U.S. Supreme Court Denies Religious Exemptions to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots

For the first time this week, all 9 justices of the Supreme Court of the United States participated in an emergency hearing to stop COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The case was a “religious exemption” case for Maine healthcare workers who were given until Friday, October 29, 2021 to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate as a condition for employment.

The Christian group Liberty Counsel, represented about 2000 healthcare workers in Maine who claimed they were denied filing religious exemptions to the mandate, while medical exemptions were allowed.

Fetal tissue cells are used in the production of COVID-19 vaccines, and earlier this month Project Veritas published a video from a Pfizer employee whistleblower who claims that internal communication at Pfizer tried to hide this fact from the public, in an effort to reduce or eliminate religious exemption claims. See:

The Supreme Court rejected the Maine healthcare workers claim in a 6-3 decision, with Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett providing the “swing votes,” joining Justice Stephen Breyer in denying the petition.

As a result, now thousands of healthcare workers in Maine face losing their jobs, and probably many more thousands, if not millions, nationwide.

The three dissenting justices were Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Gorsuch (also a Trump appointee) wrote the dissenting opinion and stated:

Maine has adopted a new regulation requiring certain healthcare workers to receive COVID–19 vaccines if they wish to keep their jobs. Unlike comparable rules in most other States, Maine’s rule contains no exemption for those whose sincerely held religious  beliefs preclude them from accepting the vaccination.

The applicants before us are a physician who operates a medical practice and eight other healthcare workers. No one questions that these individuals have served patients on the front line of the COVID– 19 pandemic with bravery and grace for 18 months now. App. to Application for Injunctive Relief, Exh. 6, ¶8 (Complaint).

Yet,  with Maine’s new rule coming into effect, one of the applicants has already lost her job for refusing to betray her faith; another risks the imminent loss of his medical practice. The applicants ask us to enjoin further enforcement of Maine’s new rule as to them, at least until we can decide whether to accept their petition for certiorari. I would grant that relief.

Gorsuch also addressed the hypocrisy in allowing medical exemptions, but not religious exemptions:

No one questions that protecting patients and health care workers from contracting COVID–19 is a laudable objective. But Maine does not suggest a worker who is unvaccinated for medical reasons is less likely to spread or contract the virus than someone who is unvaccinated for religious reasons.

Nor may any government blithely assume those claiming a medical exemption will be more willing to wear protective gear, submit to testing, or take other precautions than someone seeking a religious exemption.

He could have easily added that the vaccinated are at least as likely to spread COVID-19, if not more likely, based on available data.

He also addressed the hypocrisy of the State’s assertion that denying religious exemptions would “protect the State’s healthcare  infrastructure.”

That leaves Maine’s third asserted interest: protecting the State’s healthcare infrastructure. According to Maine, “[a]n outbreak  among healthcare workers requiring them to quarantine, or to be absent . . . as a result of illness caused by COVID–19, could  cripple the facility’s ability to Cite as: 595 U. S. ____ (2021) 5 provide care.” Shah Decl. 44, ¶56.

But as we have already seen, Maine does not dispute that unvaccinated religious objectors and unvaccinated medical objectors are equally at risk for  contracting COVID–19 or spreading it to their colleagues. Nor is it any answer to say that, if the State required vaccination for  medical objectors, they might suffer side effects resulting in fewer medical staff available to treat patients.

If the State refuses religious exemptions, religious workers will be fired for refusing to violate their faith, which will also mean fewer healthcare workers available to care for patients. (Full opinion here.)

This is now the fourth time the Supreme Court has refused to block a COVID-19 vaccine mandate via an emergency order, but it is the first one where all 9 justices were involved, and we can clearly see what the result was.

The facts and reasoning for this case, as written by Justice Gorsuch, are so simple and so basic, that the only explanation that can explain this denial of religious exemptions is that Corporate America, and not the judiciary, nor the presidency, nor Congress, are running the country now and calling the shots.

This has, of course, been going on for a very long time now, but this is so blatant and so arrogant, that it takes corruption in the United States to a whole new level.

The response to COVID-19, started by President Donald Trump and his Operation Warp Speed, has transferred $TRILLIONS to Big Pharma and Corporate America. They have never been so invested in something in the past that comes even close to comparing to the scale of the COVID-19 response and transfer of wealth they have received.

This IS the New World Order that we are watching unfold right before our eyes, and if you still think this is a “conspiracy theory” then you need to wake up, and wake up fast.

These world leaders that comprise this “Global Public-Private Partnership” that Iain Davis so eloquently exposed earlier this week, have made their intentions very clear, and they are so bold now that they could care less if a growing percentage of the public is waking up and is on to them now.

