US Election Sting? Will QFS Blockchain Encryption Code Technology Win It

Social media is buzzing over claims that the US Presidential Election 2020 was subject to a carefully planned military sting to catch out mass voter fraud using QFS Blockchain Encryption Code Technology. Supporters of Donald Trump have eagerly been searching for evidence as the mainstream media denounces the President’s repeated assertions about “election fraud.”

The source of the frenzied interest is Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD, a highly qualified US government insider turned outspoken skeptic of the ” war on terror “. He served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger.

Pieczenik gave a video interview yesterday to The War Room on Dr. Pieczenick claims that election ballots across America have been watermarked and the Democrats will be exposed when they attempt to cheat.

Gregg Prescott, M.S at reports:

“What if there was a sting operation in motion years ago in order to expose voter fraud and democrat corruption? What if that plan is now being exposed?

Steve Pieczenik stated the following:

 “There are honorable members of our intelligence, military, and civilian communities, in the government, who understood EXACTLY how corrupt Biden and the Democratic machinery is, was, and will be.  This is really a sting operation, contrary to what everybody else said. Trump knew this was happening.  Eric knew this was happening and warned the public.  I knew this was happening however I could not say anything about it.

What happened was, we watermarked every ballot with what’s called QFS (Quantum Financial System) -Blockchain Encryption Code. In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went, and who has it.  So this is not a stolen election.”

This also explains why the National Guard was deployed in 12 states:

A tangible explanation of this is provided by Jay Dee:

“The paper was created, ordered and supplied by the GOVT/DHS in bulk for the 2020 Federal elections due to COVID. This was only for “mail in ballots” as that is where the fraud would occur.

Printing is done state by state.

So whoever prints it, “gets it”…

Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc.. (Washington?) sent them out, then destroyed the ones for Trump and printed new ones for Biden.The NEW ONES for Biden don’t have the watermark but they have counted them as authentic. A “watertight” case… Brilliant.

This is legit, and they have been telling us about it for over a year. Most recently just 10 days ago. DHS has been in charge of our elections since early 2018.”

Watermark & indicators in ballot paper:

Watermark & indicators in ballot paper.

So, while every state printed their own ballots, the paper each state used was supplied by the DHS and contains the QFS Blockchain Encryption Code.

Where does that leave us?

If there are non-radioactive isotope watermarks on official ballots, then machines must exist to read each ballot in a quick and efficient manner. This means that ALL states must be “officially” counted before the recount can begin. Once the recount begins, it would take 3-4 days to validate (or invalidate) votes, and an additional week or so, to double check the voters’ actual eligibility to vote (are they registered, deceased, have they voted more than once, etc…),  House and Senate seats are also at stake, so this must be a thorough process.


UPDATE: Thanks to a tip from reader JACook we can add the following curiosity to the mix:

John, Thanks for the excellent article on the cybersecurity encryption of the election ballots! But did you know that there’s a common Q post message repeated several times over the past year: “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”[NCSWIC]
 I learned today that the acronym NCSWIC really is not just catchphrase, it is a possible reference to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC).  See:
Another often repeated Q statement – “There are no coincidences.”
Time to get the popcorn in?

PSI Editor UPDATE (Nov, 08, 2020)

We have an update on this story from retired Intel Operative Tony Shaffer.

Tony Shaffer is a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board.  He believes the President won the election and has a great case in the courts to prove it.

Shaffer tweeted this:

A hypothetical question for all the Democrat trolls following my feed…
What if DHS anticipated DNC counting fraud.
What if they “tagged” each legitimate ballot.
What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then?

Next Shaffer made some comments and asked another question:

It’s done in known contracted sights…you do understand law enforcement asks for cooperation all the time from companies, right?

A third tweet from Shaffer indicated that there are numerous ways to mark documents without the markings clearly identifiable:

Oh, there is more than that now…
People don’t understand how light works…and what they don’t see can be seen in infrared and ultraviolet…we had a whole block of instruction at “the Farm” on secret writing…it is amazing…

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (93)

  • Avatar

    Zoe Phin


    That’s nice.
    This will catch phony printers, but …
    ~56 mil official ballots were sent out on this paper and only ~37 mil returned.

