Vaccinated people are being TRACKED in real time

A Russian hacker found a database that shows covid vaccinated people’s info, vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, sleep status and more. This data is being uploaded in real time directly from the vaccinated person via 5G towers.

Think of it as a smart watch (Garmin, Fitbit, etc.) inside your body, tracking your vital signs and GPS location at all times.

How Are Covid Vaccinated People Being Tracked?

  • A test subject is injected with the Covid “vaccine” containing nano gel
  • The Covid Vaccine contains nanotech, complete with processor and transmitter (you are the transmitter)
  • Nanotech collects data on your vital signs and GPS location
  • Transmitter transmits subject’s data via 5G towers to servers (computers with massive databases)
  • Massive databases are kept with all data of all Covid vaccinated people / guinea pigs / test subjects

If you remember back to 2020, 5G towers were burned to the ground in many areas due to the stories surrounding what the new cell tower technology may be used for.

Covid was NEVER about a virus, it’s about money and power, controlled by Big Pharma and The Deep State.

People who have received the covid vaccine are now being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5G system.

People have become transmitters, transmitting all info about themselves back to the AI receiver.

From the database the Russian hacker exposed that tracks vaccinated people, the exact info of the firmware (version of transmitting software), CPU / processor info and type of mini processor / transmitter that is inside the person is also displayed.

There are microchips this small and nanotech is a real thing. Don’t believe it? Do a search on the internal hardware and how small it is for an Apple Watch or any small device.

20 years ago, would you believe we would have the capability to not only film 4k video on a small screen (smart phone), edit the video and publish it for the world to see, all on the same device?

Imagine the technology in use that we aren’t aware of.

If Vaccinated people are being TRACKED in real time, it’s all starting to add up.

  • Use MSM (Main Stream Media / lying news media) to spread FEAR (Covid)
  • Covid scare creates panic – everyone’s going to die – we’ve never seen a virus like this before
  • People look forward to a cure for something that will kill them all
  • A covid “vaccine” is created in “record time”
  • Covid “vaccine” is untested and not approved but governments push it through by deeming it an EMERGENCY
  • Thousands die after taking covid vaccine
  • Segregation between people on the mask issue
  • People feel pressured to take vaccine for fear of losing their jobs and what others think of them
  • The Covid “vaccine” is used to inject micro tech into test subjects
  • Test subjects are tracked in real time (those who didn’t die from taking the vaccine)

Was the magnets sticking to the arms of vaccinated people at the covid vaccine injection site real? If it is, it could be due to a tracking chip inside your body.

Did the government use COVID as a fear tactic to scare everyone into getting the jab in order to implant tracking chips?

See more here:

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (61)

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    Greg Spinolae


    Now you just need to sprinkle an article with the magic scarewords “nano” (FFFFS!), 5G, etc to get people (already conditioned to a permanent state of fear) to take any old crap seriously.

    Dear PSI editors – by printing unverified conjecture you risk destroying PSI’s credibility.
    By printing unmitigated DRIVEL you make the process certain.


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      See the comment I just added 🙂


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      If it weren’t for the proven lies the Gov’t is making, that the rest of the world is backing away from further vaxxing, that there is a continued pressure for it’s injection into the healthy and the young, if the tech didn’t exist and if the people pushing the vaxx weren’t the same people who have said that something like that should be done, he wouldn’t be getting any traction of this suppositions.

      Just because something sounds too weird to be true doesn’t mean it’s definitely false. There needs to be further research but who to do it that can be trusted?


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        “…Just because something sounds too weird to be true doesn’t mean it’s definitely false…”.

        Click on the “containing nanogel” link to learn more.


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      It’s NOT “unverified conjecture”. You need to learn how to ascertain where the references to the stories you read are located. When you see hyperlinks highlighted in colour, that means it usually takes you to them.

      Click on “containing nanogel” in the second paragraph of the article.


    • Avatar



      Gregg, I could not agree more ! The worst article I have ever read
      on this site. Tracking volks? It can already be done with cell phones.

      And how does one power the “CPU’; how is it kept from fluid;
      how is it kept cooled? It would cost a small fortune. The death
      jabs cost to governmental units are from $28 to $40 bucks.

      Yes, there are numerous reports of nanotech found in the so-called
      vaccine, which are metal.

      Will the editor, please report to the flogging station ! This missive belongs
      on The Onion. Those that believe this, we have deluxe gruel for you.


