Urgent: Evidence of Genetic Damage Due to Covid Vaccines
An Alex Berenson Substack 20 Dec. CLICK HERE reports: “Yale University scientists have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people who received Covid mRNA shots – up to two years after they received the jabs. The people were never infected with Covid”.
This is a bombshell coming from a senior researcher who previously advocated for Covid vaccine mandates.
The study results were reportedly discussed on a conference call but the study has yet to be published so some caution is warranted. But assuming the study has been properly designed, conducted, analysed and reported….the repercussions for mankind are enormous.
This was ALWAYS a danger from the very beginning when an experimental gene-based product was imposed on the world’s population without the usual proper safety testing.
Such gene-based products carry significant safety risks and this is why, up to now, these products were researched and used in only rare genetic disorders and cancers where there was no viable alternative. Many gene-based products have failed safety testing and their long term safety is uncertain.
The issue of genetic safety was first raised in Australia by Senator Malcolm Roberts when he asked the (then) head of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA, Prof. John Skerritt) on 1 June 2021 in Australian Senate Estimates about the genetic safety of the Covid vaccines.
Skerritt denied any problem but, astonishingly, provided no evidence to support this position. See paragraphs numbered 1.9-1.11 of my report entitled “The Time of Covid” dated 9 August 2022 (below). This was a reckless position on the part of the TGA.
Subsequently, in relation to potential genetic toxicity, litigation was mounted to stop the Covid vaccines in relation to the failure of the registration process by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. See Dr. Ah Kahn Syed’s Substack of 29 Oct 2023 (CLICK HERE) and the legal case was further described in Rebecca Barnett’s Substacck of 27 July 2023 (CLICK HERE).
More recently there has been concern about the inclusion of the hidden SV40 genetic sequence in the vaccines which is known to promote transfer of genetic material into the nucleus of cells.
The SV40 sequence can facilitate the incorporation of vaccine gene sequences coding for spike protein into the body’s permanent DNA. Kevin McKernan’s work shows that contaminating DNA in the vaccine vials may be capable of changing human DNA. See Kevin McKernan’s Substack of 25 Feb 2024 (CLICK HERE).
This DNA contamination in the vaccines (confirmed in Australian batches of the shots) has been the most recent focus of attention in this frightening scenario and was the basis of the Russell Broadbent MP 2 letters to the Prime Minister to raise the alarm.
See my Substack of 30 Nov. (CLICK HERE) for a summary and copy of the important letters.
If the results of this Yale University study can be confirmed, it means that potentially billions of people have had their DNA altered, possibly permanently, to produce toxic spike protein indefinitely which may translate into a range of cardiovascular, neurological, immunological and oncogenic effects into the future.
How can the politicians, health bureaucrats and so-called “health experts” allow this to continue in light of this frightening prospect?
I predict Big Pharma will endeavour to block publication and discredit this Yale study without providing any evidence to the contrary. Watch this space for further information.
“The Time of Covid” – 9 August 2022
I reproduce below Section 11 of my report of 9 August 2022 entitled “The Time of Covid” which addressed the important issue of potential genetic damage due to the Covid vaccines.
1. Long-Term Potential Genetic Damage and Cancer Potential of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
1.1. In considering the safety of any new therapeutic, potential for both genotoxicity (damage to genes) and mutagenicity (potential to cause cancer) are among the highest priorities. This should especially apply to genetic therapeutics such as the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, and more so when administration of these products to healthy individuals of all ages worldwide was envisioned.
1.2. Evidence shows the spike protein produced by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine can enter into the nucleus of cells and disrupt fundamental cellular processes involved in DNA repair. This adds to concerns and raises serious potential safety issues regarding a diminished ability of the body to prevent the rise of cancers[1]. Neither of these observed genetic type molecular effects are expected in relation to conventional vaccines.
