Vaccine Carnage In The ER, a nurse speaks out

This Queensland nurse is so courageous and authentic.

Although we are awake to the genocide agenda.. it’s another level to listen to her describe the first hand experience of working in the current medical, corrupt nightmare.

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Comments (2)

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    Russ D


    There are also three types of people when Mass Psychosis are in progress;

    Those who believe the propaganda (People Stalin referred to as “Useful Idiots” who believe the propaganda)
    Those who don’t believe but are too fearful to speak up for fear of being ridiculed. (Thos commonly referred to as Cowards)
    Those who know the propaganda is a lie and speak up regardless of the cost.

    Group 1 is obviously Liberals/Demonrats who believe the LIES their government and media tell them……..Liberals have NO critical thinking skills i.e. they CANNOT think Logically and Rationally.

    Group 2 is Independents and Conservatives who quietly and fearfully comply. They are followers and not leaders and do not wish to make waves.

    Group 3 is people like me/mature Christians and some Conservatives who have critical thinking skills. We SEE the LIES…..We SEE the Propaganda and WE SPEAK OUT. We are Leaders/Warriors and are NOT scared to speak the truth. We will ALWAYS expose the LIES and we will ALWAYS speak the Truth………WE ARE THE ONES Liberals/Socialists and Communists have to silence


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    Warren Klein


    I live in Queensland Australia ?? and know of a respiratory specialist who worked at the local hospital, refused the vaccines and was sacked last November. He had been treating vaccine injured and knew they weren’t safe and effective. The bit I don’t understand is why haven’t we heard of vaccine injuries to the politicians and health authorities who were daily promoting and mandating the vaccines.


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