed to speak up?
- How can anyone know that “Covid vaccine” is safe and effective, if no time actually passed to ensure that?
Finally, someone with just a bit of knowledge could also ask a question, “are you sure that it is safe and effective, if no coronavirus vaccine ever worked, and no mRNA product was ever approved”?
The Asch Experiment, conducted by Solomon Asch, found out that most people, when seeing a “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is fairly obviously false, actually ends up agreeing with those false opinions just because everyone else seems to think so.
The experiment was originally set up with eight persons, only one of whom was an experimental subject, and the rest were actors. These stooges, who the subject thought were other subjects, were all asked the same question, to which they gave an obviously wrong answer. The subject, who did not know he was the only real subject, was to speak up last.
It turned out that subjects of this experiment, seeing a consensus of seven smartly dressed men, would end up giving the same (obviously incorrect) answer as the stooges. This conformance experiment literally was a clever way to make people hold and express obviously false opinions.
This experiment was repeated many times, and in the most skillfully conducted experiments, they got 62.5 percent of subjects to agree with obvious nonsense at least once.
Oddly enough, vaccination rate in the US on Sep 1, right before federal vaccine mandates started, was 62.3 percent. Vaccination was running out of steam, just as Delta was showing that vaccines were not really “effective”.
It is at this time, on September 2, Richard Thaler concluded that “a nudge is not enough”.
Seeing a slowdown and a dip in confidence, vaccinators realized that they need to do more than mere manipulation with fake “expert opinion”. Vaccine mandates and hate propaganda supplanted “nudges” to drive vaccination forward. That will be discussed in other posts.
We literally lived through a worldwide Asch experiment. Every newspaper, TV station, every YouTube recommended video, kept telling us how the vaccine was “safe and effective” and how “all experts agree”. We were constantly force fed these “expert opinions” nonstop.
Enormous efforts were spent to silence “misinformation”. Why? Because Solomon Asch found out that any expression of disagreement — lack of consensus — immediately kills compliance:
Regarding mRNA “Covid vaccines”: anyone who would think for a minute, would realize that there was not a way to know for sure that vaccines were safe and effective, simply because not enough time has passed. Similarly, anyone could see that the masterminds behind the lockdowns and vaccinations, the billionaires behind the scenes, and the corrupt governments, all ensured that any dissent would be silenced. Thus, the purported consensus did not, in fact, exist at all.
The minority of people saw through that, decided accordingly, and refused vaccination. Who was that? You, my readers. What made you decide this? I am sure that there were just as many reasons as people here. The main factor is that you all took a few minutes to think about it critically. You were independently minded and decided to think for yourselves.
- Was it your general distrust of the government?
- Was is your deep knowledge of virology and molecular biology?
- Was it your experience with wheeling and dealing, exposure to scams and knowing how con men operate?
- Was it your ability to think independently without needing people to agree with you?
Even those who took the shots, and saw the light later, are critical thinkers. What is important is seeing the light — not necessarily the timing of when you saw the light.
To those who survived The Global Asch Experiment, congratulations. Please share what made you hold out, below — Why did you NOT get the shot?
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Saeed Qureshi
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@ “Please share what made you hold out, …”
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distrust of government, and thinking independently
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I was catastrophically damaged by a pharmaceutical and now I do not trust anything that pharmaceutical giants try to sell us.
In addition, like Frank above, I exercise discernment. Scripture states “those who by reason of use have their senses trained to discern both evil and good.” I constantly run everything through the discernment God has given me.
Russ D
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Name a product that blames its failure on those who don’t use it?
Let me help the Liberal STUPID………….VACCINES!!!!
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I wouldn’t call them liberal, as that term has been entirely bastardized. I’d just call them indoctrinated cretins (whether republicans or democrats, both having something in common, neither is either conservative or liberal).
Obviously ever vaccine ever is based on fraud, pasteur methodology is backwards, framing misinterpreted results as causes to attack with toxins (an attack on the body) for an industry that relies on belief and sickness.
Anyway here’s an article from late 2020 about those vaccines.
“UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong said 25-50% of 75,000 patients involved in the Pfizer and Moderna trials experienced some side effects. Fifteen percent of them were more serious and needed more than a day to recover.
“It’s your body’s immune system trying to get activated because it’s seeing this new thing and the way that it gets activated is the way you’re feeling which is inflammation,” Chin-Hong said. “The virus is not in the vaccine, this vaccine is completely infection-free.””
I just keep on mentioning how “science” that sounds. Paraphrasing “The thing with the toxins has no virus, but it causes inflammation, which is associated with disease.”
Jerry Krause
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Hi Alcheminister,
“lib·er·al | ˈlib(ə)rəl |
1 willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas: they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.
