Vaccinated people are dangerous – Should be Quarantined

The UK Column was able to interview former European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization at the World Health Organization (Vice President) Professor Christian Perronne last August where he specified that COVID-19 policy is “completely stupid”.

Professor Perrone is one of France’s most highly rated experts in infectious diseases and long-time vaccine policy chief. He is being censored and criticized despite his knowledge in the field of viral diseases and vaccines.

Read his profile via UK Column:

Professor Perronne is Head of the Medical Department at Raymond Poincaré Hospital in Garches, the teaching hospital for the University of Versailles-St Quentin near Paris. He was the University’s Head of Department for Infectious and Tropical Diseases from 1994 onwards but was fired from that position a few months ago. He is a Fellow of France’s biomedical research center of world standing, the Institut Pasteur, from which he graduated in bacteriology and virology and where he served as Deputy Director of the National Reference Centre for Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria until 1998.

He has chaired many top-level health committees, including the French Specialist Committee for Communicable Diseases, and the High Council on Public Health (French acronym: HCSP), which advises the government on public health policy and vaccination policy. He is not anti-vaccine and indeed wrote France’s vaccination policy for many years, as well as presiding over the National Consultation Group on Vaccination, also known as the Technical Committee on Vaccination (CTV).

Professor Perronne was also the Vice-President of the European Advisory Group to the World Health Organisation. At the national level in France, he has chaired the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Teaching College (CMIT), the Infectious Diseases Federation (FFI, which he co-founded), the High Council for Public Hygiene (CSHP), and the National Medical and Healthcare products Safety Agency (ANSM, previously AFSSAPS), which evaluates the health risks of medicines and is France’s sole regulator of biomedical research. Until 2013, he sat on the Scientific Council of the French Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research Institute (IMMI/INSERM).

Despite Professor Perronne’s extensive knowledge and experience of communicable diseases, vaccines, and vaccine policy at the national and governmental levels in France, he was quickly censored for speaking out on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines, their claimed efficacy, and their identifiable risks. In short, he was professionally sidelined, his reputation was attacked and his professional opinions were censored.

His interview last August with the UK Column has gained more attention after last night’s FDA hearing on the booster shots. Here’s an excerpt from his interview:

“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmitted. It’s been proven in different countries so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

Professor Perrone continued by attacking the media on their lies that all the hospitals were full of patients, which is not the case. He said that the “variants” were less and less virulent.

He also shared his view on the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as COVID treatment.

“So for hydroxychloroquine, I agree, but unfortunately there are not many randomized studies. But for ivermectin, there were randomized studies, and now it’s been proven. And in India now, it’s spectacular. In the Indian states where they widely used ivermectin, the success was huge, and in the states of India where they didn’t use ivermectin but they were inoculating with this so-called “vaccine”, it was a catastrophe.

If you look at the world news, there’s a woman who was at a high level in the WHO, who’s Indian, and now she’s on trial in India because she said that ivermectin was not useful and was toxic and so on.

To think that ivermectin is toxic is completely stupid: hundreds of millions, maybe billions of people in the world have taken ivermectin for diseases, for filariasis and so on. So it’s a very well-known product. No, it works; it’s completely proven.“

Watch the full interview here

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Bold emphasis added

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Comments (7)

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    This reminds me of the Nazi’s requiring the Jews to wear a Yellow Star, and we know how that ended.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Alan,
      I think it is more akin to leprosy in biblical times.


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        Tom O


        Good one, Herb. I think too many people like to try to bring Nazi Germany up when what is happening right now has nothing to do what happened back then. We are looking at something that is full spectrum population destruction, not the targeting of a particular group of people. The concentration camps were one thing, but the world has been turned into a concentration camp, and the only exit from it is to “take the jab.” And then they find out that they are still in it. Let Germany rest. Every time someone brings it up, it only makes things worse for people that had nothing to do with their past, just like the US and slavery, bringing up the past is only intended to project it into the future as if it is somehow ingrained in the people.


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          Andrew Pilkington


          Hi Tom.
          They never lost the War and they are involved, but, let’s say they are not.
          Point being that History is repeating itself and the atrocities now, are following the same track, but this time on Steroids.
          Whatever word people use to describe the people behind Covid, Climate Change, the 4th Industrial Revolution 4th Reich?) and the Great Reset, our Priority now, has got to be stopping the bastards from injecting our Children. God only knows how miserable our efforts were, at Protecting the Elderly.
          We CANNOT fail again, they are injecting more and more kids by the minute, as it is.
          We obviously have to concentrate on bringing the bastards to Trial. So History MUST be allowed to repeat in regard to the Nuremberg Trials. Another Nazi-related term that’s gathering more momentum.
          So the Sadistic Satanic Corporate Criminal Nazi Cabal Governments of Occupation Mafias, must be stopped at all costs, by whatever means, but preferably Peaceful, as soon as possible if not earlier.
          Max Igan made a valid point (he does that a lot), that for people to be likening the Globalist Terrorist Criminals to “Nazis”, is fine because it shows people are waking up and seeing connections and we should sort out those naming problems at a later date.
          Besides that, Tom. The Holocaust taking place right now, is going to dwarf what happened back then, on a Worldwide scale and, the Jews in Israel are making the exact same connections, as their Jewish (& Muslim? Forgive my ignorance) Leaders Murder their own.
          No one is dis-respecting what happened back in World War II, we’re just trying to Stop it happening again. “Lest we forget”.


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    I think most of the non-injected, like myself, are well protected by natural immunity and exposure to the virus(es) at some point in the last 20 months. Natural immunity is far greater than anything these mRNA injections can offer…which is pretty much zilch.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Great article. If only most people wanted to know.
    Seen the video of the High Court Judge reprimanding the Thug Police who were intend on harming innocents. Shame it’s not in English, but the video has Subtitles.
    Now that was refreshing to see 🙂

    And, now this is worthy of being a good article 🙂 Just watched an update by retired PC Mark Sexton, re-uploaded to Brand New Tube, by “Angel Realm”, which I feel Everyone will appreciate seeing. He speaks of attending a meeting down London, near Parliament, involving a High ranking Conservative Minister and numerous very well Experienced Professionals, from around the World, putting their points across, to get these mRNA Experiments Stopped with immediate effect, pending independent investigations.

    Race ya, to share it 😛
    Need to hear what Mark says for yourselves, as there’s more to it.
    All the best.


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    “Hydroxychloroquine is bad, really bad. Don’t take it.” If Trump had said that instead of calling it a game changer, HCQ would be mandated by now.


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