1.3. The gene-based COVID-19 ’vaccine’ manufacturers presented their products as ‘vaccines’ to drug regulators even though, by their very nature, they were a new class of gene-based therapies. This had significant impact on reducing the usual safety testing requirements which were normally applied to gene-based therapies. It should be noted that in order to assist and accommodate the introduction of these experimental drugs, the CDC and other organisations began applying recently reduced safety data requirements applicable to conventional vaccines to these gene-based ‘vaccines’ and the definition of ‘vaccine’ was amended to accommodate these new gene-based therapies[2].
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Technical Report Series, no. 927m 2005 Annex 1, WHO Guidelines on nonclinical evaluation of vaccine[3] page 50 section 4.2.3 states: ‘Genotoxicity studies are normally not needed for the final vaccine formulation’. But these guidelines were drafted well before the invention of the gene-based COVID ‘vaccines’.
1.4. Drug regulators around the world have accepted official product information statements which acknowledge the omission of this important pre-clinical (in-vitro and/or animal) genotoxicity and mutagenicity safety data.
1.5. Provisional Approval for the new gene-based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ began early 2021. However, since then important laboratory genetic data has been published which raises the theoretical possibility that the mRNA contained in these gene-based ‘vaccines’ may be reverse transcribed (that is, incorporated) into one’s DNA around the body (including a wide variety of tissues and organs including eggs in the ovary) which is contrary to the assumptions of the drug regulators such as the TGA. This research, according to established protocols, was done on an in-vitro human liver cell line.
The potential safety implications for current and future generations are of great relevance and significance and drug regulators should be demanding immediate further investigations[4].
These findings raise the possibility that these gene-based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ might induce cancers and that these effects may be inherited into future generations. Until this and other questions are addressed it is not prudent nor reasonable to claim these products are “safe”.
1.6. Following an extensive critical review of the immunological and metabolic consequences associated with the mRNA based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, some expert molecular biologists have concluded these ‘vaccines’ should be withdrawn due to their potentially devastating and wide ranging short-term and long-term adverse effects[5].
1.7. Furthermore, in relation to risk-benefit, it has been reported that “based on publicly available official UK and US data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of death after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death[6]. In such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to justify mandatory vaccination.
1.8. It is also unknown if the Danish drug regulator’s recent decision to cease its gene-based vaccination program is related to concerns regarding genotoxicity[7].
The Danish drug regulatory agency has long been considered to rank among the most competent regulatory agencies in the world and is highly regarded.
1.9. The issue of potential mutagenicity and genotoxicity is of high importance and received attention at Australian Senate Estimates on 1 June 2021 (Community Affairs Legislation Committee)[8].
1.10. In that hearing, Prof. Skerritt (head of the Australian TGA) by Senator Malcolm Roberts on the potential for the mRNA to enter the nucleus of cells and cause potentially serious genetic adverse events which could affect future generations:
“Senator ROBERTS: How long before we know the intergenerational effects?
Dr Skerritt: There is no evidence at all from animal or human studies that the RNA vaccines, if you’re talking about them, incorporate into the genetic material of human beings. They wouldn’t have received regulatory approval, and that includes by much bigger regulators such as the FDA, if these bits of mRNA incorporated into the human genetic material. In fact, medicines that incorporate into human genetic material and are inherited are currently not permitted in most major countries, including Australia.”
1.11. The statement by Prof. Skerritt was made prior to the publications referred to above. These events provide compelling evidence to reject the indiscriminate general use of these gene-based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ and to prevent mandatory vaccination on safety grounds.
See more here Substack
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And it’s transmissible as well . This was proven in a study of sick infants two years ago. This is nothing but an heinous crime being perpetrated on the human race .
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Cancers have exploded all over the world in people who submitted to the covid jab . The mainstream media are attempting to blame other drugs for the explosion in turbo cancers but they will do anything and everything to prevent the masses from knowing the truth .
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I know it is Christmas Day, but hanging something other than stockings is needed.
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May we all live to see justice and another Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas.
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Thank you VOWG for your expression of the gift all people of good will long to see.
Meanwhile, according the the original meaning of the Christmas carol
God Keep Thee Mighty, Gentlemen!