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      I seen the video my friend. This is not conjecture.


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      I seen the Russian hacker use it on his friend who was sleeping….it gave all his vitals. Plus it collected other vaccinated peoples MAC addresses. That is why your name is associated with LOT numbers …you get a specific number when you sign for your vaccine. If your jabbed just do a MAC addresses scan…go sit in an empty field. Boom…your MAC address will show up..along with your cell phone. Every MAC address is associated with a company………these are not.


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    The author provides no evidence to back up his claims, so for me, it sounds rather like something you’d find in an episode of The X-Files.


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      very old white guy


      Kind of like the “covid” lies???


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        Quite possibly 🙂


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      Keep drinking the cool aid…..


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      neither did the vaxx makers. Well actually they did but it was false. It was believed tho because our government told us so. And Drs and news corps and orgs of the gov’t too. Unfortunately we have gotten info now that says all those folks were paid by our government to say that it was safe and would work when they knew it wouldn’t. Why is that?


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      Evidence WAS provided to back up the claims. If you click on the ( highlighted in red ) link ; “containing nanogel” ( which is what it was placed there for ) you’ll be taken to Dr. Carrie Madej’s article proving it.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Spectrum:
        Dr. Carrie Madej the controlled op who has spun every virus scare story out there including the “variants.” The only thing proven is that the Zionist thugs that run all the governments of any consequence with their Rockefeller founded CDC and big Pharma are running another fake virus scam with the usual assortment of fake stories. Have all of you forgot the great AIDS “epidemic” fake that PCR inventor Kary Mullis exposed as a totally concocted fraud? Covid is just a repackaged version with a new set of fake stories, all designed to push fear and control on the livestock. All the controlled countries had their fake PCR tests ordered back in 2018, long before the fake virus was sprung.


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    I saw Covid is a scam when we were in lockdown all over the world, the was Covid all over the world while in Tanzania the was no Covid 19, the country was operating normally,

    After President Magufuli he saw majority ppl who get tested with test kits from outside Tanzania, he rejected testkits and went to Madagascar to buy herbs and cured a lot of ppl in his country!

    Ever since Tanzania survived,

    They kiddnaped Fang Bin and closed his we chat account to erase facts
    They also kiddnaped Li Zehau to erase facts about covid

    Now in South Africa ANC President Ramamaphosa allowed forced vaccination to be a Safety law in the workplace ?

    Forcing people against their right is safety law in the workplace?


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    Mark Tapley


    I doubt the tracking part since the elite parasites always hype up lots of fake stories. We have seen this with all the fake pathogen narrative going all the way from the 1918 “flu.” I do believe that much if not all of the blood toxin injections in the fake covid19 injections contain graphene oxide and other nano particles. The Spanish researchers (and others) have concluded that the 5G network does activate this industrial chemical at specific frequencies. Since the big mass of injected livestock are domiciled in urban areas , within close proximity to these transmitters, they are at increased risk of this electro-magnetic force. Read Firstenburgs “The Invisible Rainbow.”

    Here is the video on the Tanzanian Pres. debunking the virus and the fake PCR by using coke cola, papaya, motor oil and goat: Soon after he suffered fatal “heart attack.”


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      The people who denigrate this may be thinking of a device doing the tracking from our body. No. Doesn’t have to be that. Look at an rfid. It works by a few very small components needs no power or structure. It absorbs the enervy sent at a certain frequency to energize the ping back which sends a code. A series of bits that is logged (remember how they scrupulously wrote down your covid batch and lot number? Not just for safety but for tracking. Also how fast they find fake batch and lot numbers of fake cards)
      Then the tower sending the signal takes what comes back (just what all phone towers were built to do) and sends those digital bits and the location to a gathering facility and there you have it. I don’t know how difficult it would be for your temp and other info could be added to that ping back but I would assume it’s possible. The idea is simple, the tech is there, whether they managed to create it is the only question and perhaps as some have noted that it’s all a trial run of the tech.

      Once they know for sure it works is when the REAL mandates will come and they’ll be a group of people with armed security. Welcome to the New World Order.


