U.S. Infant Mortality Rate ‘Disproportionately’ Higher Than 16 Other Countries

Children and teens in the U.S. are dying at higher rates than their peers in 16 other high-income countries, according to a research letter published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University calculated the median mortality rates among children ages 0-19 with rates in Canada, Australia, Japan and several European countries, from 1999 to 2019.

They compared those rates to median mortality rates among the same age groups in the U.S. to identify excess deaths — the number above and beyond those median rates — in the U.S. — and found that in the U.S., there were 413,948 excess deaths among young people during that time.

“Each year, nearly 20,000 deaths among youths ages 0 to 19 years would not have occurred had US youths experienced the median mortality rates of 16 comparison countries,” the authors wrote. “More than half of these deaths involved infants, reflecting disproportionately high US infant mortality rates.”

As young people in the U.S. died at higher rates, the median mortality rates in other countries dropped, widening the gap.

“The chances of a child surviving to age 20 are now decreasing,” Dr. Steven Woolf, the study’s co-author told NBC News.

Where data were available, researchers also examined trends through 2022. That data shows a stepwise increase in deaths among children ages 10 and up starting in 2020 and continuing through 2022.

Beginning in 2010, youths ages 10-19 accounted for an increasing proportion of the deaths, according to the authors. Suicide rates among that age group started rising in 2007, homicides began rising in 2013 and fatal drug overdoses in 2014.

U.S. infant mortality rates: trends and possible causes

Infant mortality rates in the U.S. as of 2022 are 5.6 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The rate rose 3% in 2022 — the first increase since 2001, according to a National Center for Health Statistics report. The trend represents a sharp reversal, as between 2000 and 2020, infant deaths had decreased by 21%.

Overall, the U.S. infant death rate has consistently exceeded those of other high-income countries.

NBC News attributed the high infant mortality rate in the U.S. in part to its relatively high rate of sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS — which it defined as “the unforeseen and unexplained death of an infant younger than 1.”

The CDC views SIDS, along with “accidental suffocation in a sleeping environment” and “other deaths from unknown causes” as manifestations of the broader phenomenon of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). The agency attributes three-fourths (75%) of the approximately 3,400 annual SUID deaths to SIDS and “unknown causes.”

Dr. Paul Thomas, pediatrician and author of the forthcoming book, “Vax Facts: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages & Stages of Life,” told The Defender that those “unknown causes” are likely also SIDS and that extensive evidence links SIDS to vaccination.

He said:

“Nearly 20,000 infants died in the USA in 2021, for an overall infant mortality rate of 5.4 deaths per 1,000 live births. The CDC lists SIDS as the number three cause of death, following birth defects and preterm birth, with 1,389 cases.

“But deaths that used to be classified as SIDS are often classified as suffocation or simply ‘unknown’ these days. There were 1,062 deaths attributed to unknown causes, and 905 attributed to accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed for a total of 3,356.

“When an infant dies, no matter how soon after vaccination, coroners and pathologists do not have any codes for vaccine-related death available as options, so these deaths are generally coded as SIDS, unknown, or suffocation.”

Thomas said pediatricians are not educated about the link so even when it clearly occurs, they don’t recognize it.

“I was taught that SIDS was due to parents smoking in the room, the room being too hot, babies co-sleeping or sleeping on surfaces that were too soft, or moms smothering their babies while nursing,” he wrote, sharing insights from his forthcoming book. “While all these factors may plausibly contribute, the primary cause has been right under our nose for decades. The vaccines!”

An analysis of sudden infant deaths in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), showed that nearly 80% of those deaths reported to the system between 1990 and 2019 happened within seven days of vaccination.

Most recently, during the COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccination rates dropped because routine medical visits were canceled, and so did the number of deaths from SIDS.

A recent peer-reviewed study found a positive statistical correlation between infant mortality rates (IMRs) and the number of vaccine doses received by babies — confirming findings made by the same researchers a decade ago.

The 2018 Health Affairs study reported the bifurcation of the U.S. mortality rates from that of other wealthy countries began in the 1980s — the same time the country saw a major uptick in childhood vaccination.

Child mortality researchers have also noted that sudden unexplained childhood deaths in children over 1 year old are often underestimated and many such child deaths remain unexplained due to failure to understand or investigate causes.

Higher infant mortality has also been linked to poor maternal health or other perinatal issues, including premature birth.

