UK Government releases shocking report on COVID vaccine side effects

The UK Government have released a report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca that have occurred since the rollout began on the 8th December and it does not make for pleasant reading.

The report has collated data inputted up to the 24th January 2021 via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 5.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 1.5 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered, and around 0.5 million second doses, mostly the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, had been administered.

But as predicted, with the rise in vaccines administered came a rise in adverse reactions with 49,472 reported reactions to the Pfizer vaccine and 21,032 reactions to the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine. For both vaccines this equates to 1 in every 333 people suffering an adverse reaction. This rate could actually be higher as some cases may have not been reported to the Yellow Card Scheme.

The Daily Expose took a look through the report (which you can find here) and carried out an in depth review of reactions to the Pfizer vaccine and this is what we found –

Thanks to the Pfizer vaccine, which uses MRNA technology to instruct human cells to carry out “a certain task” 5 people are now blind and a further 31 have had their vision impaired. In total there have been 634 eye disorders reported so far. Imagine being confined to the same four walls for over a year and not being able to see family or friends. Then getting excited because you naively think an experimental “vaccine” is going to give you your life back and allow you to see them once more. But then leaving without the ability to ever see anything ever again.

Table taken from the Government Report

There have also been 21 cerebrovascular accidents thanks to the experimental Pfizer vaccine. A cerebrovascular accident is the sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain. A cerebrovascular accident is also referred to as a stroke.

We told you on the 4th December how the UK Government admitted it did not know if the Pfizer vaccine had an impact on fertility, which must have really convinced any aspiring wannabe parents to have the vaccine. But that admission also included comments on pregnancy which were as follows –

There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.

For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women
of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.

So why on earth have we found within the Pfizer vaccine analysis print a total of 4 spontaneous abortions due to receiving a dose of the Pfizer vaccine? The government’s own recommendation is that anyone who is pregnant or wants to get pregnant within the next two months should avoid the Pfizer vaccine, so why are pregnant woman receiving this vaccine? You won’t hear about this in the mainstream media.

Sadly there have also been 2 reports of spontaneous abortion after administration of the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine.

Then we stumbled on an even more shocking statistic. The Yellow Card Scheme has received 59 reports of death and 7 reports of sudden death due to the Pfizer vaccine. That’s 7 people just dropping dead immediately after receiving the “jab” as Mr Hancock loves to call it.

But the overall number of “Fatal Outcome” reports, aka “Deaths” due to the Pfizer vaccine as of the 24th January is 107. So that’s 5 people who are now blind, 21 who have suffered a stroke, 4 who have suffered a miscarriage even after the government advising, all be it in the small print, that pregnant women avoid the “jab”, and 107 who have sadly passed away, all as a result of receiving an experimental, emergency approved vaccine of which the manufacturers have absolutely zero liability in being held to account or compensating any adverse reactions.

We can also tell you that up to the 24 January 2021 the Yellow Card Scheme received 69 reports of Bells Palsy due to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the muscles in one side of the face. It is the most common cause of facial paralysis.

The Government have of course tried to explain away all these terrible side effects of the Covid vaccines. Within the report they stated the following –

A high proportion of people vaccinated in the vaccination campaign so far are very elderly, many of whom will also have pre-existing medical conditions. Older age and chronic underlying illnesses make it more likely that coincidental adverse events will occur, especially given the millions of people vaccinated. It is therefore important that we carefully review these reports to distinguish possible side effects from illness that would have occurred irrespective of vaccination.

And that, readers, is the definition of being a ‘Hypocrite’. Tens of thousands of people have died with underlying conditions within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, yet their death has been labelled as “Definitely Covid” and has been added to the Covid death statistics (Don’t believe us? See our in depth analysis of ONS and NHS data here). But of course we’re only allowed to use this method of counting deaths when it comes to Covid. Because when it comes to the vaccine we are being told that they probably died from their “Underlying Conditions” and should take any reports of death with a “pinch of salt”.

The problem with this being the method for calculating the former has resulted in the British people living under dictatorial tyranny for almost a year.

These are just the immediate side effects of the Covid vaccines, and only the ones that have been reported. We dread to think what adverse effects we might see in the long term.

Will you be having the “jab”?


