UK Doctors Call For Govt To Urgently Pause, Investigate Covid Vaccines
Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK) was established in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of UK doctors dedicated to practicing evidence-based, ethical and patient-centred medicine.
Our group is borne out of increasing concerns that core principles of medical ethics are being disregarded, such as the oath to “First do no harm”, the respect for individual bodily autonomy and the need to obtain fully informed consent for all medical interventions.
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So they pause the murdering for a month or two, decide everything’s just peachy and on go the boosters rampage up the wazoo in full force. Nothing changes.
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Has the DfPUK website been down for a while before Christmas? Good to see the link works now, eitherway.
Great to see that there are still honourable Doctor’s out there, better late than never, but let’s not dwell on that for the moment.
I hope you are not expecting the WEF/NWO-compromised Government of occupation positioned in power here, to stop vaxterminating the population at the drop of a hat, especially following their disgraceful slurs and attacks, thrown at Andrew Bridgen MP from the WEF/NWO Crime Minister and his murderous lacky, Matt Hancock, when he raised the subject of stopping the injections – They are Genetic Experiments using mRNA nanotechnology, so I will not use the word Vaccine to describe them. One reference, should you not be aware, being “La Quinta Columna”.
If you do actually receive a reply, please share it with us on here.
I won’t tell you what to do, but I would suggest exposing their Compromised Doctors and other NHS staff, educating the workers who are not privy to what has/is still, taking place (including murders being committed by use of Ventilators, Midazolam (Matt Hancock), Remdezivir) etc., and that you have all been lied to and held as a laughing stock, by this WEF/NWO Government of occupation, NHS England, Public Health England (or whatever that has been changed to), WHO and the rest of the Criminal Cabal, using their ( “Un-Isolated, Un-Purified) Covid-19 Agenda.
If you don’t already know about all that and Much, Much more that’s taking place, you will.
You have Allies at least:
1) UK Column (“UK Column News”),
2) UK Medical Freedom Alliance,
3) Doctors for Covid Ethics,
4) Childrens Health Defence,
5) Americas Frontline Doctors,
6) Medical Freedom Alliance,
7) World Freedom Alliance,
and others, who will be there for any doubters and those worried about their jobs in the NHS, especially.
Please see the work of Lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Vernon Coleman, also.
” Knowledge is Power”, “Silence is Consent” and “Strength in Numbers”.
I believe that a united NHS against this worldwide Medical Tyranny, could have stopped their Covid genocide, before they even got started.
Trust no one and best of luck 🙂
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There was no stopping this heinous plan of execution without violent immediate response to each step as it tried to advance…
Instead….hypnotic somnolence…also the plan.