    There is still plenty of cheating possible with legit ballots.

    I can imagine democrats van/truck trolling for legit ballots at 4 am. They have a whole stash!


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      U could be right but with the QFS BC Watermarking system, they can ascertain where ballots were mailed and, to quite a specific degree, they can tell what area certain ballot chunks were mailed to so even if they used legit ballots, if someone’s vote is posted on a ballot that is known to not have been mailed to that persons location, that’s a pretty Little smoking Gun when you add It to all the other evidence that I’m sure they will be able to present; it tells a Rather detailed And compelling story of The what when where why and who was involved in fraud (if any.)


      • Avatar

        Zoe Phin


        Re: Latest update

        This is all too exciting for me. I am a financial analysist (speculator). I need to know the future for my clients! I can’t sleep. I’m too worried. I have 10+ scenarios in my head. The large moves are coming and I don’t know which way!

        When is this count and recount DHS check going to go live?

        After the media calls the election for Biden?


        • Avatar

          Randy Brady


          Hi Zoe. If you don’t know which way the markets are moving it’s time to head for safety……you either get out of the market (go flat), or buy short term treasuries and gold. That way you will sleep better.


          • Avatar

            Zoe Phin


            Yeah. Some of that and some Asia trades. Conservative plays for next 3 months, I guess. It’s OK, COVID year plays netted me 41% YTD. I’ll ease up. Thx

        • Avatar

          Carbon Bigfoot


          Zoe—Been loading up on precious metals since the 70’s bought my first ounce of Au at $350 and still have it. My best recent purchase Pd at $500 now at $2440.
          Paper is worthless and so are electronic stock certificates. I skim value stock dividend plays, e.g., PG bought @143 sold @144 after ex-date $69/share dividend essentially no risk held for less than two weeks.


          • Avatar

            Herb Rose


            Hi Carbon,
            I agree that with the continuous printing of money precious metals are the place to be. However the value of palladium comes from its use as an replacement for platinum in catalytic converters. With platinum now cheaper than both gold and palladium I would sell.
            It seems hard to believe that a stock selling at $143 has a dividend of $69.
            The best trade I ever made was when Burroughs computers stopped paying the $7.50 dividend on their preferred stock and it sunk to $15.00. When they didn’t declare bankruptcy they had to redeem them at $50.00 and pay all the back interest.
            When they made preferred stocks non cumulative and made them derivatives they became junk. Then when Fannie and Freddie went bust and the government decided the preferred share holders would get nothing while the common shareholders would retain their interest they became completely worthless.
            Hopefully when this fraud steamroller occurs our deer governor will be road kill.

          • Avatar

            Carbon Bigfoot


            Herb Rose:
            it was $0.69/share should have put a zero and period –by bad .
            The reasons you sighted for Palladium is exactly why I bought it. At its high last year of $2800/oz. I almost sold it. Then itslipped $1800+/-. and now it is increasing every week and since SUVs and light truck sales are soaring I think I’ll wait. Never bought Platinum. I almost did when it reached $2K glad I didn’t. Both metals are used as catalysts in Chemical reactions and crude oil cracking
            Most of my metals are collectibles MS-70 First Strike, Black Diamond or equivalent.
            My best dividend play was CEO, ($180/) Cnooc Ltd. $9.31/share 2019 in semi-annual payments. Both times I never held the stock for more that two weeks–beauty of skimming.

        • Avatar



          When will they start checking the ballots?


          • Avatar

            Patrick Curtin


            its going to take much longer than the paltry couple months we have before inauguration. say hello to mr. beau jiden our new president. and another four years of obamas nightmare scandals

        • Avatar



          Fortunately mainstream media cannot call an election just because in their purview a candidate has won CNN in particular has no credibility with really intelligent people and is biased but it come down to the decision of the United States Supreme Court to decide and until such time no one has won and the Democrats are making fools of themselves if this is true let them do it & enjoy the show


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        John Alcala


        I’m sorry but i don’t understand how merely sending completely blank paper to the state of California who then sends out millions of printed ballots tracks anything. If there are not machines at various times reading the paper it’s completely useless. I can see, however, using the paper to detect the difference between a simple copy or counterfeit of a ballot but nothing more.