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Comments (84)

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    It is the comment at the end of the Government report that concerns me: “Events occurring following vaccination but may or may not be caused by the vaccine.”


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      But if they tested positive with the gunshot wound virus….it was definitely covid


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      Paul Kangas


      ‪I am 80. You can have my vaccine. I refuse to get one. ?I take 2 grams of vitamin C hourly. That makes me IMMUNE. Read: Linus Pauling. No mask. I am out every day working & walking in the park. ❤️Paul Kangas 4 Governor. ‬


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        Amanda Smith


        Bless you and you are correct i take chemo daily no immune system but take vit c vit d and zinc daily I carry on as normal no problem not even a sniffle. No vaccine for me either.


        • Avatar

          Marilyn Shepherd


          Even if I wasn’t immunosuppressed for Crohn’s disease I wouldn’t take it. Don’t see the point.


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      Norman Bartonowicz


      Alan if you can get a copy of the MHRA Report, it says on several pages that
      Death,Serious Illnesses, etc occurring MAY NOT BE DUE TO THE VACCINATION, but May be due to COINCIDENCE, PRE-EXISTENG/ UNKNOWN HEALTH CONDITIONS and that All Instances will be thoroughly investigated for their True Causes


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    Admiral Chin Naidu


    Shocking results.


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    A website spreading lies for naive people


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    A website spreading lies for stupid people


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      Reading is hard


      The struggle is real. If you click on the link in the column you’ll find that report and stats. But it does take some effort on your part to confirm that the stats cited are correct.


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        I trust you guys! Thank you for all the valuable information. God blessed you all.


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      gregg andely


      you better be careful


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      I think they are telling the truth. The vaccine doesn’t even work. It is just to make the human body weak. It is all about numbers and depopulation you idiot. I will never forget what Bill Gates did to all those Indians in India. And guess who finds this vaccine? Him!!!


  • Avatar



    I would like to share your article with some of my friends who blindly believe in the vaccines. To stand up to closer scrutiny a link to the government sites where the six tables you refer to can be found would be really helpful. The links you provide only connect to government sites that report the “harmless side effects that are to be expected and no different from any other vaccine”


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      It’s not a vaccine. It’s a genetic modifier and the freezing of the material hides its purpose.


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    Zuls Eyan




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    Thomson Alber


    This vaccine is still nrw not like China vaccine
    They hv far more experience test on rats n humans b4 they apply on real humans. They are very concern the life of their population
    Than any country.


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      Gary Ashe


      You need to refine your English my chinese friend.


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        The Chinese vaccine is much safer, it is not the experimental mRNA but the traditional one. If you want to be the guinea pig, be my guest. And go learn Chinese, my dear English friend.


        • Avatar

          P. SIU


          I am from hk. What the hk government is struggling is the safety of the Chinese vaccine. They don’t give any data about stage 3 and some of the HK government‘a advisor suggested not to use. If no stage 3 data , how can u say the vaccine is safe? Before you try to praise chines vaccine, pls fact check, My dear Chinese friend?


          • Avatar

            Eddie Acc


            The two Chinese vaccines did completed their phase 3 clinical studies and submitted to WHO.
            The one from SinoVac already shipping to various countries including Middle East for those prestige leaders. There were news saying “selected” European visited the Middle East to get their jabs too, considering the product’s safety.

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            You are from HK but ordered people to fact check about Chinese vaccine as if you knew it all and in a tone that you are not Chinese (yet you have an authentic Chinese family name). Let me tell you that, on 20 Feb, 1m doses of the Chinese vaccine Sinovac arrived HK. Over 40 gov centres and 1500 private clinics are prepared to perform injections for all residents of HK commencing on Friday 26th, FOC. Your comments are so pre-conceived with bias against the “Chinese”, as most western media do, have been a cause of the unrest in HK that’s now been calming down. If you were genuinely misled, please fact check before you make such strong statements. If you did know but made biased misleading statements, shut-up.