NBC News also suggested that part of the problem was homicide. There are on average approximately 267 infant homicides per year in the U.S.

There are approximately 3.66 million live births annually in the U.S.

Adolescent deaths — unexplained increase in 2020-2022

The authors speculated that “easier access to firearms and opioids likely contributed” to the rise they reported in adolescent deaths during the study period. NBC News also noted that car accidents are a major cause of death among children.

According to the CDC, the leading causes of death among teens ages 15-19 are accidents, followed by homicides and suicides.

Woolf also told NBC News he thought the issue was the high rates of gun ownership, “unimaginable” in other countries, and the regulatory failures driving the opioid epidemic.

Pediatric deaths from fentanyl increased more than 30-fold between 2013 and 2021, according to a study published last year, mirroring trends seen among adults.

Woolf also told the outlet that suicide, drug use and gun homicides escalated during the pandemic.

“COVID-19 poured fuel on the fire,” he said, “and really put the U.S. far behind other countries in terms of life expectancy and mortality rates.”

These statements echoed the conclusions of research he published last year in JAMA, reporting that the mortality rate for U.S. children and teens surged to the highest levels in decades between 2019 and 2021.

In that 2023 paper, Woolf and his colleagues reported that all-cause mortality increased 10.7% for people ages 1-19 between 2019 and 2020 and an additional 8.3% between 2020 and 2021.

The researchers attributed the excess deaths to injuries — including incidents involving firearms, drugs and car accidents — not COVID-19.

“Bullets, drugs, and automobiles are now causing a youth death toll sufficient to elevate all-cause mortality rates,” they said in the paper.

Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., an all-cause mortality researcher, told The Defender at the time that the 2023 JAMA article “spins” the research findings to make it seem as if the spike in all-cause mortality for children is part of a larger trend linked to broad societal dynamics affecting youth, rather than to the draconian lockdown policies that disproportionately affected the poor and vulnerable across U.S. society.

“The piece is what I would call spin, right up there with the best spin that a politician could make, but it’s by three M.D. scientists,” Rancourt said.

He said the article did not try to analyze the fact that there was a large, stepwise increase in mortality rates in 2020 and 2021.

The study authors did not explain that the increase happened alongside a much greater rise in all-cause mortality among other age groups. They did not address the fact that the vaccine rollout occurred halfway through the study period and had no positive impact on all-cause mortality and they did not discuss the links to poverty.

Woolf’s new research letter in JAMA Pediatrics also showed that same stepwise increase in mortality rates in 2020 through 2022, but again provided no accounting for it.

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Comments (13)

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    Kevin Doyle


    Several points to make here.
    First, 12-18 year olds dying are not ‘infants’. They are either young punks shooting each other in American cities (Government funded housing projects), teens overdosing on drugs (fentanyl, etc.), or teens killing themselves because they are mentally screwed up over ‘gender ideology’ being forced upon them by perverted teachers and Leftists.
    Second, the ‘infants’ that actually die, far too many, are because of drug addicted Moms living in taxpayer funded housing projects, or their crack-head boyfriends beating the child to death because it cried. There is one each week here in the Leftist run cities of Connecticut, where I live.
    Basic lesson learned: Don’t ever vote for Leftists. All they do is spawn more Evil in the name of ‘generosity’.


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      ” They are either young punks shooting each other in American cities (Government funded housing projects), teens overdosing on drugs (fentanyl, etc.), ”
      Do you know that he CIA, America’s squad of war mongers and race baiters, recruits inner city blacks and turns a few into rich and famous rap stars with a few stipulations. The lyrics, the imagery in music videos, and the onstage persona must glorify the gangster lifestyle. The CIA makes untold millions by luring young blacks into the drug trade. They also encourage rivalries and violence among street level dealers. This ensures there will always be a ripe crop of young blacks to sacrifice for profit, and very few will live long enough to catch on that they are being used to like this.
      The CIA is also the largest drug cartel in the world, and it’s thanks to them that child sex trafficking is the fastest growing illicit industry.
      I’m just saying, the bloodshed in the streets is not because blacks are especially violent. It’s that American inner-city blacks are purposely under educated, pressured to adopt a self-destructive, criminal mindset, and given easy access to drugs and firearms by the US intel agencies. If you want to find the real deep state, look no further.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Kevin,

    When I am familiar with the author of a comment, I first read the comment before even beginning to read the article. But when I read your comment I questioned where did you get your information that contradicted the title of the article.