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          Do you know what? Trump, in doing that, didn’t intend to stop the fraud. He wants them to fully cheat then he brings out the proofs. That’s the most wicked way to catch a thief. Let him finish with the stealing then you can confront him with the proofs, then he has no other way than to admit. And everybody is now clear about whether or not the person is a thief.


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            That’s why they don’t stop shop lifters until they’re on there way out the door. Can’t argue intent then.

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            Flo Pereira


            Good way to catch a thief‼️ Should not corrupt and commit fraud in the first place‼️ Smart President‼️

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          It is all about the paper. Within the paper, which is actually linnen, they place a die pattern which is only visible with a UV Laser or a Security Light for authentication. The ink to wavelength focal ratio have to be set. There are a few quadrillion combos you can use.
          So unless you know about the Mark and the special LED Manufactured just for that specific type of paper. It is impossible to replicate without a master plate and the entire customer specification which is never digitized and is only on paper in a hermetically sealed Vault that probably 3 maybe 4 people in the world may know about.

          Thats just the watermark. The QFS Blockchain code they use will be related to an algorithm set by the user. Most of the time for security measures they will use a combination of chaos theory and codes which change every 2 minutes. To access a new serial, it requires a quantum computer since it requires so many security bits,, that you need multiform processors performing terraflops per microsecond just to process the data. Ridiculously complex and almost hackproof.

          Now the states used the paper supplied by DHS. They procured it special just for the occasion. Knew dems want him out. Sting op in play. Prove cheating, win all states he goes to jail for election fraud on the spot.

          They’ve been trying to clean this mess up since Nixon. We finally got the guy in who could do it and has done it. Its just a waiting game for them to release everything.


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      The code is a national identifier and locator, they know where each valid ballot is. No matter how many fakes come in It’s a simple process of “no code-no count” Arrests are supposedly Imminent, one can only hope!


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      Several of us Republicans in Commiefornia got cheated out of being able to vote for Congress and the House, they were our mail in ballots, so could it be possible they took them out or kept our legit ballot and gave us a copy


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        Wow Denise, this is bringing the fraud to an entire new level… because it also means that by doing that, not only your vote for Congress/House will not be cast, but if there is an audit of the ballots, your vote for R will be invalidated…


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        Denise, sorry to say, most likely unless you submitted an absentee ballot. All the states received the same paper, however eventually when they ran out, anything up to that point is still legal.

        That happened after about 1000 ballots. They didn’t send many extras other than usual. Just what census required. Just proving they were most likely printing the unused ballots for 2016 that they did the same thing with. So it proves involvement in both elections. And it also proves Donald Trump really did win 2016 as well, validating to everyone he was your president the entire time and still loves you. Just stop fighting the truth, our government needed a serious shakeup and cutting of the fat. Plus, now money goes wherewith supposed to, back to us man.


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    Tom O


    IF this is a reality, then it makes for an interesting consideration. By that I mean this – if you actively and intentionally attempt to interfere with the results of a federal election, does that rise to the level of treason? It would almost seem so, and we all know what the penalty for an act of treason is supposed to be. I would “guess,” of course, the “foot soldiers” in the war against the nation can be forgiven, but how about the upper level organizers? A nice long prison term of say 101 years ought to give them time to question if it was a good idea. I’ve never been a believer in the death penalty since it really isn’t truly a deterrent to committing a crime. So you die. That is what happens at the end of life, right? On the other hand to know that you will rot in a cell for the rest of your life should be something that most people would not want to chance.


