US Lawmakers Reluctant To Get COVID Vaccines

After a year now of pandemic life, America appears to be barreling toward a better future: Cases are way down from their winter peak, and vaccinations have continued to accelerate. In less than two months, President Joe Biden has promised, there will be enough supply for every adult in the country to get their jab. One of the biggest obstacles remaining: Convincing people to take their shots.

There’s been plenty of talk about vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans, who have been given a great deal of reason to be suspicious of the medical establishment. But the reality appears to be that unequal access to vaccines, not skepticism about them, is the biggest obstacle to getting Black Americans vaccinated, and that it is actually Republican men who seem most likely to resist getting their shots.

According to a recent NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll, nearly half of Republicans surveyed said they would not get a vaccine if offered—a massive partisan gap that Dr. Anthony Fauci is now practically begging former President Donald Trump to help close.

Incredibly, this vaccine resistance is not just playing out among the general populace, but on Capitol Hill as well. As Axios reported Sunday, a quarter of lawmakers in the House have still yet to be vaccinated—some because of medical conditions, some just out of a refusal to get one. And while the party-affiliation of all the holdouts keeping Congress from returning to normal business isn’t clear, Democratic leaders have implied that Republicans are at fault.

Roughly 75% of all members in this House have had a vaccination for COVID-19,” Minority Whip Steve Scalise said on the floor last week. “There’s a strong desire to get back to a regular floor schedule.”

It would be a lot simpler,” Majority Leader Steny Hoyer returned, “if every member had been vaccinated.”

The refusal of some lawmakers to take the vaccines—Madison Cawthorn, for one, has said he won’t take his shot because the COVID “survival rate is too high for me to want it”—has led to the continued slowdown of work on Capitol Hill. Such delays, Axios reported, have been exploited by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has sought to further gum up the works. But the more significant impact of the vaccine hesitancy in Congress could be its trickle-down effects on the American public, about 80% of which will likely need to be vaccinated to end the coronavirus epidemic in the country.

Vaccines are our only way out of this,” Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee, told NBC News on Sunday. “If we don’t have 80-plus percent of the population vaccinated before next winter, this virus is going to come back raging.”

The good news is, Americans have increasingly come around on the vaccines, with about 70% of respondents in a recent Pew poll saying they will get their shots or already have. The bad news: The partisan divide has increased, too, with Republicans in that same poll about 25% less likely to say they have been or will be vaccinated. That apparent reluctance can be traced to Trump, who has long pushed conspiracy theories about vaccines and COVID, which he spent the last year of his presidency downplaying. He has had ample opportunity to convince his supporters to take the virus seriously and to get vaccinated; he had a dangerous bout with COVID in October, and received his vaccine at the White House in January.

But he never changed his tone on the virus after his own infection and, for reasons known only to him, he kept his own vaccination quiet. His efforts to promote the vaccines have been limited to pathetic braggadocio. “If I wasn’t president, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all,” Trump said last week in a press release.

Were he to more forcefully call on his supporters, who hang on his every word, to get vaccinated, it seems likely the widening partisan gap could be narrowed. “I cannot imagine…that they would not get vaccinated,” Fauci said on Fox News Sunday. “If he came out and said, ‘Go get vaccinated. It’s really important for your health, the health of your family, and the health of your country,’ it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him.”

Of course, the former president seems, at the moment, less concerned about getting his supporters to come around on the vaccines and more so about reminding the public that the first ones were approved for use while he was in office, writing in his press release, “I hope everyone remembers!

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Comments (10)

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    very old white guy


    I agree with the medical people who have published on this site, that a vaccine has the potential to kill millions.


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    Experimental medicine is NOT supposed to be tested on human beings, EVER. That this is so rushed and there are way too many unanswered variables should be red flags for every person asking questions. Problem is, QUESTIONS are being suppressed by all mainstream media sources. MSM keep pushing the narrative that any medical or scientific person with amazing credentials and years of experience in their respective fields are spreading “disinformation”. Mainstream media violently discrediting 1000’s of doctors worldwide(some who have worked directly with covid patients) is incomprehensible at this point. Bottom-line, for ANY medical procedure there needs to be INFORMED CONSENT and if it is not given by the patient the treatment is assault on the person and their rights to decide on THEIR treatment.


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    Brian James


    March 11, 2021 Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns

    As physicians and scientists, we are supportive in principle of the use of new medical interventions which are appropriately developed and deployed, having obtained informed consent from the patient. This stance encompasses vaccines in the same way as therapeutics.

    March 11, 2021 Denmark Suspends Use of AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine. “Serious Cases of Blood Clots”

    An unconfirmed number of patients have developed blood clots after receiving the shot, according to health authorities. Iceland has also stopped administering the shot.


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    Allan Shelton


    I am 83 and had sepsis [blood poisoning].
    I was lucky, as only 3 out of 10 my age survive.
    I had 19 blood transfusions.
    Are the gene therapy shots safe for me??
    I have no idea, and neither do the researchers IMO.
    I am not getting the “vaccine”


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    Oh No


    Gene therapy not vaccine


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    Trump supporters are not the type to do something just because they’re told to. If Trump does try to order them to do so they will lose respect for him. Trump supporters are the last who believe in freedom in the US. As such they will make their own decision based on any criteria that they want.

    Now why does the medical mafia want everyone vaccinated? It’s because they know that people will suffer for receiving it. This will be obvious if a section of society isn’t vaccinated and are doing better than those who have. We need holdouts. They are our future. Now this could work out the other way but again it won’t be known without holdouts.


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      Doug Harrison


      I absolutely agree that we need holdouts and would go as far as to say that we holdouts are the only future for the human race.


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    Boris Badenov


    We aren’t going to find out how bad these mRNA ‘vaccines’ are going to be for 5 to 10 years, by then people will have forgotten all about the shot they got and the medical community will get rich treating something that can’t be fixed. I’ll pass and so will my family.


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    I can’t help but think that if Conservatives en mass would have refused the “vaccines”, the majority needed to regain proper control of the US would soon be ours due to attrition.


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    Don’t Care What Trump Says


    I won’t take the jab !


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