• (in a political context) favoring policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare. Often contrasted with conservative (sense 2 of the adjective): she is under attack from the right wing for making her own liberal political views known | the strategy was to portray the press as members of a liberal elite | they favor liberal ideologies over conservative ones.
• Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
2 relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise: a liberal democratic state.
3 (Liberal) relating to a Liberal party or (in the UK) the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberal leader.
4 given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.
• (of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine.
5 (of education) concerned with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training: the provision of liberal adult education | a liberal arts university.
6 (especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact: they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.
1 a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare. Often contrasted with conservative (noun): are we dealing with a polarization between liberals and conservatives? | Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented from the decision, joined by the court’s liberals.
2 a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise: classical liberals emphasized the right of the individual to make decisions, even if the results dismayed their neighbors or injured themselves.
3 (Liberal) a supporter or member of a Liberal party or (in the UK) the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberals are looking to defend a seat in Tuebrook and Stoneycroft” (New Oxford American Dictionary)
No mention of the need of RULES OF LAW.which prevent Anarchy. “an·ar·chy | ˈanərkē |
1 a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems: he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy.
2 the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.” ((New Oxford American Dictionary)
Have a good day, Jerry
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I love this! Facts and Rule of Law should be the basis of the truth. Thank you!
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From the very start of the vax rollout there was more than enough science available proving the danger of the vaxxes and some of it right here at this site. Refusing to read or even believe something that did not fit the “narrative” shows how intellectually deficient the majority truly are.
Allan Shelton
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I am not an anti-vaxxer.
I am a Covid -19 mRNA gene therapy; Experimental “vaccine” anti-vaxxer.
There were insufficient time trials 5/10 years.
I remember Thalidomide. That was a disaster.
The more the Government put on the pressure to get the shot; the more I was convinced NOT to get the shot.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Shelton:
I see the preface “I am not an anti vaxxer” all the time. Stop being an obsequious simp for the big Pharma medical control fraud. Read Suzanne Humphries MD book “Dissolving Illusions” where she shows the entire history of the fake :”vaccine” program from the very begging, using only public data. No one ever got immunity from anything by injecting contaminated tissue sample garbage into their blood stream.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark and PSI Readers,,
Explain to the PSI readers and me how it is you must be critical of what Allan wrote. “Stop being an obsequious simp for the big Pharma medical control fraud.” You with your negativism are trying to control people to be evil as you are being evil.. Do you remember Thalidomide or do you need to quickly Google it to appear ALL KNOWING?
Instead of being critical of what Allan wrote, you could have written: Good comment, Allan!!! As I do: Good comment, Allan!!! For, I don’t have to look up Thalidomide. A molecule which has a mirror image because of its structure. One structure is good and the other is negative.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
You may think Allens comment was good but I think it stupid. First it invokes the usual smear tactic against those who know that the so called “vaccines” do not work. Second his statement that there were inadequate time allowed for the trials. It would not make any difference as to how many fake trials were run or how much rime was accorded to them. The murder by injection “vaccine” graphene oxide program is working just as planned. Actually we know that the criminals behind this program are conducting ongoing trials because ap. 1 out of 200 suckers who get the injection have an adverse reaction. The criminals know which lot numbers are the most dangerous and so instead of shipping those lots to a specific area they are always dispersed over the whole country so as to avoid setting off alarm.. As I have repeated many times on PSI, the graphene oxide injection is not a mistake but the culmination of years of calculated nefarious biological planning. There can be no other conclusion. Jerry, I have known about Thalidomide for years. That drug disaster probably was a mistake but all those pregnant dumbass women should have been more careful.
Improper drugs and procedures are at least the third biggest cause of death in this country. It is really a testimony to how “medicalized” the livestock have become because of the germ theory pathogenic nonsense that everyone is taught from the MSM, and public indoctrination centers from a very early age. The government has no business being involved in health care. It is an individual matter as to what medical treatment to seek, if any. The government is no more concerned about the populations health than I am with a soccer game in Bulgaria. It is just another way for the Zionist criminals to plunder the sheep while scamming billions of dollars in the process. This should be self evident by now, to even you Jerry. Insurance companies (that are not too afraid) are reporting an increase in all cause mortality since the graphene oxide injection of ap. 40%. This is absolutely catastrophic. And this is in a country that in the 1800’s had so little heart (myocardial infarction) disease and diabetes, both of which are rampant today that they were not even statistically significant. Cancer rates were very low as well and Macular degeneration that is widespread today was unheard of. It is time for the sheep to get the government and its deadly allopathic “health care” racket off their backs and out of their pockets. There will always be some establishment patsies like you Jerry to cheer on the criminal syndicate but the fake virus, fake test and fake vaccine has finally woken up quite a few of the sleeping sheep.
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Your arguments are valid, sir. Just remember, it’s hard to get a “take” on a person’s beliefs based on a few comments. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just not their own facts. Keep up the good work, sir!