      • Avatar

        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jakee308:
        As far as I know they are not able to track any animals using remote towers detecting nano particles (metals or Graphene in the blood stream). The Zionist MSM propagandists say lots of things. They say they landed men on the moon. They say they have functioning nukes. They say viruses exist and are transmissible. They say there are spike proteins but all they have are the same contaminated tissue sample images Enders had in 1953. They say the non existent viruses have variants which is automatically a lie. That would also rule out AED and any gain of function. If they cannot produce one purified, isolated, verified sample of a real virus then there is no “lab made” virus either but just their “patented” Insilco (imaginary virus). They cannot extract one virus of any origin from any animal or human . Microbiologist Stephan Lanka still has 1.5 million euro’s on the table for anyone who can show the existence of ANY VIRUS to the German Supreme Court.

        The only thing the parasitic elite really have is a program of lies and deception, designed so that the mass of people will be induced by fear to relinquish their most valuable asset. Their God given natural right to live as free people and be left alone by the totalitarian thugs that have grasped the seeings of government and now are determined to make all societies work for their benefit and nothing else.


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      A,men, brother!


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    tony M


    I noticed this information has been published on a ton of “right” websites, and while I do find some very useful information buried in the drivel, note that there isn’t a link to the Russian hacker and his information. That would have given this article perhaps a shred of legitimacy.


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      Yep. It pretty much reeks of conspiracy theory. That doesn’t mean the entire “COVID” thing wasn’t a political scam of monumental proportions – I think it was, and continues to be. But, “nanogel”? Meh…

      I’ll file this stuff with the rest of the looney tunes junk like “chem trails” and “extra-terrestrials”. It’s a brave new world, one in which anyone can write about anything – and there will always be some who take it seriously.


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    Prove this by releasing the database..


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    Yes covid is a fraud to gain power and money.
    Chips sending signals, NO


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    Lamont Cranston


    This is absolutely insane. More garbage for the aluminum foil hat crowd. Looney Tunes from somewhere in a home for the hopelessly idiotic.


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      ellie Mae


      Love your comment. My sister asked me about my tinfoil hat when I made my own TV antennae from hangers and piece of wood after I cancelled my cable. Funny thing is, the antennae worked great! Hahahaha. Thanks for the memories:)


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    This can be tested for with a spectrum analyzer

    If it transmits it can be detected


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      …little more complicated than just analyzing the frequency spectrum. The 5g allotment is huge and one would need to know what frequency activates an implanted chip – such implants have existed for years but whether it was inserted into humans via the injection is still speculation. That said; such technology does exist.
      Further, each chip might need a transponding code needed for activation, so simply knowing it’s frequency might still yield a null result.
      I have several spectrum analyzers but if there is a handheld 5G version I am not aware of it.

      We know there are unexplained nano structures in the injection and this definitely DEMANDS an explanation.


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    Verbal Bomb Chucker


    Glad neither my Wife or I got the “vaccine”. Most of my wife’s family got the “vaccine” and on my side of the family Nobody got the “vaccine.” Guess whose side of the Family has health problems? Hers.

    My wife and I NEVER wore Face Diapers.
    My wife and I NEVER shut down our business.
    My wife and I NEVER did Social Distancing.
    My wife and I WILL NEVER get the WuFlu “Vaccine”.


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    Saint Boris Badenov


    It seems the straight white male hating far far democrat-progressive-socialist green left produces this garbage and then claims it is from the right.

    You’ll always know what the left is getting away with
    by watching what the left is accusing the right of doing.


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      and visa versa


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        Nope. Not so much. As a rule, conservatives find lying, cheating, treachery, deceit, character assassination, yada, yada …. tools of the trade on the left – repugnant. We understand that those behaviors eventually come home to roost, and we do our best to avoid them. For the left, it’s how they roll – they can’t win otherwise. They’ve had no good ideas in decades.


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      That’s ALWAYS been true. Just see what they’re accusing us of, and you instantly know what they’ve been doing all along. It’s how “The Hypocrisy of the Left” came about. And it’s about as pathetic as it gets.


