University Launches ‘Center for the Study of Climate Change Denialism’
A University in Sweden has set up what it claims is the “world’s first global research network looking into climate change denial.” Chalmers University of Technology is seeking to explore “connections between conservatism, xenophobia, and climate change denial.”
The apparently well-funded research effort ” will examine the ideas and interests behind climate change denial, with a particular focus on right-wing nationalism, extractive industries, and conservative think tanks.”
The project is a multi-year, interdisciplinary and international project, which is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.
“Thanks to this international platform, we can investigate how climate change denial arguments arise and are spread – and see differences and similarities in different cultural contexts,” says the coordinator Martin Hultman, an Associate Professor in Science, Technology and Environmental studies at Chalmers University of Technology. ([email protected] )
Via Blame this guy. “Climate change is an existential question for all society. We have these insights, but we come into conflict with them. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms behind different forms of climate change denial, and how this influences the debate and political decisions,” says Martin Hultman, from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. CREDIT Ulrika Ernström/Chalmers University of Technology
The Chalmers University boasts it “will connect around 40 of the world’s foremost scientific experts in the area and pave the way for international comparisons.”
But the new effort to study “conservatism” and climate “denial” ignores the many politically left scientists who are now leading the charge against man-made climate change claims.
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John Turmel
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Technology is seeking to explore “connections between conservatism, xenophobia, and climate change denial.”
Jct: My global warming denial, (climate always changes to it’s pretty stupid to .look for people who would deny that) is not based on conservatism or xenophobia. I just don’t like guys like you who use a “trick to hide” data. Get it, we deny global warming because you lie. And still do.
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Martin Hultman looks like some sort of psychopathic serial killer in that picture. In any case, he is most certainly nuts.
ALAN Thomson
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Think it’s time for a university to set up a study into The absurdity of the cult of climate change and its nutty adherents.?
Julian Fell
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“this will connect around 40 of the world’s foremost scientific experts in the area..”… I presume that means social scientists (very loose term) and all those that have not done their physics homework, or are heavily invested in the IPCC mythology. I smell a new field for an Ignobel prize. Certainly articles for the Journal of Irreproducable Results. I’m looking on the comedic side.