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      Setting the prison sentence in today’s prisons is a life of paid medical &dental, TV, a law library, gym and conjugal visits.
      Death seems not only a better deterrent but a cheaper and more permanent assurance that the person won’t do it again.
      If hanging was good enough for stealing a man’s ? horse then it seems appropriate for stealing an election.


      • Avatar

        judy Ryan


        Yes, I agree with the principles of the death penalty. Survival of the fittest, in any sense of the word, is applicable to all species on planet Earth. It is politics gone crazy for the decent productive taxpayers to be providing food and shelter for criminals.


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        I disagree. IN recent years justice is only a slap on the wrist. The corrupt politicians know hat. Like th Biden crime family member said “Plausible Denial” They just lie and get off . We nee to make serious examples and make their guilt and punishment very public. Make MSM and the Social media cover every one punished. That is a deterrent, If you don’t think so, it is because you have never seen it in the past 40 years.


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      Deterrence, General and Specific, is only one of several justifications for the death (or any criminal) penalty including removal of a threat from society, punishment via a substitute for private retribution, atonement and re-adjustment to better function in society (rehabilitation). The Specific Deterrence is that experienced by the wrongdoer whilst the General is that experienced by society as a whole as it witnesses the public demonstration of the consequences of crime. “We’re all going to die some day” is a weak response and not one generally immediately espoused by those who receive any sort of death sentence or terminal diagnosis.


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    Robert Beatty


    Hopefully, the votes do not get ‘bleached’ before the recount is completed.


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    Zoe Phin


    Not a word from qanon since nov 3.
    No confidence. I think he was just hopeful.


    • Avatar



      Q never drops during big ops.
      if you were genuine you would know this.


      • Avatar

        Zoe Phin


        I don’t follow him. I just checked his site for the 2nd time in my life.

        I couldn’t tell from the first time whether he was an important insider or just a good researcher. I need news not possibilities, likely or not.


        • Avatar



          WWG1WGA … if your on fb friend me, Scott seehausen… and I can help you get an idea, but it still takes an effort by you to research… but I can guide you through …


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            Help me. I want answers.

          • Avatar



            Hi Scott,
            Do you mind if I send you an invite to to learn more. Which account is yours on FB?

          • Avatar



            This is what I get when I try to search you on FB, just thought you would like to know that full censure is in action: “This Search May Be Associated With Dangerous Content
            This search may be associated with a dangerous conspiracy movement called QAnon. Experts say QAnon and the violence it inspires are a significant risk to public safety. For more information about QAnon go to the Global Network on Extremism and Technology website”

        • Avatar

          Carbon Bigfoot


          Zoe—– in 2015 the military asked TRUMP to run for POTUS. They realized that after OBAMA the corruption was prolific and assure DJT they would guarantee fair elections. Been following Q for 2+ years through Q analysts. David Hayes authored Q-Chronicles ” Calm Before the Storm” & “The Great Awakening”. I can tell you how this will end but I want you to purchase and read Kindle versions. For the record Q goes silent for weeks before BIG THINGS happen.
          I assure you the merde will hit the fan.


          • Avatar

            John O'Sullivan


            CB, I confess to being of like mind with you on this. Have also been following Q for 2 years. This does seem to stack up as credible. The ‘;future proves past’ element to the thousands of Q posts will be overwhelming testimony of a precision sigint operation of unprecedented magnitude.

          • Avatar



            You’re right about the obama corruption. They turned the fbi into cartel gun runners. I hope you’re right about everything else

          • Avatar

            Zoe Phin


            I’d like to believe you, but this is too big. I see no moves. Seems like a hope and pray trap. I look forward to being surprised, but I’m not counting on it.

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            judy Ryan


            Who or what is Q ?

        • Avatar



          Q is not a “HE” Q is a Team.


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            Q makes the whizz-bangs for James Bond.

        • Avatar



          You are presuming that Q is a he. Why not a she?


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          Q is not a person. you can’t just drop in for the second time and understand anything other than Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. If you’re going to understand Q and the anons, you’ll need to go back to the first post and read from there. And then go to the anon’s pages and see what they rounded up for documents. Look at Q now as a movement… for truth.


