Truth Bombs; Designed To Miss Or Just Hidden In Plain Sight?

Turkey is shouting “Enough is Enough” and is not going to sit down and take the man made Earth Quake with a grain of salty warning!

“Enough of this!” is also the shout from a Senator in Romania among others who have eyes to see! T

he nasty ones using tectonic plate shifting technology are being called out! Whether it is Direct Energy Weaponry or the old fashion bomb the heck out of the techtonic plates, the fact is there are ways of destruction that cause earthquakes!

Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă spoke out against the uses of HAARP technology crushing Turkey with earthquakes in the Parliament. She did not hold back!

“The fools are playing as God and they think they have won the game…”

“Warning to the psychopaths of the world: if you need people to die, we need you to perish too””…An eye for an eye”Senator Sosoaca.

What are the odds of ten countries withdrawing their diplomats and another country calling a travel warning to Turkey just 24 hours before the earthquake struck?

Did they just have a feeling? Or was it sheer coincidence? The fact is… THEY KNEW!

Just days before the earthquake, strange clouds were seen over Turkey. Coincidence?

So while mis and disinformation propaganda campaigns are shouting on social media that there is no such thing available to cause earthquakes, they fail to point out that there are international laws describing how these can be used and how they can not be used.

The international world decided that nations can use these strange things on their own nations, but not on other nations. Now, I ask you… do you believe they adhere to the rules of their wars on humanity?

Doom Tech | USA’s earthquake weapon, Nikola Tesla’s design, HAARP truth: conspiracy theory decoded – YouTube

Gee… why does the US boast of their floating DEW machines like the HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX)? The ones that control weather and can zap things for national defense… of course defense… and can cause techtonic plate shifting or earth quakes.

Some have said the Sea Based X Band Radar was in the waters near Kahramanmaras and others have denied that report. Who and what do you believe? Whether it was that or another source… all the people who have been following the truth are full of suspicions.

HAARP is not new, it is just monsterous and no one wants to admit they use such things on people and nations in the manner they do. That would expose their cruel, wicked agenda and put an end to their goals to keep a slumbering stupor waved over the minds of humanity.

HAARP (Frankenscience) Documentary – Ionospheric Weapons System – World War 3 – Chemtrails – WW3 – YouTube

In the State of The Nation News, they had an article titled, ” *ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central Turkey—Whodunit & Why?”

Among the highlights of the report (meaning the things that make you ask questions) is the revealing of the great “ZOG” and what on earth ZOG is?

Well, they tell us that ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government such as those which currently rule the United States, United Kingdom and the State of Israel. Now the question is… why would ZOG be using their earthquake weaponry on Turkey and what part of ZOG is doing it or is ZOG all in it together?

Here are some excerpts of the State of the Nation News Article:

*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government such as those which currently rule the United States, United Kingdom and the State of Israel

The unusually widespread and extraordinary degree of destruction wrought by these earthquakes serves as the first major clues proving that this was yet another barbaric act of Zio-Anglo-American geoterrorism.  But why?  There are actually many reasons why the Axis of Evil is hellbent on bringing Turkey to its knees.

  • Turkey has refused to permit Sweden (and Finland) into NATO pending the outcome of the “harboring terrorists” issue
  • Turkey has been working closely with Russia, Syria and Iran to permanently resolve the Syrian conflict
  • Turkey has been collaborating with Russia all along to help negotiate a peace treaty with Ukraine
  • Turkey’s territory has become Russia’s Plan B where it concerns natural gas pipelines that were once operative in Ukraine, as well as presenting an alternative to the destroyed Nord Stream pipelines
  • Turkey has made major purchases of armaments from Russia including the S-400 air defense system against the strict demands of the United States
  • Turkey has been in an intensifying cold war with fellow NATO member Greece which is viewed as highly disruptive to the central mission of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
  • Turkey has also recently attacked the Syrian Kurds who are considered the U.S. partner in the fake fight against ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)
  • Turkey was targeted by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis just last week with economic sabotage after the US and several European nations shut down their consulates in Istanbul after falsely warning of terrorist attacks
  • Turkey’s Interior Minister recently lambasted US ambassador Jeffry Flake, accused Washington of “working to hurt his country” and incriminated the Western nations for waging “psychological warfare” to undermine tourism in Türkiye, all just 3 days prior to this transparently vengeful geoterrorist attack.

KEY POINT: Artificially induced earthquakes by DEW geoweapons have been perpetrated for decades by the Western powers.  “All the earthquake experts say that with such a large earthquake of almost 8.0 on the Richter scale, these two tremblors were unusually shallow at a depth of only 10km.

Earthquakes of that magnitude usually occur at a depth of at least 30km.  In addition, a pair of large earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.5 in such a short time is also a rare phenomenon.

Moreover, huge flashes in the sky were seen by many just before the earthquake.  They especially lit up a large part of the sky in that specific area just before the first 7.8 earthquake.”

See more here

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Comments (5)

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    Herb Rose


    For some everything that happens is a nefarious plot using mysterious super weapons. Earthquakes have been common in the area since the beginning of recorded history but now they are part of a master plan. When the earthquake hits California it will be Trump’s doing. These people are morons who believe they are victims of someone wanting exactly what from them? They should keep a sharp lookout for strange clouds over their heads.


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      A breezy dismissal without a glimpse at the evidence, nor any appreciation of the wider geopolitical situation? Thanks for the confirmation that nothing you submit should be given an ounce of serious consideration.


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      Ha, so you won’t allow my mildly critical comment in response to Herb’s comment. As he seems to be one of your half-dozen commenters I understand why you might not want to hurt poor Herb’s feelings. ?

      (Since you were placed automatically into moderation because you have ZERO posts it required moderator approval to activate your account now that I approved your first post your next comments should sail quickly onto the board)

      Sunmod Administrator


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    Joseph Olson


    I rather doubt that HAARP can generate a 7.9 quake with just EMF, however amplification could be possible. I support Frank Hoogerbeets hypothesis that solar system alignments direct electrical energy (and likely fission causing neutrinos) with some location, time and magnitude accuracy. Be sure to study Radiation Physics and Geology defore dismissing probable reality.


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      I’ve read about the clouds .. and ‘all the rest’
      What are the odds of… Who and what do you believe, ….
      little energy required to strike a match, but the consequences….


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