Uncovering the Corona Fraud Part 22

The Uncovering the Corona Fraud series is an extra benefit for paid subscribers.

It is made up of old Facebook posts that I did on various articles and studies throughout the last few years of the “pandemic.”

I provide updated commentary to go along with each of the included posts. This series is an effort to review and learn from the past in order to avoid repeating the mistakes in the present and future.

If there was one thing that the “pandemic” was about, it was about instilling fear into the populace in as many different ways as possible.

While most feared the “novel virus” and the same symptoms rebranded as a “new” disease, this was not something that I feared in the slightest.

Fortunately, I had done enough research and I had acquired enough knowledge at that point in time to understand the fraud of virology.

However, fear was put into me in other ways. The increasing restrictions and mandates to wear masks and social distance in order to go out into the real world were weighing heavily upon me. I wasn’t fearing for myself, as I knew that there was nothing that they could do to force me to comply with the ridiculous demands.

Instead, I was afraid for my son who was barely six at the time. His kindergarten experience that he was enjoying so much was taken away from him when schools were shut down in March 2020.

While I am not a fan of the education system overall, and I would choose homeschooling if it was a realistic option, my son wanted to continue going to school as he had made friends and he wanted to be with them.

It was very important to me for my son to be able to have normal social interactions with children his own age.

Nonetheless, by July 2020, it was looking very likely that he would have to wear a mask and social distance in order to attend school the following year. That was something that I simply would not allow to happen.

I admit that I was afraid what impact these restrictions could have on my son mentally and emotionally. If he went to school, would we be allowed a mask exemption?

If so, would the other kids bully him for not wearing a mask? What kind of impact would seeing his friends and teachers wearing masks at all times have on him?

How would social-distancing be implemented at the school? Would he be required to sit behind plexiglass at his desk? Would they make my son sanitize his hands regularly throughout the day?

Needless to say, it was a stressful few months preparing for the upcoming school year. Fortunately, the school provided the option to allow for students to do classes online over Zoom, and we decided that this was the best option for the year.

While it was difficult adjusting to a semi-homeschool atmosphere, we made it work as best that we could, and I made sure that no mask ever touched my son’s face throughout the “pandemic.”

My fear over how these restrictions would impact my son’s mental, emotional, and developmentental well-being turned into growing anger and frustration.

I would regularly engage in heated “debates” with people on Facebook over the lack of evidence supporting masks and social distancing.

Although it may seem futile to argue with those unwilling to be convinced, these interactions provided valuable insights from various sources, revealing the lack of scientific evidence behind the beliefs they accepted without critical thinking or logic.

This process further strengthened my resolve to continue speaking out. Some of my best posts regarding this lack of evidence for masking began in July 2020, and they are contained here. Other posts from this first week include:

  • The inability of kids to be “infected” and transmit the “virus” to adults.
  • The inaccuracy and flip-flopping results from PCR testing.
  • The mainstream media admitting that hospitals were paid more for diagnosing a patient with “Covid” and putting them on ventilators.
  • The mainstream media discussing how masks are ineffective four months prior to the “pandemic.”
  • The walking back of “Covid toes.”
  • A respected “immunologist” speaking out on the problems with the official narrative.
  • Pathologists speaking out on the fact that no one was dying of “Covid.”
  • The fact that increased fraudulent testing was the cause of increased fraudulent cases.
  • The CDC data showing that “Covid” was close to losing its “epidemic” status.
  • The “accurate predictions” by those involved in planning the “pandemic.”
  • And much more!

I hope that you are able to find some valuable takeaways from this first round of posts from July 2020.

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Comments (2)

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    People are stupid.


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    Charles Higley


    Stupid is as stupid does, to parody Forrest Gump.

    Proper social distancing is 25 feet, which they knew no one would do. Masks are meaningless, except during surgery to protect the patient from infection by the surgeon. They have it backasswards.


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