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    Thank you, could you tell me if you are the government, with millions of your citizens being afraid of getting this virus, the vaccine came as a solution (though we know it is not a panacea), will you still hold on till the ultimate cure comes, or you go for it? (the government is supposed to serve the country and the people who place them in charge). Easy to criticise but when you are to offer a solution, you will be the same, a subject of ridicule or vilified, what do you want? Tell me OH THOU THE CLEVER ONE, what good do you get from this? Either you are so bored but to use this to attract attention or you behave like those kids or imbecile who disfigure trains and walls with aerosol, or a dog cocking its hind leg marking a territorial space;
    I suggest you get a life.
    Gosh, I shall try not to be incandescent with rage.


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      We are ok people choosing to vaccinate if they want to asume the risk, we are not ok to be mandated, since there is a risk there must be a choice…


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      @Wong- It is all our GOVERNMENTS who have stirred up irrational fear bordering on mass hysteria among the people, because it is part of the Globalist plan to use this Hoax as an excuse to force everything from mass vaccinations to a cashless society, from veganism to the destruction of the family, from Communist Totalitarian Propaganda to the total surveillance of every human on the planet. Gosh, isn’t that already happening in your country of China?

      Meanwhile news is beginning to emerge of all the politicians who have VESTED FINANCIAL INTERESTS in the vaccine companies, some already talking about forcing people to wear masks for the next five years, and be “vaccinated” with messenger RNA several times a year. Forever.

      As others have pointed out, It is the classic “Problem, Reaction, Solution” trick being forced upon the world. Covid is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity.

      Now run along and get yourself pumped full of “vaccines” if you want, and keep sneering at anyone who questions the Globalist Communist line, but do not try to force them on the rest of the world. You may find that after a few “vaccines”, you literally will be “incandescent”— not with “rage”, but with a physical reaction like the ones described above.


      • Avatar



        Well Said Protestant ??? So True ?


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    g wiltek


    I got a 505 error message the first time I tried to look it up!
    As for the “vaccine” the side effects are going to increase with time.
    No thank you! Not for me!


  • Avatar

    g wiltek


    I got a 500 “server error ” message the first time I tried to look it up!
    As for the “vaccine” the side effects are going to increase with time.
    No thank you! Not for me!


  • Avatar

    B Grizzard


    So you target people with poor math skills: (49,742/5,000,000)X100=0.916% side effects which may or may not be due to the Pfizer vaccine. I’d say there is not much risk at all!!


    • Avatar

      B Grizzard


      Made a mistake, it should have been (49,472/5,000,000)X100=0.99%. My apologies!


      • Avatar



        Its entertaining to read because you started with “poor maths skills”.

        On the topic, i couldn’t get over choosing 0.99% chance of serious side effect
        0.02% kill rate of the virus.



    • Avatar

      Prester Kahn


      .916% is larger than the mortality rate of CoVid itself for those under 75. So when you make your personal risk / benefit analysis take that into account.

      Remember, the purpose of a vaccine is to prevent death or permanent disability – not necessarily to prevent you from experiencing any illness from the pathogen.


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        one should not compare side effects with mortality. E.g. 21 strokes after 5,400,000 vaccinations means 0.0004%. That is much less than the general stroke risk in absence of any vaccination. The aim of this article is spread fear among people who are not familiar to epidemiology and medical statistics


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    George Washington


    So the EUA for the COVID mRNA gene therapie is based upon criminally misleading positive case counts orchestrated by the FDA who admitted the coronavirus tests, aka RT PCR tests are not a diagnoistic, and yet are ordered by the FDA to call RT-PCR positive test results cases of sars CoV-2, which to this very day has NEVER been isolated from a human. The FDA admits they do not have a sample of this virus, yet a gene therapy company, Moderna, and vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer have both made gene therapies for a disease that has never been proven to exist in nature.

    These shots are not vaccines because they do not confer immunity, the WHO, and Pfizer are on record saying there is no evidence(yet) that these gene therapy shots will prevent infections with coronaviruses, prevent the spread of coronaviruses, or even save your life from a coronavirus.

    in what alternate universe have people become so stupid?

    The gene therapies are leading to thousands upon thousands of COVID positive cases. They are creating spike proteins in ALL your cells. They are a trojan horse.


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    This came out a few weeks ago, this is a veteran doctor explaining how the mRNA treatment will permanently, genetically modify a person’s immune system, and why that modification can lead to septic death. This mRNA has killed all the animals it was tried on, in two or three trials, it has never been used on human beings, and there is no clinical studies to back it up .. essentially, when this mRNA has put SARS COV-19 in every cell in a person’s body, and a new strain of SARS COV enters, the body will not recognize it and it will invade, then the body will begin to fight with itself, and sepsis will result in death .. this is evil and criminal. Check it out.


