UN censor bans Skeptical reporters from Climate Conference
As we reported earlier this week, a censor at the UN named Nick Nuttall has refused The Rebel’s request for official media accreditation, so we can cover the climate summit in Marrakech, Morocco.
As this is a first for The Rebel: We’ve decided to take this episode of “The Ezra Levant Show” and make it available for free.
Three thousand other journalists have been approved, but we’ve been blacklisted.
WATCH as Nick Nuttall explains why — not to us and our lawyers or Canada’s professional journalist associations, all of whom have written him formal letters in protest.
No, Nuttall went on the CBC to make his case that The Rebel is a “one person” enterprise, and furthermore, we’re “extremist.”
Even the CBC host wasn’t buying it!
I’ll play you clips from his trainwreck interview, then talk to my guests Lorne Gunter and Sheila Gunn Reid about the UN’s refusal to allow any dissent from its “global warming” talking points.
Finally, I’ll tell you what our next step is in this fight for press freedom.
Go to LetUsReport.com for all the ways you can help us get to Marrakech. Because we’re going anyway. Some UN censor isn’t going to stop us!
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