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    • Avatar



      Q’s last drop was ovr the weekend and he stated it was his last… reasons being 1) his government position which was able to give him access to the highly classified info he retired from… ??? or 2) now the indictments will be opened and once these cases are in the courts any further DROPS could be seen as tampering with the cases due to his insider information he possess. DON’T WORRY, ZOE, HE DIDN’T LEAVE US FOR GOOD… WWG1WGA


      • Avatar



        Not correct.

        As of now (Sat. Nov 7, 2020, 10:15 EST), Q’s last, i.e. most recent, drop was Election Day, Nov 3 at 1:27 AM EST.

        And Q did not state that “it was his last.” B.S.

        See here:

        Finally, Q is not “he” (singular). A number of the early posts make it clear that Q is a team and that most are US military. The pronouns used are “we, us and our.”


        • Avatar

          tiffney dunaway


          True that Charles, Scott is full of shit. I’m noticing a lot of people throwing out mis-information purposefully in hopes that we’ll run with it and repost it. Later they come back and make fun of us for falling for it……


        • Avatar



          Charles I would love more info. I’ve only been following Q for a very short time bc I don’t really understand. But totally Interested. Maybe you could help?


          • Avatar



            See post by Carbon Bigfoot above (11/7 @11:40 am).

            Q posts began 3 years ago and now total several thousand. You can still read them at several aggregator sites, including

            Or, at this stage of the game, you might prefer to read one or more of the books by Dave Hayes (aka @prayingmedic) as mentioned above by Carbon Bigfoot.

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        What’s This “Q” record and information reliability track record can someone who familiar provide me with information reflecting it.


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          20th century truther


          Yeah sure:

          Don’t bother. It’s a cult of low info fools with cognitive bias, and dunning-kruger effect, who have been gas-lit by a sophisticated psy-op. I watched from the beginning, it started as a 4 chan troll, which was later co-opted by intelligence agencies when they saw how many low IQ sheep it had rounded up.

          I even fell into the rabbit hole myself for a short while until I could no longer deny the blatantly obvious. I’ve seen many, many of these military psy-ops over the last two decades.

          “Question everything” they say – except Qanon. At the point anyone dare even slightly question their god, they become like the church of scientology. I advice you stay clear of anyone parroting “Trust the plan” of a faceless, nameless internet poster. No matter how they may lament that the actor known as Donald Trump stood next to a giant rabbit and uttered a phrase. That’s all they need apparently to prove its legit. Smfh

          I’ve no doubt many of them are good people who have been tricked into believing that they’re actively fighting for good. But they’re all naive, gullible and asleep to the real tyrrany; being led like lambs to the slaughter, because they have no experience of how these sophisticated operations are conducted.

          Many of the social media accounts shilling for this are intelligence agents or assets imho and have rather dubious links. Earlier this year, they were saying Covid was part of Trump’s plan as well as biometric tracking. And they believe they’re fighting for freedom. Smdh. What a joke.


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    Your absolutely correct!! They always go mute during ops ?


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    I don’t care. I want blood anyway


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    Joe Roach


    I never received a mail-in ballot nor did my wife. I actually did not get the opportunity to vote because I was not going to vote early and I was not going to do the mail in. I was going to vote on the 3rd in person like it’s always been done or should have been done. But I had to work van go out of town. With that being said I’d sure like to know how or who me and my wife voted for.??


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      tiffney dunaway


      Did you look up to see if a vote was made in your behalf? If so, you need to report it to voter fraud hotline. Come on man!


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    Call your local elections office and have them tell you when your ballot was mailed and to which post office was it sent to… then goto post master there and that’s where your quest begins… my wife had todo the same cause she never received her mail in… and we went in on the 3rd… do it, please and if its not found PLEASE REPORT IT!!!


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    Dr. Pieczenik’s video was removed from youtube.


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      Elle Fanticiser


      Dr. Pieczenik’s video is on Bitchute!


