UK hospital data shocks the world

Eighty percent of UK COVID deaths are now among the vaccinated. COVID deaths are up 3000 percent after vaccine wave.

A deadly combination of science fraud, institutional coercion, bribery, Big Tech censorship, government force and media propaganda are bringing the world to its knees. There is NO real-world data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.

Right now, hospital data from the United Kingdom is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced death.

In the UK, up to 80 percent of COVID deaths are currently coming from vaccinated people. COVID deaths across the UK are now 3,000 percent more frequent than they were at the same time a year ago, when the population was “unvaccinated.”

For over a year, vaccine efficacy was tirelessly promoted, even though absolute risk reduction for all the COVID vaccines on the market was less than two percent, a meaningless number.

To make matters worse, the vaccines are increasing the rate of iatrogenic death and making more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, priming human cells for antibody dependent enhancement.

The UK’s Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure.

COVID vaccines are increasing hospitalization and death for people who could have easily gone on with their lives, healthy and VAX-free. Instead of being coerced into risky, compounding vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced a potential infection and recovered with durable, natural immunity.

UK hospital data shows that covid-19 deaths are 3,000 percent higher now compared to this time last year, and it’s not the “unvaccinated” who are dying in greater numbers. The latest data from Public Health England shows just how dangerous vaccine worship and coercion is.

From February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated represented just 28 percent of the covid fatalities while the vaccinated represented 72 percent of the deaths!

Public Health Scotland confirms the same pattern of vaccine failure. From August 14, 2020 to September 12, 2020, Scotland recorded just seven covid-19 fatalities.

After coercing a large portion of the population to take the covid vaccines, Scotland recorded 222 covid-19 deaths just a year later, during that same period of time.

This covid-19 death spike is 3071.4 percent higher after a mass vaccination campaign. Most shocking of all: 80 percent of these deaths are occurring in the vaccinated.

Vaccine’s purported 95 percent efficacy is a total fraud in the real world, actually increases risk of death

Even though the unvaccinated are coerced to test more frequently for travel, education and work, their numbers are still similar to the “fully vaccinated.” The data shows that COVID cases are relatively equal among the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

From August 21, to September 17, 2021, there were 69,639 positive cases recorded among the unvaccinated population, and 79,613 cases among the vaccinated population, with 60,923 of these cases deriving from the “fully vaccinated.”

Clearly, the vaccine doesn’t prevent COVID, and may even be a driving force for new infections in the unvaccinated.

Most shocking, the rate of death is not 95 percent lower in the vaccinated group. From August 14 to September 10, 2021, Scotland registered 208 covid-19 deaths.

There were 41 deaths in the unvaccinated, 9 deaths in the partially vaccinated, and a shocking 158 deaths in the fully vaccinated.

If the 95 percent efficacy of the vaccine was real, then 95 percent of the deaths would occur in the unvaccinated and only 5 percent would be in the vaccinated.

However, up to 80 percent of the deaths are in the vaccinated and only 20 percent of the deaths are in the unvaccinated.

The vaccines are currently INCREASING the risk of death in the UK by 400 percent!

See more here:

Header image: The Guardian

Bold emphasis added.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Comments (20)

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    Ken Hughes


    The article doesn’t seem to address the different number of vaccinated versus un-vaccinated. If it is something like 80 are vaccinated, then you would expect an 80/20 split in deaths between the two groups. This implies the “vaccines” simply don’t work, but it doesn’t imply they are killing people. Not that I’m pro “vaccine”, i’m certainly not, but we need to keep our arguments sound if we are to convince others and avoid ridicule.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi Ken,
      Another thing that should be considered is how the “vaccine” has altered the seasonal nature of viral disease. I cannot remember a time where there was an increase in cases and deaths during July and August. We haven’t even entered the flu season where the effects of ADE will occur and yet we are already seeing deaths occurring.
      With the continuous changing of definitions (cases, deaths, testing, being vaccinated) it is hard to give any credence to the data. The dice have been rolled and now all we can do is await the results. I fear the results.

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      I agree. I don’t know what is happening to PSI. It seems to have adopted copying articles from other sites without anybody looking at the quality of the articles. I have commented on quite a few recent articles claiming the same thing.

      The media in general cannot be trusted on anything. When covid first appeared we were told it was more dangerous than the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Looking at the deaths it was true, but this took no account of the population increase and when the death rate was calculated the truth was the exact opposite of the media claims.

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      Roger McFly


      If you can get your head around what’s in the jab you will realise it isn’t a vaccine but a combination of chemicals that have nothing to do with a normal vaccine. It’s also experimental. Our government has a policy of calling any deaths or adverse effects as a result of this “chemical injection” unrelated to the injection. New Zealand. We are under a biological weapon attack.

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        Bertie MacBeetle.