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    The assertions in this article are beyond insane. They are X-Files material.
    Nano technology is about particles that range in size from 1 to 100 nm. The Covid virus is around 0.6 to 1 nm in diameter. The mRNA shots contained 30 mcg of antigen in 0.3ml of normal saline. The core of LNPs contains mRNA, an ionizable cationic lipid, a neutral lipid and water. Lipids are lighter than water so, on average, the density of the vaccine is about the density of water. A cubic centimeter of water masses at 1 gm. The mRNA component volume would be about 3×10^-15 m^3, or 0.32 nm.
    This is MUCH TOO small to contain sensors, detectors and transmitters. Especially the transmitters. If such a signal could be sent through water (it can’t, which is why submarines float antennas to the surface to communicate with distant transceivers) the signal would be so weak the receiver would have to be pressed against the skin or inserted into an artery or vein or into the thoracic cavity. Why? In a word, power. The transmitter would have to have a heat source for power and a heat sink to dump the waste heat. The body is isothermal at 37C. In the blood, muscle or other organs the temperature difference across the transmitter would be in fractions of a degree, rendering the efficiency of such an energy source to be essentially zero. With a 1 degree C difference in temperature across a theoretical nano transmitter the efficiency would be 0.3tenths of 1 percent. How much power would that involve? A fraction of a microwatt. Meanwhile, the heat source would cool down and the heat sink would warm up, further reducing the efficiency during operation. And the analysis gets worse from there.

    But, people with no real or practical training or experience in microelectronics, microbiology and anatomy&physiology will lap this fairy tale up.
    Here is a link to the current state of the art in nano technology used to monitor body activities.
    “Common electrochemical techniques common in sensors include potentiometric, chronometry, voltammetry, impedance measurement, and field effect transistor (FET)”
    In every case signal detection includes devices that are NOT nano in nature.


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      Wrong. I read about a nano-sized electric motor more than 20 years ago, and more recently they developed “building blocks” nano particles, all identical and programmed to join with other building blocks to create a very large macro structure. I doubt those developing such devices have quit doing similar research on nano devices for the insides of humans. RFID technology isn’t necessarily nanotechnology–but it could be. What if nano particles from Covid shots are programmed to combine in specific ways once they are actuated by being inside a person? Your RFID chip is built up within you from nano particles from Covid shots–those could receive and store data collected from within your body, providing a database of info about you. It could also use your body functions to create a data transmitter powered by blood flow or the muscle contractions of your heart, using various light, radio and/or electromagnetic frequencies, and it WOULD be strong enough to transmit to a 5g tower. If you don’t think so, note how far away you can observe all the various frequency-images of humans; that can be MILES away, from infrared to electromagnetic to visual light frequencies or laser reception. All it takes is a carrier energy strong enough to send the data the required distance of a couple miles–say a nano battery charged by blood flow.

      I’ve been in electronics and computer technology most of my adult life, and if you think this technology isn’t at least possible, you are too ignorant of the level of nanotechnology that exists today to offer an informed opinion.


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    If you have a cell phone or smart watch, they can already track you. When people willingly allow themselves to be tracked, there’s no reason to slip something for that purpose into a vaccine. It’s nonsense like this article that allows legitimate concerns to be written off by the mainstream as conspiracy theories.


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    les online


    Crying “Wolf !”
    … But where is the “Wolf” ?
    Are you trying to undermine opponents of the bastards plans for total control ?


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    Only the injected cannot believe this, as they do not want to. Any bluetooth receiving software can show up live injected people. If you don’t believe, it doesn’t matter as it will be undeniable very soon.


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    Hi everybody.

    I came to the same conclusions as this doctor (link),
    but I didn’t do a detailed review.
    I have an old Samsung Galaxy GT I9300, which does not require the installation of a special program for the Bluetooth scanner.. this model works without an installed program!

    So in addition to the standard devices, all of which have their own name, it also records unknown MAC addresses.

    I tried it on the city bus, in the city square.. and in several places where there are more people.

    I didn’t check if there were scanned, unknown MAC addresses from people or their mobile multimedia devices.

    I assumed that it was possible that the old model of the mobile phone does not recognize any new mobile gadgets, but reads the MAC address from them?
    Quite a logical conclusion, however, when I read more detailed studies that people have already conducted, I found out that they came to the conclusion that these unknown MAC addresses were from living people!

    This test is not complicated and can be performed by anyone (who has the time and vaccinated acquaintances), so you, PSI readers, can take a little walk around your place and check if this is gossip or true.

    For new phones, you need to install

    Bluetooth File Scanner

    I don’t think it works on iPhone

    How to install XAPX file on Android?

    Unlike APK files, you can’t just download and install XAPX files to your phone via the default installer. And the APKPure XAPK installer is the easiest way to help you install the APK/KAPK file and manage it directly on Android with one click.

    Download and install the APKPure app on your Android device.
    Go to I > Application Management > Manage APK /KAPK to see the KAPK /APK file.
    Click the Install button to install the XAPK/APK file you need.
    If necessary, enable the Unknown Sources option on the Android device.

