UPDATED: How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine:

SHOCKING – The latest covid jab deaths and injuries from VAERS (infants, teenagers and young adults are dying after the vaccine)

openvaers.com covid data (it is estimated that only one percent of vaccine adverse events is reported)

Note: The following paragraph has now been added to the UK’s Pfizer analysis data print,

“A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine…”

In my view, this is yet another attempt to draw attention away from the very real problems associated with the vaccines. We note that when patients die 60 days after a positive covid test, they are added to the covid death figures, but if someone were to die 60 minutes after a covid vaccine, then it is just a coincidence.

European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports: ModernaPfizer-BiontechAstraZeneca and Janssen.

  • Derek Sloan MP raised concerns on covid-19 vaccine censorship of doctors and scientists (video – bitchute)
  • Moderna begins first human trials for flu shot based on new mRNA technology used to make the company’s covid-19 vaccine (article – Daily Mail)
  • The following is the FDA’s draft working list of possible covid vaccine side effects (see page 16 of document). This was published in October 2020 BEFORE the jab roll-out began.

Important note:
There have been reports in the press that the AstraZeneca vaccine is causing blood clots. This is true but so do ALL of the experimental vaccines being given allegedly to prevent covid-19. There have been many deaths, with more than 1,000 in the UK alone, and a vast number of adverse events.

It is important to remember that these experimental vaccines which are being given to healthy people do not prevent covid-19 or stop it being passed on, and the risk of a young, healthy adult dying of covid-19 is extremely small.

Editor’s note: There then follows an extensive list of reported vaccine unjuries.

The article continues:

Those are just some of the possible deaths and injuries that have followed vaccination.

I have no doubt that the authorities will claim that these deaths were coincidental.

And let us remember if a patient dies within 28 days of being tested positive for coronavirus (and the test doesn’t mean that the patient even has the disease since most tests are false positives) then the death will be listed as a covid-19 death and the patient will be said to have died ‘with’ covid-19.

So by the same token, it is perfectly reasonable to say that if a patient dies or falls ill within 28 days of being vaccinated then the death or illness was related to the covid-19 vaccine.

Will the mainstream media ever start recording these deaths or illnesses?

Or are journalists going to continue to promote the official government line – and to deny, distort or suppress the truth?

How many people have to die before the media wakes up?

Deaths Shortly After Covid Jab – Yet Another Coincidence

Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects

The pro-vaxxers like to tell you that vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. Even when they wouldn’t be considered safe enough to use as oven cleaner, the fanatics enthuse about them. Young people and those who know little about medicine or science, talk about vaccines with reverence because they’ve been indoctrinated into believing the pro-vaccine lies.

And the pro-vaxxers are lying, of course.

Vaccines cause a lot of illness and quite a few deaths and they don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. Governments around the world have paid out many billions of dollars to patients who have been made ill by vaccines – or to the relatives of patients who were killed by a vaccine.

There are, for example, grave doubts about what the covid-19 vaccine actually does. Since the vaccine is a new type of vaccine and is being given before the usual tests and observations have been completed no one knows what will happen to the people who have the stuff injected into an arm.

What side effects will there be? How many will die?

Well, I don’t know and nor does anyone else.

What if a woman is pregnant when she has the vaccine or gets pregnant after being given the vaccine? The vaccine isn’t supposed to be given to pregnant women but not all pregnancies are planned.

Will the vaccine interfere with essential life-saving drugs? Many elderly patients already take a number of prescribed drugs. Will the vaccine interfere with them? No one knows.

The covid-19 vaccine is the biggest experiment in history.

And, unlike a proper clinical trial, it is largely unregulated. As with all vaccines most of the problems which develop will never be reported or recognised.

It is estimated that in the U.S., only 1 in 100 vaccine side effects is reported.

The best we have is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes which the FDA has published in the US. (Here is the link to the draft working list)

Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Myelitis
  • Encephalomyelitis
  • Meningoencephalitis
  • Meningitis
  • Encephalopathy
  • Convulsions
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Narcolepsy
  • Cataplexy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Myocarditis
  • Pericarditis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Death
  • Pregnancy, Birth outcomes
  • Other acute demyelinating diseases
  • Non anaphylactic allergy reactions
  • Thromocytopenia
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Arthritis
  • Arthralgia
  • Joint pain
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
  • Vaccine enhanced disease

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death.