They truly believe that nothing can stop them now, and if the public does not arise in mass and start refusing their orders, they will be correct.

They control all aspects of U.S. Government now, including the CDC, FDA, NIH, and other federal agencies that determine health policies, and for those who do not follow their orders, they just get them into the courts and ultimately they will end up at the Supreme Court, which they obviously have firm control over.

Are Red State Governors Heroes or Controlled Opposition?

The corporate Globalists running the United States, like the executives and investors behind Pfizer, need a divided public to accomplish their goals and prevent the public from acting in unison to oppose their takeover of this country.

They continue to do this through partisan politics, dividing the country as “republican” or “democrat,” “liberal” or “conservative,” etc.

What about the recent moves by some Red State Republican Governors who have issued executive orders, or perhaps even signed legislation, that seeks to prevent employers from mandating the COVID-19 shots as a condition for employment?

It makes for good rhetoric to keep the country divided, but as we clearly see now, ultimately it does not matter what they do or sign into law, because it will eventually make its way to the Supreme Court, and we know now how they will most likely rule on all similar cases involving vaccine mandates and exemptions.

I have previously stated that these Red State governors are wolves in sheep clothing, and I stand by that statement. See:

Wolves in Sheep Clothing – Republican Governors are Pro-Bioweapon Injections Despite Opposing COVID-19 “Vaccine Passports”

Not one of them took any action to protect the children in their state when the FDA and CDC gave approval to start injecting children between the ages of 12 and 15 with the experimental Pfizer shots last May.

Many of these young people are now dead, or suffering from heart disease and lifelong disabilities, when they had an almost ZERO risk from dying from COVID-19.

And now the FDA has just issued a new EUA to allow the medical system to start injecting children as young as 5 years old with the dangerous COVID-19 experimental shots.

Any governor, whether Red State or Blue State, who wants to prove to the citizens in their state that they are NOT taking their orders from Corporate America and Big Pharma, needs to immediately do two things to ensure that the law is enforced in their own states regarding the injection of COVID-19 shots into any child.

First, prohibit any school district or medical institution from mandating a shot that is not even FDA approved yet as being a condition for enrollment or participation, whether private or public.

Secondly, make sure the law is obeyed and that any parent who wants to allow their child get an experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shot, receive a copy of the FDA Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) for their age group, and read it, prior to deciding to allow their child to receive an experimental shot.


And we know the U.S. Supreme Court cannot be depended upon to uphold the law now, so as Governor of your State, this is YOUR responsibility.

Here is the FDA VIS just published for COVID-19 Pfizer “vaccines” to be given to 5 to-11-year olds. (Source.)

Here is what the FDA has published in this VIS for the Pfizer shot to be offered to children between the ages of 5 and 11 that is supposed to be given to parents.


This Vaccine Information Fact Sheet contains information to help you understand the risks and benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech  COVID-19 Vaccine, which your child may receive because there is currently a pandemic of COVID-19. Talk to your child’s vaccination provider if you have questions.



Tell the vaccination provider about all of your child’s medical conditions, including if your child:

has any allergies
• has had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
• has a fever
• has a bleeding disorder or is on a blood thinner
• is immunocompromised or is on a medicine that affects your child’s immune system
• is pregnant
• is breastfeeding
• has received another COVID-19 vaccine
• has ever fainted in association with an injection


Your child should not get the vaccine if your child:

• had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of this vaccine
• had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine.


There is a remote chance that the vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur  within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the vaccine. For this reason, your child’s vaccination provider may ask your child to stay at the place where your child received the vaccine for monitoring after vaccination. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include:

Difficulty breathing
• Swelling of the face and throat
• A fast heartbeat
• A bad rash all over the body
• Dizziness and weakness

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received the vaccine. In most of these people, symptoms began within a few days following receipt of the second dose of vaccine. The chance of having this occur is very low. You should seek medical attention right away if your child has any of the following symptoms after receiving the vaccine:

• Chest pain
• Shortness of breath
• Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart

Side effects that have been reported with the vaccine include:

severe allergic reactions
• non-severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face
• myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
• pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)
• injection site pain
• tiredness
• headache
• muscle pain
• chills
• joint pain
• fever
• injection site swelling
• injection site redness
• nausea
• feeling unwell
• swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
• decreased appetite
• diarrhea
• vomiting
• arm pain
• fainting in association with injection of the vaccine

These may not be all the possible side effects of the vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur.

The possible side effects of the vaccine are still being studied in clinical trials.


Under the EUA, there is an option to accept or refuse receiving the vaccine. Should you decide for your child not to receive it, it will not change your child’s standard medical care.

Read the entire VIS here.