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    This article would appeal to all anti-vaxxers. What is presented here is disjointed, and full of holes. Towards what purpose? To “save “people?


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      Yes, to save people! It’s not “anti-vaccine”, it’s giving people information and facts before deciding whether to allow something to be put into their bodies. You should feel free to take it and blindly trust the pharma companies that insisted on complete immunity. Let me know how it works out for you, guinea pig.


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    mRNa provideds the ‘code’ to tell our cells what to do. The people who have gotten almost everything wrong about this virus are now telling us that this vaccine must be injected to every human on the planet in order to prevent us from getting a virus that has a 99.7% survivability rate for most people 75 years old and under. We are supposed to trust what is in this ‘code’? You can, but not me. I will take my chances with the immune system I have without opening my cells to manipulation by people I don’t know, and many I don’t trust.


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    Ambassador Mount




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    Ambassador Mount




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      Ambassador Mount as in William Mount? I love your miss-spelling of Goivernment. Not all of us Goylim are on board with any of this. Truth is on this issue. Jews are now killing Jews. We all must combine to fight this. Ignorance is the enemy here not culture as much as I disagree with the Jewish culture we need to unite to fight this battle. All my love for your work.


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    Ambassador Mount




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    Rana Priya


    I collected feedback from a considerable number of people connected to Covid19 from two distinctively different groups. one. those who recovered from it. two. those who had the vaccine. In most cases, the effects felt by group one are lesser than those in group two.


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    What a careless and misleading article. All would do well to read the actual report (the link is in the article itself). By the way, mRNA technology is at least 10 years old. It cannot change anyone genetically. mRNA cannot engraft into your DNA. It merely, and temporarily, makes a viral protein against which your immune system can mount a defense. No possibility of a viral infection. So sorry there is so much ignorance, disinformation, lies, and fear. What a mess.


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    What a careless and misleading article. All would do well to read the actual report (the link is in the article itself). By the way, mRNA technology is at least 10 years old. It cannot change anyone genetically. mRNA cannot engraft into your DNA. It merely, and temporarily, makes a viral protein against which your immune system can mount a defense. No possibility of a viral infection. So sorry there is so much ignorance,
    disinformation, lies, and fear. What a mess.

    One more thing: I work for one of the world’s great cancer centers, which employs some 20,000 people. The hospital is recommending the vaccine for everyone — based on science. Now: Would the hospital intentionally cripple or enfeeble its employees? I think not.


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      Mr Twister


      Funny isn’t it that for all money thrown at cancer research, when a successful treatment is found “GCmaf” the inventor gets persecuted by the state ie. Lyn Thayer and David Noakes.

      So when your employer tells you jump off a bridge. … don’t forget to go Splat.

      If they ever found a cure, what would the 20,000 employed at your work do?

      Yeah, good job!


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      @Effie- First, you ask if a hospital would intentionally cripple its own employees. You should try asking all the nurses, as well as children aged six months to five years old, in Britain, Sweden, Finland & Ireland who were crippled by narcolepsy = “sleeping sickness” resulting from being “vaccinated” against “Swine Flu” in 2009.

      Secondly, instead of boasting about your own credentials as “working for” a large cancer centre, you might read today’s article on this website:
      “We are health professionals of the international collective : United Health Professionals, composed of more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious disease specialists) from different countries of Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania and, on August 26, 2020, we addressed to governments and citizens of countries around the world an alert message regarding the COVID outbreak.”

      Thirdly, it is YOU who are endangering countless lives by helping to spread “ignorance, disinformation, lies, and fear”. You ought to be ashamed.


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      Maybe not intentionally but if they didn’t check what it is, (not a vaccine but gene programming to kill / weaken), then they are accomplices to murder


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    Actually l can’t find the data quoted in this article through the link provided, which leads me to the uk gov webpage. In the uk gov webpage, l can’t find the side effects mentioned in this article. All the figures quoted have no sources. The article tells 21 CVA cases caused by vaccines, however it seems the figures are telling the differential diagnosis admitted by A&E department of a hospital. The other quoted data is of the same kind. I am just wondering whether the article is telling the truth or not, and not talking whether vaccines are good or not.