And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list.

Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned.

Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned.

Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill.

Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial.

They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months.

Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.

But it would give some very interesting results so I doubt if they’ll be doing it.

See more here: vernoncoleman.org

Header image: Le Pense

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (11)

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    The issue here is that the vaccines were given emergency approval without adequate risk assessment during the trials. The event reporting systems are not designed to assess vaccine safety. In VAERS there are more reports after the Covid vaccines than in the total of the previous 30 years. This is because the earlier vaccines were properly tested for safety and the Covid vaccines were not. That is all we need to know. The health authorities and governments that allowed this to happen are criminals and should be treated as such.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers in the USA,

    My cousin, a Rickover boy, sent me this which I edited to be more brief. And this article seems as good as any to share it.

    “Those of us who were part of the Baby Boom generation, now in our 70s and 80s no longer recognize the nation in which we grew up. We are strangers in a land that gets stranger by the day. We believed in the American dream. We worked hard, paid our taxe and obeyed the law —even laws we thought were idiotic. We married and had children. We struggled to raise families. Some of us went to war, like our fathers and grandfathers before us. We thought that when we grew old, there would be more for us more than alienation.

    …. Office holders for life treat us like mentally-challenged children. They snicker at those who pay their exorbitant salaries. So, we limp along into old age, too proud to go on the dole and too stubborn to just give up. Besides, surrender now would be a betrayal of the America that once. was.

    Hard times create strong people.

    Strong people create easy times.

    Easy times create weak people.

    Weak people create hard times.” (Author unknown)

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Jerry:
      Thats what you call fleecing the flock, and sheering the sheep. We just like our fathers and their fathers are being systematically plundered by the kakocracy of Zionist criminals. Their most effective tool in the syndicates tool bag is the banking cartel best described by their own financial guru, the Bolshevik pervert John Maynard Keynes:
      By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some….The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose.” – John Maynard Keynes Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920

      Now Keynes fiscal descendants are circling the carcases of Jewmerica’s once unassailable middle class as they swoop in for another round of accelerated plundering, supercharged by their banking cartel kosher clique buddies covid “stimulus” for Black Rock (Rothschild) clan member insiders only. When the Jews get through there won’t even be any crumbs to fall from the table. Only the scroungy herd of goyim useless eaters to be rounded up, “vaccinated” and then herded into the Agenda 21 NWO corral.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark and Howdy,

    Read again my previous comment about some history about the Good People of the USA. You preach hate; not love.

    Galileo, at the beginning of ‘Two New Science’, called attention to the Venetian technologists of his time. A few centuries later the inventors and technologists and people with money and ambition moved to this New World in which there were no Kings and Queens fighting with each other. They came because this new country gave them LIBERTYl to be the best they could be. Which is still is why so many GOOD (and they are the majority) ambitious people, who still want to work, come illegally to the USA.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hi Jerry and readers.

      There was a time I would read the comments on PSI and learn so much about science.

      If Howdy and Tapley were to swap email addresses and communicated privately maybe the comments section would include a little more science again. I noticed , Jerry, Tapley criticizing you for over again reminding some of us the fundamentals of science, lessons I appreciate.

      One of the commenters I miss is tomOmason. TomO had such a unique insight into the world around us. I hope he is OK.

      One comment that still intrigues me is the suggestion that the release of energy by fire or the burning of coal etc. is the release of stored radiated energy from the sun.

      Keep sending out the little pearls of others you share with us Jerry.

      Thank you. Matt


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        You certainly know how to whine, even if you don’t learn, eh Matt? Seems to be all you do. Why not enlighten us on YOUR science?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello MattH:
        “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.”