    So I began tp read the article and Immediately went to the research letter published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics with the title “Excess US Deaths Attributable to High All-Caue Mortality Rates Among Youths Aged 0 to 19 Years” Clearly, I would never read anything that, Brenda Baletti authored. She is clearly an EVIL person.who distorts facts. Kevin, thank you for warning me

    Have a good day


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    Kevin Doyle


    I imagine you are being sarcastic.
    The title of the article is ‘U.S. Infant Mortality Rate, etc.’. Words have meaning, or at least used to have meaning. The definition of an ‘infant’ is a baby less than a year old.
    ‘Children’, aged 12-18 shooting each other in Baltimore, Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago, Camden, Los Angeles, and Oakland are not ‘infants’. They are young punks.
    Do you need the definition of the word ‘young punk’?


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      Kevin Doyle


      Also, 9-month old infants don’t commit suicide.
      13-18 year olds who are confused about hormones and sexuality commit suicide because they are programmed by pervert teachers to be something they are not.
      Back in the 1980’s and 1990’s, there were many teen girls suffering from mental health problems termed anorexia and bulimia. We didn’t encourage that sick behavior. Instead, we helped them get away from those eating disorders.
      Today, encouraging perverse sexual behavior is all the rage. It leads to dead teens and screwed up adults. Breasts cannot be replaced once surgically removed.

      I apologize for having two eyes with which I can see…


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    Kevin Doyle


    A question for you, wise Jerry.
    How many ‘children’ who shoot each other, termed ‘lead poisoning’ by government officials, are ever prosecuted for possessing and using an ‘illegal firearm’?
    Answer: None.
    Don’t anyone ever complain when the problem is right in front of us, yet our elected officials do nothing to change any of it.


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      Jerrry Krause


      Hi Critical Kevin and Others,

      Who has elected the stupid officials who govern the people who elected them?

      Have a good day


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        ‘elected’ officials are bought and paid for and not ‘elected’ by the people
        why would you think they were elected
        open your eyes and look around a bit


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Aaron,

        Are you an active, visible, Trump supporter?

        Have a good day


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          seriously Jerry, both trump and biden are lying, psychopathic authoritarian POS , along with all other politicians world wide
          How is this not evident


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Kevin and Others,

      Please read “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli as translated to English by George Bull.

      Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Kevin and Psi Readers,

    The title of the published paper, which supposedly the basis of this PSI article, was “Excess US Deaths Attributable to High All-Cause Mortality Rates Among Youths Aged 0 to 19 Years” No mention of infants, only to youths. For convenience I copy that which became the basis of my previous comments. “The literature documents a long-standing health disadvantage in the US relative to other high-income countries,1,2 with excess deaths due in part to disproportionately high mortality rates. Few studies3 have quantified the number of excess deaths that have occurred among US infants, children, and adolescents, and none based on mortality data from recent years. Recent years have seen an increase in youth mortality due to homicide, suicide, and drug overdoses and in all-cause mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    Placing infants in the title of this PSI article implies there is an infant health care problem.

    What Kevin refers to is what I consider to be a lack of personal responsibility. For the Creator God was unable to successfully counsel. Cain.

    Have a good day

    U.S. Infant Mortality Rate ‘Disproportionately’ Higher Than 16 Other Countries

    Excess US Deaths Attributable to High All-Cause Mortality Rates Among Youths Aged 0 to 19 Years
    Steven H. Woolf, MD, MPH1; Derek A. Chapman, PhD2
    Author Affiliations
    JAMA Pediatr. Published online July 1, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.1869

    The literature documents a long-standing health disadvantage in the US relative to other high-income countries,1,2 with excess deaths due in part to disproportionately high mortality rates. Few studies3 have quantified the number of excess deaths that have occurred among US infants, children, and adolescents, and none based on mortality data from recent years. Recent years have seen an increase in youth mortality due to homicide, suicide, and drug overdoses and in all-cause mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study compared US mortality rates among youths aged 0 to 19 years with those of 16 comparison countries, calculated excess deaths for 1999 to 2019, and examined temporal trends through 2021.


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    This is perhaps the main reason why life expectancy is falling as early deaths bring the numbers down. Maybe older people are living longer but the prognosis for the younger generations living longer is dropping. And if you are in the business of depopulating a planet you don’t much care about the oldsters as they will soon die. It’s affecting the young and their ability to survive and make children that your firmly attack.


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