        The New Zealand government is currently running a radio advertising campaign on “heart valve disease”. An infarction of credibility when pericarditis etc. is occurring at a level not seen since the Mayan sacrifices to the sun.

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    This is a waiting game.
    By the end of the year we will see the results (probably around January time) and it certainly will not be because of ‘covid’
    cases are meaningless
    but there are recent graphs of different countries that are pushing the needle, showing the sudden death rate after injections, and it is very alarming.

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    Kathleen Pageot


    It’s not “Covid” that they are dying from. They are dying from the toxic vaxx that produces Covid-like symptoms via the toxic spike protein and the massive dose of toxic graphene oxide that gravitates to the lungs and causes “Covid lung”. Covid is just the cover story, the alibi for the deliberate mass murder by lethal injection for global population reduction.

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      There are reportedly also other conditions that are coming up such as rapid metastatic cancers, heart failure, stroke, shingles, other supposedly viral conditions that had been suppressed, among others. These are likely not marked down as c-word deaths as doctors are simply not considering the causal agent as the v (probably on penalty of loss of license, career, and ability to service their debts). On the other hand, the definition of fully v’d is loaded with slimy manipulations.

    • Avatar

      Andrew Pilkington


      Hi Kethleen,

      There’s also the matter of “Hydra Vulgaris” in the mix?
      More information needed on that tbh? Dr. Carrie Madej went on record with her findings in an interview with Stew Peters, Live on his Show.
      There was a follow-up show, where Stew Peters interviewed a South African Lady Doctor, I forget her name, where Circles of “Payload Packets” were found in the vial of another (Non-)vaccine.
      I think more information is needed sooner rather than later, and also regarding the post-vax Blood Samples, from around the World?

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        S Land


        Dr. Zandre Botha is the south African lady that investigated the specimens in the covid 19 jabs.

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    All this is supported by numerous articles and videos made by many doctors across the planet. A recent video on Infowars featuring Dr. Richard Fleming presents much data that we won’t see anywhere. I believe we are entering a new phase of numerous ADE and similar events that will render 100,000’s of thousands of people either severely maimed or dead. I have no doubt that the mRNA injections are murdering thousands everyday. A recent DOD (US) report stated that 60% of hospitalizations in the over 65 group were injected persons…either they had covid symptoms or were suffering from injection reactions.

    Then again, there is no pure, proven, vetted or standardized testing method for telling us who may or may not have covid, it is even exists. The PCR test is faulty and was never pre-tested ahead of being put into use to determine if it can detect covid. Do not get any mRNA injection.

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      Why would they test or release test results for any of this? It could only slow their profits. They are indemnified against any responsibility for injuries. They just need to keep rolling out product. After all, soon they will have many fewer to jab.

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    People are still NOT addressing the real intention and purpose of what was intended by this ‘jab’ of poison. It was nothing to do with a dovid or sars it was to get rid of us and de populate the world.. it stands out like dogs balls if one has done real research .. it never was about a pandemic. They have been telling us for many years and people put their head in the sand … it is world wide genocide .. its right in front of our nose FFS !!!

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    I strongly suspect this whole subject and the ‘climate emergency’ are both of a type of scam leading to the communist ‘great reset’ of the WEF. I am no expert, I just feel from reading widely that none of this stuff makes any sense to anyone with a functioning brain cell and a normal dose of common sense. The western nations are being led down the garden path to slavery and destruction.

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      I couldn’t agree more, its more than in Denmark where things are rotten.

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      David Kellahan


      Totally agree. First they labeled it global warming. More people were dying from the cold than from the heat. So they had to relabel it climate change.
      As for covid19. We have had 1 death so far this year in New Zealand supposedly from Covid. Last year 660 people committed suicide in New Zealand, 110 drowned, 400 people died in car crashes and 60 people were murdered. You do the math.

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    I think Mike Adams from Natural News is best not quoted for research as some of the figures have been inaccurate .{ love the guy subscribe to his website .. however…I prefer to g et my information fro m Dr Rashid Buttar and The Childrens Health Defense Fund { Robert F Kennedy junior}
    Dr Buttar has been {not now Biden named him a C.T } on U tube for over twenty years with his medical series ..He trains doctors in holistic medicine he is a new york times best seller .has previous to C vd been on most of the major T>V networks .Doctors from around the world send him their terminal patients ….but ..and this is sobering at this point in time he does not know how to reverse the effects of antibody dependent enhancement. Also Luke Montagnier .Nobel prize winning virologist .says all vaccinated will die within 5 years .. They are on telegram and if you join . can send some of my saved clips.

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    While this article would support much of my thinking on this topic, where are your references to support your data and claims presented here?

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    Lex P


    I like to research thoroughly and critiicaly. Does anyone know where the data is for these stats? I madly followed links to other pages and to UK health and end up at a dead ends either with error messages about the PDF of more claims that aren’t referenced.

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