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    Tim Farrelly


    So they simply produce blank paper with the digital imprint and without. Send the paper without the imprint to the counties/states known to be demoncratic or at least mix it up a little. Then simply decalre those ballots illegal. Trump will fall on how own sword.


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      It can’t be forged without foreknowledge and preparation. If DHS was intentionally compartmentalizing this op and neither campaign knew about it, it’s an effective ‘double-blind test’ to see who’s doing what where.
      And I think you missed the stipulation that -=individual ballots=- can be validated/invalidated because each watermark is part of a unique identifier in the blockchain. If there is a recount and the blockchain system ‘sieves out’ fradulent ballots, then there will be an effective culling of large-numbers fraud out of the system, so that the recount results, while not flawless, will be statistically reliable.


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        It also seems that you’re operating under the assumption that Trump and everything & everyone around him is through&through corrupt;
        If that were so then this whole theory wouldn’t make sense, there would just be two corrupt sides trying to play the same game of fraud and see who’s got the biggest banana in the republic.
        But that’s not how things currently read.


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      Would only result in an equal share of Rep and Dem votes being classed illegal.


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    Brian James


    “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain

    Aug 19, 2016 Electoral College and the National Archives

    Every four years the Office of the Federal Register — part of the National Archives and Records Administration — administers the Electoral College. The Office of the Federal Register informs the governments of the 50 states and the District of Columbia what is required to fulfill their duty under the Constitution to elect the President and Vice President of the United States. This video explains how the Electoral College works and the Office of the Federal Register’s role in collecting the documentation Congress needs to count the Electoral College.


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    If this was true why would no one like hannity or mark levin be discussing this , I want this to be true but it seems like it’s lot believable at this time and why wouldn’t rudy guliani start bringing this up?


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      Because the purpose isn’t to prevent fraud, but to expose it. A commenter above made a good point about shoplifting. Giuliani may not yet be aware, or only just after the election aware, and as a campaign attorney, is saving that as a ‘hole card.’


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    I was always wondering what Trump had up his sleeve to outwit the Democrats massive vote cheating. What Steve Pieczenik is saying is so technologically logical. If what he is saying is not true, then it should have been made true because its so achievable, and that’s why I believe that it is true. I always knew that Trump had a great plan to destroy the swamp.


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      Ginger Scott


      . . . AND may be why he’s taking a couple of days after the election to go decompress after the election and go golfing: if he is secure in his knowledge this is all going to be exposed, then he’d be pretty confident both going into and after the election.


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        That’s what I thought too….Biden hung low in his basement (thinking,ha! We scammed em) Our POTUS goes golfing KNOWING we “netted” the swamp things!


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    Am I the only person in the world who remembers that after 9-11 the post office set up a system that captures the digital image of every piece of mail that goes through the system. Which means if it was hand franked, it didn’t go through the system and no digital image. And perhaps that code is on the envelope as well as the actual ballot. Could the system also be modified to capture the blockchain Id as well?


    • Avatar

      S B


      I get a daily email from USPS with photographic images of the items arriving in todays mail


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    If true I think Trump would have announced it by now. I wish it were true but I doubt it. I don’t think you could have kept this under wraps without the Dems cottoning on.


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      Richard, they say he’s waiting for them to dig themselves into a hole before exposing them. I hope all this is true because just imagine how crushed the left will be once their blatant fraud is exposed and the media is proven to be nothing but puppets for the left. Let them celebrate and party, then watch how hard they fall when the truth comes out. It will be glorious.


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        We can only hope!

        “Democrat Vernon Jones Exposes His Own Party in Georgia for Election Fraud”


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    need to see proof that DHS produced the paper on which all ballots nationwide were printed – don’t know about all states, California imprints its own watermark – now as for conspiracies in general: history is a cavalcade of competing conspiracies


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    A Chase


    I just checked the watermarked ballots in Fact Check. Org and it says false.
    Can we trust Fact-check?