    Examples of Bluetooth class definitions:

    Class 0-Different devices

    Class 256-computers and PDAs

    Class 512-Telephones, Modems, Fax Machines

    Class 768 are LAN adapters, routers, and network access points.

    Class 1024-audio / Video devices, headphones, televisions, DVRs, etc.

    Try it and convey your impressions.

    And lest I forget, for the end,

    when a person dies, does their MAC address still live in it?


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    William Waldron


    What most have called conspiracy theories have come true. Read your Bible! The prophecies of the book of revelations are upon us and beginning to happen and reveal themselves. I don’t doubt these occurrences anymore.These things are real and happening.


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      The “New Universal Agenda” could be called the “New Catholic Agenda” as the word “catholic” means “universal.” Pope Francis called the adoption of the New Universal Agenda “an important sign of hope.”

      Psalm 139 verse 14 says –

      I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
      Your works are marvellous and my soul knows it very well.
      My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret
      and skilfully formed in the lowest parts of the earth.
      Your eyes saw my unformed substance,
      And in Your book or Scroll all the days of my life
      were written and engraved before ever they took shape – when as yet there were none of them.

      book or Scroll — DNA


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Hehai:
        The Pope is part of the Agenda. And it is universal. I think however the most accurate term to describe the various parasitic elite at the top of the pyramid is Zionist. No matter what their official political affiliation or purported ideology, at the core they support two things: The strategic geographic bridgehead (cloaked as the “Jewish” homeland) in Palestine and always more government power, regardless of wether they posture from the left or the right. All roads lead to totalitarianism. As to your reference to the puppet pope, just like the other “World leaders” here is what is behind the curtain:


        • Avatar



          Hello Mark,

          I completely agree with you,
          after all, it’s enough just to see who the infallible pope kissed his hand to, and it will be clear who his god is.


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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Hehai:
            Matthew 6: 21-24:
            For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
            Acts 20:28-30:
            28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.

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    While I don’t doubt the insanity of leftists, the WEF, governments and the pretend elites, I cannot find a purpose for this, although it could be possible. Most people are already severely tracked by having cell phones and other devices constantly in use. Most of us are under surveillance in ways we never think think about or pay attention to.


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      The funniest, and also the saddest, who else reads warnings and restrictions before installing the program on a mobile phone?
      And everything is beautifully written there that I can use your memory, data from the SD card, your personal files..

      Purely lice and for medicines, slows down on a piece of paper what are the contraindications to the drug?

      So the person himself does crazy things to his own detriment.


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    Sobchak Security


    “A Russian hacker found a database”. OK. –

    Where was the database located?
    Who owned the computer with the database?
    Let’s see a screenshot with names, dates, and places.


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    People were deceived, first voluntarily allowing modern and experimental technological improvements and technologies to penetrate into their personal lives, and then into their bodies.

    Many people have been deceived!
    From their governments, the media, ministers, doctors, scientists and everyone else who have always promoted these technologies as important, prosperous, Safe and reliable.

    The consequences of this reckless act are already clearly visible to everyone, even the villains who search for facts on the Internet for a few coins, and then feed their children from this earnings.


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    Sorry, but no link to the supposed hacker, no evidence of what they found, no corroborative sources, no identification of sources, just some talk about stuff we already know aobut the convid scam. If the Russian hacker had evidence he would of uploaded it to an number of platforms. Where is it?


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      Yep. This is about some people with imaginations on steroids and waaaay to much spare time.


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    The report also shows horrifying lab results
    from microscopic investigation of some vaccine vials:
    living creatures with tentacles, as well as
    self-assembling nanorobots. See pictures:


    The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections. The report exposes the strategic methods used by governments and health agencies to hide 99% of all vaccine injuries and deaths. You will also learn who is really behind all of this, and what their true agenda is.


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    Ok, you claim to value the scientific method and falsifiabilit: I SUBMIT MYSELF, as a vaccinated individual, to whatever testing you recommend to try to find this so-called ‘tracking device’.

    Obviously, you don’t need me, millions are vaccinated. You only need ONE subject that demonstrates the presence of this device, and I AM WILLING to assist.

    What have you got to lose? You make claims, put up or shut up. Let’s test them, shall we??


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    here is a link
    I saw video of this in china and the Russian one to. I think it is real it is covert ID what did you think covid stands for . Oh I forgot you thought it was a virus. I remember a trucker commenting at the border how did they know I was vaccinated ? because when he went to the border they waved him right through


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