US Senator Highlights Alternative Treatments for Covid-19
As the effects and controversies of Covid19 continue to influence the lives of millions of American citizens, Senator Ron Johnson is among a growing number of politicians identifying that the pandemic is being spun for Big Pharma profits.
Decrying the obsession with expensive vaccines, Johnson has been at pains to point out the efficacy off off label tried and tested remedies such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Senator Ron Johnson was elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 2010 and represents Wisconsin.
Senator Ron Johnson went to Washington because of his great concern about the Federal Government overspending. His manufacturing background taught him to attack the root cause of a problem, not mere symptoms and he believes huge deficits, slow economic activity, high unemployment and woefully inadequate job creation are severe symptoms of the problem of the ever-expanding size, scope and cost of government.
Ron served as the Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee from 2015-2021 and is now the ranking member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. He also serves on the Budget, Foreign Relations, and Commerce, Science and Transportation committees.
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Nothing is puzzling here. Covidism is a state religion with the hand picked state health experts the theologoians, BigPharma the seminaries, the politiicans the priests, the media its missionaries, and the masks the personal symbols, and the vaccines the saviour of the world.
David Doddridge
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Their god is “science” and their prophet is Fauchi .
Mark Tapley
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aPAC shabbas goy senator Johnson is just trying to obscure the real issues of medical fraud and coercion as the means for the Zionists to consolidate more power by using the fake virus, fake test, fake numbers and now the GMO chemo injections. He failed to mention Bill’s pre pandemic meeting to coach all the medical shills on how to sell the fake virus. He also failed to mention the senate’s closed door meeting and the tipping off of their big campaign donors or the insider selling of stocks at the top just before having their Zionist partners in China launch the “Wuhan virus.” Johnson also must have forgot to mention that all the Zionist controlled countries had ordered their fake PCR tests in 2018, long before the “pandemic.”
Senator Johnson is so worried about spending but doesn’t seem to have a problem with congress approving the banking cartel’s “stimulus” in which 95% went to their Wall St. cronies. Another bailout for billionaires as in 08-09 while devastating millions of families and businesses with the unconstitutional attacks on the citizens natural rights. No problem, now there will be more opportunities for the vultures at Black Rock (Rothschild) just like last time. The 11 million per day just for “defense” for the thugs of Israel is never a problem or any amount to continue the Yinnon Plan for Greater Israel for which 911 and the WMD fraud were deployed before the fake “War On Terror” could be started.
It makes no difference wether the members of congress are fake Rep. or a fake Dem., liberal or conservative as long as they are a puppet actor for the Zionist syndicate. All of the Zionist countries are working toward the same objective of imposing the Neo-feudal technocracy of Agenda 2030-21 on the elite’s plantation livestock. The invisible and imaginary climate change and virus frauds are just tools for this purpose.
William Wood
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What a surprise….he is funded by big Pharm when the drug of choice that works is right under his nose but refuses like all big pharm back politicians.
Leronlimab by Cytodyn
Just keep ignoring and live suffer
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Has anyone heard of any news regarding those who did not get the vaccine who are getting sick from being around or working closely with those who did get the vaccine? Also, what steps should we take to protect ourselves?