Using Psychological Warfare Against The Population
“Tavistock is behind every “spontaneous” social movement of the last century, including feminism, sexual “liberation”, the peace movement, the “New Age” movement, environmentalism, homosexuality, abortion, and lately, the transgender movement,” writes Daniel Estulin who penned the 2015 book Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses Paperback.
In 2022, while I was on a Union of the Unwanted podcast, Courtenay Turner, who is now a friend, mentioned “Tavistock.” I had never heard of this Crime Syndicate but when I investigated it for myself, suddenly the world made sense to me again.
British intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman discovered the highly classified documents of this psychological warfare research center, which was hatched between 1913 and 1921. One of Tavistock’s remits was to develop ways to influence the ideologies of mass populations. Tavistock is an invisible agency known as the Lie Factory funded by the British monarchy, the Milner Group, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. The committee of 300 all goes back to Tavistock.
Tavistock’s first purpose was to create propaganda to start a war between Britain and Germany. The motivation behind the war was inspired by Germany’s rapid progress in surpassing Britain with economic power.
Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia, and Iraq wars. If not for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.
Tavistock’s second purpose was to infiltrate America by establishing a centralized bank, removing the gold standard, and the degradation of women and religion. This group’s mission was to establish a complete breakdown of America’s values to enslave us.
When I looked for Coleman’s book, I found it on Amazon for only $5k. They have brought the price down since my first search, but I found a pdf and offer it on my personal website for a donation as small as $4.44. I suggest anyone who claims to care about truth read this book.
I read it myself for my forthcoming book Operation George Floyd| A Multi-Layered Psyop Examined. You can pre-order it. The book is with my publisher. In it, there is a chapter on Tavistock and another one on how these psychological operations work.
“A convict with a pre-established propensity for crimes of violence and a potential psychosis is the most easily deployed, expendable for the operation du jour,” according to Daniel Estulin author of Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses.
With that said, is it any surprise that George Floyd was likely an informant?
Persistence Is Genius
I learned that my friend Ian Trottier who is a citizen journalist and radio host, had interviewed Daniel Estulin. I met Ian in 2016 as I was doing research into Zika. He was getting poisoned by Naled in Miami at the time.
In any case, a year ago or so, I asked Ian to introduce me to the Lithuanian-born author who also wrote The True Story of the Bilderberg Group in addition to writing Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses, and other titles.
I wrote to him but he was busy at the time and then I had to move out of my home in St. Augustine at the same time I learned that the man I hired to scale up my business, embezzled 40k and moved my magazine, toppled my SEO and deindexed me from Google. Luckily, I fixed the issues to restore my beautiful company

Anyway, I never reached out to Daniel until last month as I was going through a second pass of my book. I emailed him with the subject “Persistence is Genius.” I told him that I’d cited him in my book and would genuinely like to interview him for my channel Truth Lives Here. To my surprise, Estulin responded and asked me to send him my manuscript. A day later he had already read half my tome. “Fascinating. Can you come on my show.”
I was thrilled but unfortunately, because I am such a censored person, he did not put our interview on his YouTube channel for risk of a strike. Instead, he only shared the interview with his subscribers.
Estulin shared the interview with me instead and wrote a fantastic blurb for my book.
“Maryam Henein’s exhaustive investigation on George Floyd’s murder/assassination /ritual killing is one-of-a-kind, top-notch, real-life journalism. Maryam is fearless as she unravels the mystery of George Floyd’s death, an event that without a doubt shook America to its core. She goes beyond the headlines and the status quo while lifting layer after layer of mischief, deceit, and political expediency to get at the truth. Her multilevel investigation leaves you breathless and awestruck when all the facts are laid out for us to see.”
Source: Substack
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