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    Another bullshit from the antivaxers.


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      Gary Ashe


      Please come back Param and inform all these people here how successful your vaccinations have been once you have undergone the treatment.
      Hope your outcome is the desired outcome you wish for.

      If you don’t come back then it will be fair to assume the outcome was not good and your misplaced faith in people who don’t actually give a flying fuck about as an individual was misplaced.


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    Gary Ashe


    It looks like your assault on the globalists great reset covid social engineering scam is attracting the attention of the troll farm masters,

    You would think atleast they would use trolls that could speak fluid english instead of the Chinglish on show.


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    Gamini Wijesinghe


    I live in Sri Lanka, when I read about the after-effects of the injections. Sri Lankans will be given free of charge Astrazeneca in due course. I am now 78 years old will be given on a priority basis.
    I will decide to have this injection or not after 10 days’ time.

    Sylvester Wijesinghe.


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    There are several low cost real prevention and treatment protocols which work very well without any surprises, actual, and the ones expected.
    Why are they being suppressed?

    The statistics, even if flawed, speak for themselves.
    Not many excess deaths if compared with the last 10 yrs in many countries.
    The Pcr tests are not suitable for diagnosis or attributing deaths to the symptoms called covid, about which there is no real certainty about their causes, and it may be several. There seems to be a correlation with the flu vax, and very similar symptoms are caused by contamination with electromagnetic radiation.


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    This is extremely misleading – trying to say that covid caused these side effects. In truth, there is no proof.

    The government report shows the bad symptoms from a people who took the vaccine. There is absolutely no way to tell if the vaccine caused the bad symptoms. In other words, would these people have these complications, even if they did not take the vaccine? Unfortunately we cannot live in parallel worlds to ever know. Don’t forget, that the vaccine was offered to the most vulnerable, and elderly – who may very well have complications already.

    To determine the causal effect, you need to do a proper randomised experiments like the clinical trials. One group having taken the vaccine, one without. And see the difference. The government does not have the luxury to do this, because the group “without” the vaccine would be directly exposed to covid (which is much more deadly).


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      Nicole Louis


      A few weeks after my father had the vaccine, he had terrible side effects and died. It was the vaccine that killed him. The adverse side effects are described by good, honest, decent scientists. Use common sense. It’s at your own risk.


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      Jennifer Hall


      Many young people are dying or bejng harmed from taking this gene therapy ,so called vaccjne, it is not a vaccine, it is an experiment gone wrong, due to end in 2023…many pregnant women have had Miscarriages after the injection..CRIMES against HUMANITY


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    When it comes to health I wouldn’t trust anything the government health agencies recommend. All corrupt for $$$


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    Roger Stamper


    tks for post


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    Aaron DM


    Remember this vaccine is for a cold infection with >99.9% survival odds for majority of the population.
    Why would anyone get a potentially unsafe vaccine that hasn’t been adequately tested and risk dying for such a benign viral infection ?
    Am I missing something here? It’s illogical to administer this vaccine, unsafe and my professional medical advise would be to carefully weigh the notable risks and pros before deciding to take this vaccine. I personally will not take it even if I’m above 65.
    Moreover, around 17 years of research FAILED to produce vaccines against coronavirus yet now suddenly there’s not just one but several different vaccines?
    The most insidious side effect is the vaccine against coronavirus caused hyperimmune response for any other subsequent infection which is not necessarily coronavirus and this hyper response is often FATAL especially for the elderly. This has been seen many times in animal trials.

    Also remember the vaccine cannot guarantee you won’t be infected or won’t transmit the infection to others. Supposedly only reduce severity of illness.

    BTW I’m not an anti-vaxxer but I’m certainly anti-pseudoscience and anti-stupidity.

    DR. ADM


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    Thank you for this information. Reposting.
    You would have noted I expect the info from Germany’s whistleblowers about the forced vaccination of the elderly.
    (Trolls abound I note … as they do when lies are being exposed).


