Vaccine Deaths Climb As Corrupt Media Stays Silent
Image: The Guardian
What Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Fauci, Biden, Soros, Obama, Gates and the rest of these snakes don’t want you to know is the real data about the MRNA injection being falsely referred to as a ‘vaccine’.
They want you to give it to your kids, so that the world’s population will continue to decrease, your sons and daughters will bleed unexpectedly and become tragically infertile if they make it. If they don’t die after getting injected. They don’t want you to know that, and that’s why they hide real data. Real verifiable and scary information that will harm or kill your children if it’s not shared with the world.
Documented cases that prove that we aren’t conspiracy theorists losing our mind, ingesting drugs or wearing tinfoil hats, but that we are onto them and we care about our fellow Americans, even if we can only identify them as:
VAERS ID: 1166062-1; 5 months old: Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020 while at work. March 18, 2020 her 5 month old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed, blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP. No known allergies. No new exposures aside from the mother’s vaccination the previous day.
VAERS ID: 1199455-1; 17 years old: Patient reported difficulty breathing and chest pain; suffered cardiac arrest and death
VAERS ID: 1218081-1; 17 years old: From Post mortem report from Hospital: when on 4/10/21, she was in the process of self catheterization and began experiencing difficulty breathing and chest pain. Shortly after she collapsed and was not breathing. EMS arrived and found her apneic and in pulseless electrical activity. Resuscitation began and continued upon arrival to the ED. Aside from a short period of returned pulses, she remained in PEA despite an estimated 45-50 minutes of resuscitation. She died at 11:20am on 4/10/21. – Directly from Pathology report 4.12.21
VAERS ID: 1225942-1; 16 years old: Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use. Labs have since confirmed absence of Factor V leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. Patient declared dead by neurologic criteria 3/30/21.
VAERS ID: 1242573-1; 15 years old: Vaccinated with Pfizer/Biontech, died 04/20/2021, 2 days after vaccination
VAERS ID: 1243516-1; 16 years old: Hemodynamic collapse at home. Persistent cardiac arrest requiring ECMO. Event believed secondary to pulmonary embolism. Death by neurologic criteria.
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With the TTP aspect, fresh frozen plasma may be a consideration for treatment. TTP is caused by ADAMTS13 gene deficiency, and this effects the Von Willebrand Clotting Factor. VW is a zinc complex and is found in fresh frozen plasma therapies, so maybe this could help. Taking zinc may also help to assist the VW factors that do exist. The signs and symptoms of TTP include neurological dysfunction, seizures and stroke, which seem to be common in the adverse effects list.
Adam and the number 13 being in the name of the gene affected is a bit weird.
Mark Tapley
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Only ap. 1% of deaths and other adverse reactions are reported. Unless the injected dies within 15 minutes it is usually not reported. The long planned fake virus with the fake PCR test were preceded by several other fake pathogens including the AID’s “epidemic, H1N1, Swine “flu” from which Fouci’s “vaccinations” cause over a hundred deaths and thousands of cases of permanently reoccurring narcolepsy, and Zika in which thousands of pregnant women’s children were born retarded with other severe defects.
Since viruses have never been shown to exist, the spike protein is a theoretical abstraction. The only thing we know for sure is that the GMO type technology has never worked with people and that all of this dystopian vaccine agenda has been going one now for over a hundred years now since the Rockefeller’s (Levinson) set up their allopathic mafia run by Simon Flener.
The fake virus has proven to be a very valuable tool by the Zionists in order to induce fear in the livestock by just using a campaign of an invisible imaginary pathogen. It is working to indue the goyim to give up their liberties and continue trudging down the road to perdition.
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Interesting that you mention HIV. There is talk that HIV genes are found in the synthetic pathogen (vaccine), and HIV happens to be one the the triggers for Inherited TTP. The article mentions the 5 month old having TTP, and its unlikely that the infant developed the acquired syndrome by 5 months. Maybe there is a connection.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Wisenox:
I believe it was on PSI that the video of the two Italian vaccine researchers was posted. I believe they said that out of 90 different “vaccines” from all the different manufactures, only one was not contaminated. It was for veterinarian use. All the others were heavily contaminated with foreign proteins and metals (nano particles).