        Both Howdy and myself have discussed science issues. However we both realize that we do not live in a rarified world of esoteric scientific debate but rather one in which the issues of science including everything from alleged pathogenic transmission to climate have been twisted from their real nature and true science into propaganda weapons for a specific agenda affecting not only PSI readers here and now but all future generations who will no longer have access to this site and others if those with your attitude prevail.

        Natural science does not exist in a vacuum any more than political science and the issue of natural rights. This is evident from the nature of the articles that PSI publishes. I suggest that if this bothers you then it perhaps would be more appropriate if you restricted our intellectual pursuit to only Zionist approved sites such as Jew Tube or PBS. That way you will avoid being offended by the truth,


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Matt,

        Thank you!!! And I certainly agree with you about TomO. Am a little confused about your comment “One comment that still intrigues me is the suggestion that the release of energy by fire or the burning of coal etc. is the release of stored radiated energy from the sun.” Whose comment? And what intrigues you?

        Here’s something which intrigues me. I have a battery power pendulum clock which doesn’t keep time because it has lost a hand or two. I enjoy the motion of the pendulum. However, the pendulum over the years, has at times stopped and the started again without anything being done to it. It just happened during the past 24 hours.

        Do you know that Galileo reported the results of his experiments with pendulum motion. For he discovered a way to slow the natural rapid fall of heavy bodies due to the universal gravity of their masses on our planet. And that it takes a very small impulse, even a variable one, to keep it swinging at a constant rate (period).

        Have you read what Galileo wrote? As I urge PSI readers to read what he wrote, I have yet to see any evidence that anyone has, unless they had already read it before I urged them. This greatly discourages me, but I keep doing what PSI allows me to do, for if I don’t make comments like this, who will???

        Have a good day, Jerry

        While I am healthy, however I certainly have lost strength in my legs. Old people fall a lot but based on recent experiences it is not necessarily because of the lack of balance.



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      “Hi Mark and Howdy,”
      Even when I’m not involved in a thread you can’t leave me alone.

      “You preach hate; not love.”
      Pan calling the kettle. You wouldn’t know the meaning. You prattle about it, never show it.

      In a bit Henry…


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Jerry:
      The Vatican under control of the Venetian “Black Nobility” and led by the medici (crypto Jews) approved Urban VIII, suppressed the progressive work of Galileo as their philosophical heirs suppress the mainspring of human progress today in what used to be our Republic of Sovereign States of individual liberty. The hand of tyranny did not require monarchial figureheads on site as you suggest but merely their agents in the form of Alexander Hamilton and the underhanded shyster Washington (instigator of the French and Indian War) to put the new country even though nominally independent, back into financial servitude under the Rothschilds Bank of The U.S. approved by federalist Justice Marshall.

      I bring to your attention Jerry the fact that most illegal immigrants in this country are collecting various forms of federal assistance. Not so many looking to work but looking for a handout. I am sure that you and your wife raised your children with an admonition to the work ethic as did my wife and I. However I am not keen on raising little Pablo, Tyrone or Chad. I still hold to the quaint notion that people should raise their own kids and not expect others to foot the bill. All a pregnant bitch has to do, is get into Jewmerica and enter in any address, be it a vacant lot or whatever and the cornucopia of socialistic tax payer abundance is upon them and their posterity forever and ever (when in their own country they would have been laughed at). Zionist Jew Jacob Javits knew that as he exclaimed “open the flood gates” that the(((Warburg’s))) Kelrgi Plan was in high gear, complete with gold carpet of welfare for all those “hard working” asylum seekers.

      This redistribution of wealth (other peoples money) actually began with the “Great Society” programs of Zionist Jew LBJ (mother and grandmother lineage) who began the federal extortion racket of pulling money out of the pockets of producers (real economy) and handing it to non producers (socialism) with over 50% of the money thrown away by the federal bureaucracy in between. And how could it be otherwise? So far since these federal programs of unconstitutional endemic corruption began with Johnston, the incredible sum of over 14 Trillion dollars has been taken out of the pockets of producers as it was intended to do, and thrown down the socialist bottomless pit.


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    According to filings by moderna, the goal is 15% mortality or about 1.1 billion murdered by mRNA injections. This is why they want endless injections for all ages, even babies.


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