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    Jon Mac


    Blockchain technology is computer code. Hackers can manipulate computer code. That is why bitcoin and crypto currencies are a scam


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      Matt Schilling


      I’m nowhere near an expert on this, I’ve never even played one on TV. But isn’t Blockchain as a technology independent from bitcoin and cryptocurrencies? They may depend on Blockchain, but Blockchain would remain useful even if cryptocurrencies are banned and completely disappear. Isn’t that a correct statement?
      Isn’t Blockchain a public and pervasive ledger, with independent copies maintained in multiple locations? Doesn’t its design set the bar for malicious manipulation of that ledger very high/too high?


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      Matt Brown


      Gee, you may be right, lol. I guess that’s why The OCC announced Wednesday that it has published “a letter clarifying national banks’ and federal savings associations’ authority to provide cryptocurrency custody services for customers.”


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    Matt Brown


    Gee, you may be right, lol. I guess that’s why The OCC announced that it has published “a letter clarifying national banks’ and federal savings associations’ authority to provide cryptocurrency custody services for customers.”


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    Be TheWind


    As with 9/11 and the taking down of the Twin Towers, there is more than one element at play here. The bad actors knew better, planes and fire weren’t going to cut it. Mini nukes, thermite, DEW, and conventional explosives guaranteed the outcome we witnessed.

    Trusting Watermarks and Blockchain to take down the Cabal is planes and fire. We are the most technologically advanced nation on earth with the brightest minds. Surely there have been a redundancy of traps set.


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    20th century truther


    Yeah sure:

    Don’t bother. It’s a cult of low info fools with cognitive bias, and dunning-kruger effect, who have been gas-lit by a sophisticated psy-op. I watched from the beginning, it started as a 4 chan troll, which was later co-opted by intelligence agencies when they saw how many low IQ sheep it had rounded up.

    I even fell into the rabbit hole myself for a short while until I could no longer deny the blatantly obvious. I’ve seen many, many of these military psy-ops over the last two decades.

    “Question everything” they say – except Qanon. At the point anyone dare even slightly question their god, they become like the church of scientology. I advice you stay clear of anyone parroting “Trust the plan” of a faceless, nameless internet poster. No matter how they may lament that the actor known as Donald Trump stood next to a giant rabbit and uttered a phrase. That’s all they need apparently to prove its legit. Smfh

    I’ve no doubt many of them are good people who have been tricked into believing that they’re actively fighting for good. But they’re all naive, gullible and asleep to the real tyrrany; being led like lambs to the slaughter, because they have no experience of how these sophisticated operations are conducted.

    Many of the social media accounts shilling for this are intelligence agents or assets imho and have rather dubious links. Earlier this year, they were saying Covid was part of Trump’s plan as well as biometric tracking. And they believe they’re fighting for freedom. Smdh. What a joke.


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    20th century truther


    Yeah sure. Here:

    Don’t bother. It’s a cult of low info fools with cognitive bias, and dunning-kruger effect, who have been gas-lit by a sophisticated psy-op. I watched from the beginning, it started as a 4 chan troll, which was later co-opted by intelligence agencies when they saw how many low IQ sheep it had rounded up.

    I even fell into the rabbit hole myself for a short while until I could no longer deny the blatantly obvious. I’ve seen many, many of these military psy-ops over the last two decades.

    “Question everything” they say – except Qanon. At the point anyone dare even slightly question their god, they become like the church of scientology. I advice you stay clear of anyone parroting “Trust the plan” of a faceless, nameless internet poster. No matter how they may lament that the actor known as Donald Trump stood next to a giant rabbit and uttered a phrase. That’s all they need apparently to prove its legit. Smfh

    I’ve no doubt many of them are good people who have been tricked into believing that they’re actively fighting for good. But they’re all naive, gullible and asleep to the real tyrrany; being led like lambs to the slaughter, because they have no experience of how these sophisticated operations are conducted.

    Many of the social media accounts shilling for this are intelligence agents or assets imho and have rather dubious links. Earlier this year, they were saying Covid was part of Trump’s plan as well as biometric tracking. And they believe they’re fighting for freedom. Smdh. What a joke.


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