The microbiologist Andrew Wakefield said that the mRNA-DNA technology has been experimented with since the 60’s and it has always been shown to set off a cascade of unpredictable reactions. He said that this chemotherapy injection is liable to trigger latent gene expression (mutations) that the normal immune system keeps permanently suppressed. You know that we all have some genes that are activated and many that are not, for good reason. This may be one reason for the TTP.
From what I have read the main key to a long and healthy life is to keep inflammation low. This can be done by adequate exercise, rest, control of stress and eating a diet and in such a routine and manner as to reduce the stimulation of insulin which is not only the fat storage hormone but is of it self highly inflammatory. What does a “vaccine” do but cause inflammation? Not just with foreign proteins and other impurities but most also contain aluminum neurotoxins that are highly reactive and will even cross the blood brain barrier. All of this explains why “vaccines” have never worked. If they were so effective there would not have been any need for the medical racket, political puppets, “health” agencies, MSM and big Pharma to promote these bio weapons while covering up the “vaccine” trail of destruction now for over a hundred years.
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I’m taking diatomaceous earth and zeolite for a month to try clearing any aluminum I can. I also started taking superoxidase dismustase, which is an internal antioxidant that is depressed by aluminum. The oxidative stress and free radicals cause a lot of problems in the body, including inflammation. I also take d3, tocotrienols, and a daily vitamin designed for bodybuilders.
I do have to say, it seems like my head has been clearer and I feel more energetic.
Andrew Pilkington
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We find B12 is pretty good for clearer thoughts. Trouble is, Big Pharma candy tends to do the opposite. But, that’s Life, I guess 🙂
Mark Tapley
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Recommend Benjamin Bikman book “Why We Get Sick.” Explains the root cause of modern disease. He explains insulin resistance and how it leads to metabolic syndrome and chronic disease. Explains insulin, glycogen, glucogon, ketones, brown fat, saturated and poly unsaturated fats, and how the macro nutrients are used in the body and how they all work in relation to each other.
We have been lied to by not just the food industry but by the government from the days of Ancil Keys and his phony lipid hypothesis to the Mc Govern commission’s disastrous low fat scam. From whole grains and the phony food pyramid to veganism originally an offshoot of the medical nut case Kellogg and his association with the Seventh Day Adventists. Bikman also has lots of very well done videos.
Treatment for aluminum toxicity:
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Silica, from the link you posted, is why I use diatomaceous earth. You get a large bag of food grade powder, and only use 1-2 teaspoons mixed in water a day. Mild chalk texture and no real taste to it.
The zeolite I use has pores on the surface in which aluminum particles can get adsorbed. The aluminum causing lipid peroxidation onnthe RBCs is a problem because of antioxidant suppression (SOD), and the massive flood of reactive carbonyl compounds pounding the system as free radicals. I supplement antioxidants to counter that. Its all a long shot, but what else can we do? I feel like I have to try something.
Andrew Pilkington
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In a recent UK Column Interview, Brian Gerrish spoke with a Wonderful and Extremely Brave NHS Nurse Whistleblower who stated that some other Nurses tend not to keep records of patients who attend A&E (ER) with symptoms related to these Death Jabs.
We are also told that less than 1% of Adverse Reactions get reported to VAERS and MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.
But we have ALL been Sold to Big Pharma for them to do with us what they will. So why not do some Frankenstein Experiments on their recent Livestock acquisition, from our Sell Out Corporate Governments? They want us dead anyway.
That’s my point (eventually 🙂 ), that as they are performing Experiments, especially on Live Human Meat, surely they would be watching out for any mention of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and / or related Deaths and keep very detailed records?
Those details are certainly not on VAERS or Yellow Card?
Or, they’re just doing it for a crack, to see how much damage they can cause because Heaven knows, that the way these Psychopaths keep moving the Goal Posts, they’ve got to be taking the piss out of us on purpose? Probably to Wake as many people as possible, in order to remove all opposition to their Satanic NWO Great Reset?
Sorry, a little off-track, but all interconnected 🙂
Many thanks. Great article and great comments. All the best.
Klara Poikolainen
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Does the first documented case, have to typo x 2, about the year?
“VAERS ID: 1166062-1; 5 months old: Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020”