Vaccine Death? Curious Case of the Fainting Nurse
You probably saw it. A young Tennessee nurse on live TV takes a COVID-19 vaccine shot and passes out within seconds. Thereafter, stories emerged that she had died from complications. Counter stories denounce such ‘fake news’ because the nurse, Tiffany Dover, re-appeared in a brief video at work. Or did she? Now come claims of a stand in ‘body double.’
Erica Diaz Mendoza Loa picks up the story at
“Located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Memorial Hospital is the hospital where Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover, 30, works or worked as a nurse manager. The rumor claiming that she is dead is still alive.
Dover was one of the six medical staff members who received the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine from Pfizer on December 17, 2020. Around 17 minutes after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, she fainted while speaking to the media.
Shortly after, Dover recovered and told the media people that she has a condition called Vasovagal Syncope. After this, nothing was heard of her.
Vaccine supporters and doubters alike took to social media to ask about Dover’s condition days after her vaccination. She did not reply to any of the inquiries making people speculate that she has died.
While some of those who were asking were merely nosy, others were genuinely concerned about Dover’s condition disregarding the dispute about the effectiveness of the vaccine. If she is truly alive, she just ignored all the questions and concerns about her.
Whether that is Dover’s choice or she is forced to keep quiet is still a mystery. Unfortunately, antivaxxers are using her silence as a proof that the vaccine is dangerous.
To calm people down, CHI Memorial Hospital took to Twitter on December 20, 2020 to confirm that Dover is alive. The statement was not enough to convince people so the hospital released a 21-second video with 21 people wearing face masks.
The video starts with a woman who appears to be Dover. Instead of answering questions, it resulted to more questions.
Is she really Dover? Is she a body double wearing a face mask?Â
After the speculation claiming that Dover is dead is another disturbing speculation. CHI Memorial Hospital is being accused of using one of their employees as a body double for Dover.
The suspected body double is Amber Lynn Dietz Honea, 30, a critical care unit (CCU)/ intensive case unit (ICU) nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital. She was also born in 1990 just like Dover.
Forget about the nosy people. Forget about those who are debating about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Consider the people who are genuinely concerned about the condition of a nurse who is also a mother of two.
This is a lose-lose situation for CHI Memorial Hospital. If Dover died after her vaccination, whether or not it was caused by her vaccination, shame on them for not telling the truth. If she is still alive, shame on them for messing with the minds of the people by not giving an unquestionable proof that the nurse is not dead.”
Hard to disagree with the author. If the nurse is alive then surely put these silly rumors to bed once and for all will a media follow up with her speaking to the press (without mask). The explanation for her fainting is the known pre-existing medical condition that causes her to faint at times of stress. What troubles me is, if she has such an existing medical condition, why would she be chosen to be the ‘public face’ in this hospital’s vaccine promotion?
About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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Tom O
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Can’t agree with you more, John. In a world where we are consistently being shown staged events such as the person being vaccinated but not actually getting one, to watching VP Pence being vaccinated where it takes less than a second for the needle to be plunged into his arm and the plunger pushed all the way down, we are shown “events” that can only raise questions, not answer them. Showing me someone that “looks” like someone but because they have a mask on, you can’t be sure, doesn’t answer anything, it only makes a wary person even more suspicious. The only thing that removes the mantle of suspicion about staged events is demonstrations of honesty.
Just like the changing mantra of COVID – everything can get back to normal when we get a vaccine, and now you are told that getting vaccinated against it doesn’t mean you can’t catch it, so it still isn’t possible to get back to normal. This leaves me with this one big question – Other than someone making a profit, what is the purpose of a vaccine that isn’t going to protect you from catching a virus?
Jerry Krause
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Hi John,
Thank you for being one of the few (beside Trump) who is REALLY TRYING (WORKING) to bring some sanity to our world!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, guys. So called vaccine hesitancy is fast becoming the new pandemic. People just aren’t persuaded that the benefits of the jab outweigh the risks when 99.8 percent of the unvaccinated already survive the alleged deadly virus.
E. Nichols
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Hi John,
I agree with you wholeheartedly, why in the world would anyone even suggest a vaccine is necessary in light of the survivability statistics? Clearly this is a campaign of deception and never has been about public health, science, or truth! Thank you John for your commitment to truth and integrity in science.
Zoe Phin
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What is indeed the point of this vaccine?
A money-making placebo?
Does this vaccine contain remote readable serial number id tracking ability?
Christian Loosli
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They should only vax the resting 0,2%, would be safer for humanity. Thanks so much!
Mark tapley
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With a Fauci’s track record of lies, obfuscation, fraud, vaccine injuries and deaths ever since they invented the phony AIDS hoax and then the series of fake viruses escalating to the pinnacle of medical fraud now in covid 19 he is the perfect point man for the Zionist syndicate and their goal of nonstop fake medical intervention to move the herd into agenda 2030-21.
John O'Sullivan
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E.N. Thank you!
Zoe Phin
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Nice, john. I can’t help but think they can still escape from this …
If she’s dead or alive, they’ll just claim she had late stage COVID19, and the she unfortunately took it too late. That’s why you need a shot ASAP!
cathleen anderson
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This troubles me too, John, ” if she has such an existing medical condition, why would she be chosen to be the ‘public face’ in this hospital’s vaccine promotion?” I’d also add, why would she be allowed to be a nurse in the first place? It’s a stressful job, everyday she would be fainting.
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Here is a video that goes into more detail on whether Tiffany is Dead or Alive.
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Here is a video that goes into more detail on whether Tiffany is Dead or Alive.
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Hi John O’Sullivan.
I note one of the people inside the capitol was a revolutionary Trump hater by the name of John Sullivan.
If you are uncomfortable with this and wish to change your name by deed poll you are welcome to use a couple of names I use.
In fact Zoe would think it “cute” if your name was WhoKoo O’Moffin.
Have a great year John.
Kind Regards. Matt