Saeed Qureshi
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Allan Shelton:
I responded to your comment and posted it on my blog, considering visitors to my site may also benefit from the posting. I hope you will find my comment helpful. (
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\m/ Good post.
And I like spamming this:
Dave Buchanan
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Knowledge of Agenda 21 and a ‘knowing’.
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Basically the agenda 21/30 with me too
I remember Vox mentioning the agenda (obnoxious guy, but he was spot on with that one) Researching like crazy in feb/march 2020, reading and listening to REAL doctors and not the plastic version on TV
I also knew of ‘prof’ Ferguson’s crap prophesies in the past
Mark Tapley
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Hello Itsme:
Vox was the first one in 2014 to expose the Rockefeller documents in 2012, laying out the exact scenario of the current fake virus with it even even beginning in China. Also in 2012 Robert (((Koch))) (2nd richest family in Jewmerica) held the first “pre pandemic:” meeting and all the Zionist controlled countries had their fake PCR tests ordered in 2018, long before anyone had heard of the fake virus. Per inventor Kary Mullis “died” 3 months before Covid 19 was sprung. He had exposed Fauci back in the 80’s on the phony AIDS virus that was the precursor for the covid 19 scam.
Frank S.
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I appreciate the author’s sentiments about ‘free will’, where, in this critical epoch, Descartes’ axiom, “I think, therefore I am”, takes on life or death consequences. Yet personally, I give all credit to God’s guidance. He advised me against getting the vax. Bless You Abba!
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I was catastrophically damaged by a pharmaceutical and now I do not trust anything that pharmaceutical giants try to sell us.
In addition, like Frank above, I exercise discernment. Scripture states “those who by reason of use have their senses trained to discern both evil and good.” I constantly run everything through the discernment God has given me.
Ken Hughes
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Although I started off wearing a mask shopping and wiping down the items, I was enlightened by the obvious scam that was going on regarding recording deaths on death certificates. This was quickly reinforced by researching the PCR test, what it was and what it wasn’t. That’s what did it for me. After that, in the summer of 2020, I saw through practically all of it.
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Since the author asked, my response is that I’m very lucky as I don’t happen to be colour blind. From the very start of the scam huge red flags were waved and concluding people were being manipulated wasn’t difficult for anyone who wished to see. What was astonishing was the numbers who couldn’t see the red flags which just shows how powerful propaganda and the wish to conform can be.
I am impressed by the women that stood firm and avoided the jab, they faced far more pressure than the men. Why, because (I believe) women are genetically predisposed to conform with the group and no I don’t have supporting evidence. However, until recent times the lives of women were difficult enough with the support of other women in the community. Outside of that support structure it was next to impossible so going against the group takes a fair amount of courage.
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Btw, in America, apparently, those most skeptical about vaccines happen to be African Americans or Hispanic.
I wonder if indoctrination and subjugation has anything to do with the high vax acceptance among the “privileged” and “educated”?
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Mark Tapley
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Hello Alcheminister:
When the NAACP was established in 1908 by International banker and Rothschild associate Jacob Schiff, the negroes in the U.S. were doing well as a whole, with families almost as stable as whites and steady jobs. This situation had to be changed to create racial division. Several race baiters were brought in including W.E Dubois, and Obama’s real father Frank Marshal Davis (see Dreams of My Real Father) which led up to the so called “civil rights mov” which was all run by Zionist Jews with their negro proxy warriors in order to get more government control. For this scenario to work, it was necessary to alienate the negro from the establishment by convincing them that they had been discriminated against and held back. They needed affirmative action and minority set asides and even reparations. This has in effect isolated many of them as a group (which was the intention) and has continued to get worse with lots of help from the Jew MSM and “entertainment.”.
Negroes in the U.S. commit far more violent crimes than whites and in many areas account for 90% of gun crime. This is part of the plan to demoralize and destabilize society. Many negroes see the vaccines as part of the white establishment they have been taught to hate. Especially the lower socio-economic sectors which look at everything as “whats in it for me.” Lots of the more educated whites, on the other hand discarded the many warning signs of the typical gov. psy op. and did not want to be stigmatized as an “anti vaxxer” so they lined up like a bunch sudo sophisticated cucks.
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If science can’t be questioned it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. They want to rip on people for taking Ivermectin. I researched and saw the evidence on the internet. Research papers are on the internet for those who wants to see. Top respected world doctors are being under defamation by MSM and vaccine manufacturers. I won’t back down recommeding IVM. You can get yours by visiting
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The fact that it was an experimental technology lead me to ask more questions.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Dan:
The so-called experimental technology, such as the mRNA, spike protein, has never been proven. All of that hype, just like all the fake flu numbers, call for ventilators, fake medical tents in Central Park, antiquated “hospital ship” and fake PCR test were just part of the scam to cover up the fact that there is no virus.