As we have published in the past with all of these experimental vaccines given EUAs, the FDA has illegally issued ALL of these EUAs, because they have stated:

The FDA may issue an EUA when certain criteria are met, which includes that there are no adequate, approved, available alternatives.

There are many alternative treatments used by tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of doctors around the world now that successfully treat the symptoms associated with COVID-19.

That said, this VIS is required by law to be given to parents and patients PRIOR to getting injected with one of these experimental shots, and they clearly state that there is tremendous risk associated with the shots, and that they are still in the experimental stage.

How many people know that PRIOR to getting an injection?

Based on the articles we have published where people have died or become disabled after the shots, most did not know what the risks were, but wished they had.

This entire COVID-19 vaccination campaign is illegal, but justice will not be found in the judicial system.

So if any governor wants to prove that they are not controlled by Pfizer and Corporate America, then all they have to do is make sure the law is enforced in their state, and that NO SCHOOL, CLINIC, or any other institution can mandate children to get one of these shots, and that the VIS sheets are given to all parents and required to read them before deciding to give their child an experimental shot.

If any governor fails to do this, which I suspect all will, then know for certain that they are controlled by Pfizer and Corporate America, and that they will do nothing to protect your child. They are fellow criminals, no matter what their party affiliation is.

The only option left to Americans at this point is to RESIST! Even if it means losing your job or your child’s opportunity to attend a school. Major changes are coming, one way or another, and you want to be on the right side of truth and justice, no matter what the cost.

See more here: healthimpactnews.com

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Somo.nl

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Comments (10)

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    All the judges, chosen by the DEEP STATE, which includes TRUMP, belong to Guantanamo, including Trump!


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      Tom O


      To be honest, I actually think they may have done the right thing because the mandate was a state issue, not a federal issue. Wake up and understand that the purpose of the Supreme court is to keep federal law Constitutional, it is NOT to tell states how to run their states.

      That is why I have always said that the “one man, one vote” ruling by the Warren Court was illegal. It was NOT a federal issue how a state elects senators to the state senate.

      This case should have gone to the State superior court, or whatever it is called for a decision. As for the workers – walk. Tell them to stuff it and run their damn hospitals without them. Mandates won’t last when business can’t make profits, and the state will cave.

      I am reasonably sure they will find plenty of support in their communities to weather the storm, because those same people in those communities will prefer to have dedicated and caring staff at the facilities rather than have school trainees.


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    Sonny Thorgren


    As you are the first (and only) to comment so far, please connect all people sharing your views. I do, for a starter. We have to unite! I could try to tell you more about myself (I am from Sweden) but i guess that would make me less interesting (I am not from Barcelona) so I will just hope for the best.


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    Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are in bed with the Globalists. So are Roberts, Gorsuch and I’m sure most of the others as well.

    They’ve been compromised by bribes, threats or video of them in compromising positions. A few million dollars sent to a private account for you, threats of death to you or your loved ones or video of you “sleeping” with little boys or girls goes a long way toward convincing you of your position on matters.

    It’s way beyond disgusting, what these fakes, phony’s, frauds and TRAITORS are doing to destroy our country, but there will be NO prosecution and justice served to our Justices.


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    A Reasonable Man


    Very bad decision by the court ,a terrible precedent to set and contradicts previous well established court position.
    A quick side comment though: don’t believe that reference to Red state governor “bill 2006” for forced vaccination. It is from a boiler plate section of a general emergency preparedness order for disasters, natural manmade, mass causality, nuclear, biological threat. Etc etc No secret evil plan by Governor DeSantis guys . Yes I actual read the Bill. Consider the source Health Impact News another site that mixes truth with conjecture.
    PSI has stimulated me to research subjects I never would have before, but that also means calling out BS when I find it.


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    The US Supreme Court has NO JURISDICTION over anything that is not mentioned in the US Constitution, such as gender, marriage, vibrant diversity, school bathrooms, sodomites, abortions, or any kind of medical treatment, including vaccines.

    They have brazenly stretched out their tentacles to interfere in all aspects of the life of American citizens, who have foolishly allowed them to create a “Judocracy” = “Rule by Judges”, legislating from the bench, and overriding the executive and legislative branches, thus destroying democracy.

    The Supreme Court, like the federal government, has outlived its usefulness to the taxpayers who fund it. And since the Globalists want to destroy all national borders, we should all do the opposite, establishing new, smaller countries, starting with each American state declaring itself to be an independent nation.

    In fact, the national legislatures of all countries are no longer responsive to the best interests of their own people. Western nations can lead the way by focusing on local & county governments, moving away from the expense and grandeur of large central governments or monsters like the EU, with their thousands upon thousands of laws regulating every aspect of taxpayers’ lives. Maybe it’s time for a change in the way we think about governments, because our present systems are not working.


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