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    This is a painfully dishonest article. If you had bothered to actually research this you would know that the Yellow Card system is a self reported symptom process that has no corresponding research against the Vaccines and therefore has no bearing on the overall count for side effects as a direct result of receiving the vaccination.
    Directly from the website :
    What is a Yellow Card
    The Yellow Card scheme is a mechanism by which anybody can voluntarily report any suspected adverse reactions or side effects to the vaccine. It is very important to note that a Yellow Card report does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused that reaction or event. We ask for any suspicions to be reported, even if the reporter isn’t sure if it was caused by the vaccine. Reports to the scheme are known as suspected adverse reactions (ADRs). Many suspected ADRs reported on a Yellow Card do not have any relation to the vaccine or medicine and it is often coincidental that they both occurred around the same time. The reports are continually reviewed to detect possible new side effects that may require regulatory action, and to differentiate these from things that would have happened regardless of the vaccine or medicine being administered, for instance due to underlying or undiagnosed illness.

    It is therefore important that the suspected ADRs described in this report are not interpreted as being proven side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. A list of the possible side effects of COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech and the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is provided in the product information document for healthcare professionals and the UK recipient information. These can also be found on the Coronavirus Yellow Card reporting site.

    This public summary provides an overview of all UK suspected ADRs associated with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines (COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca), and the MHRA’s analysis of the data, between 9 December 2020 and 7 February 2021 (inclusive). A glossary of key terms is provided at the end of this document.

    If identified, information on new and emerging safety concerns will be provided in future editions of this report together with details of any resulting regulatory action or changes to advice on use of the vaccines.


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    U r a bleeding scam bad English n all


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    I am the writer of the book „Covid, the lie of the century” (in Romanian language). As a person born and educated in a Communist regime (Romania was communist untill 1989) I believe I can understand the logic of the Chinese Communist Party. I made a video in which I explained my opinion about how and why the covid scam started in China.


    • Avatar

      Herb Rose


      Hi Mariusmioc,
      Is the new Romanian “variant” occurring in vaccinated people? Is it really a manifestation of Antibody Dependent Enhancement and is it being used to convince more people to get the shots?


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        I don’t have enough data about the “Romanian variant” of covid. Only recently I saw in Romanian mass-media some discussion that a “Romanian variant” of covid exist. Romanian media was more interested in discussing the 2 new british variants, the sudafrican variant, the brazilian variant.


        • Avatar

          Herb Rose


          Hi Mariusmioc,
          II have a Romanian friend who is planning to return to Romania to take care of sick parents, after retiring in June. After reading of the “Romanian variant” on your blog the concern is that the government is looking for a new excuse to maintain restrictions after the flu season ends and COVID disappears?


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      James McGinn



      This is amazing.
      Thanks for this. It sure does explain a lot.

      James McGinn


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        James McGinn


        I thought I would briefly describe what I say in this video, partially to see if anybody can confirm or correct me, because I am somewhat not sure if I’m interpreting it correctly. So, to me it seems that Mariusmioc’s premise here is that Wuhan official, fearing riots (for reasons not clear to me) faked an outbreak of flu (virus) in order to keep people inside, thus avoiding a riot. And their fake was so good, the cohorts (pharmaceuticals and government “experts”) were so motivated, and the public was so gullible that it faked out the whole world!

        Did I get this right? Or did I let my imagination get the best of me? Did I, maybe, miss something? (I didn’t have time to watch the whole video.)


        James McGinn


        • Avatar

          Herb Rose


          Hi James,
          The video is mariusqoc’s explanation for the virus release in Wuhan based on his experience in Romania when demonstrations began against the communist Ceausescu regime. In Romania they used the threat of terrorism to try to quell the riots/demonstrations, which did not work.
          In China with massive demonstrations in Hong Kong and Wuhan the CCC staged a viral emergency to lock everybody up in their homes to prevent the spread of demonstrations to other parts of China. The governments in the “free” world, seeing how well the strategy worked in Chins, adopted the scenario to seize control and promote their own objectives (steal elections with fake absentee ballots, push to get more money, depopulation, assume more power, etc.)
          In China the strategy worked and demonstrations ended so the restrictions were ended. In the “free” nations the objective of “more” cannot be accomplished so they continue to find excuses for not ending the scam.


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    Well Said Protestant ??? So True ?


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