Trump’s Claim US split the atom was probably poor researching
The tale of splitting the atom isn’t just about America—it’s a journey from New Zealand to Manchester, led by the brilliant mind of Ernest Rutherford, the true father of nuclear physics
When U.S. President Donald Trump claimed during his inaugural address that Americans “split the atom,” a ripple of irritation spread across the globe.
The statement, made to bolster the nation’s scientific prowess, drew swift rebuttals from historians, scientists, and even public officials from New Zealand.
Wait, what does New Zealand have to do with Trump’s speech? Well, it’s all tied to one of history’s most influential physicists; Ernest Rutherford.
Who split the atom? Separating fact from myth
Born in 1871 in a small South Island town in New Zealand, Rutherford came to the University of Manchester in Britain in 1907 to take up the position of Chair of Physics at the University.
By this time, he had already earned a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on radioactivity. This was a man of such brilliance and repute that Albert Einstein would later call him “a second Newton”.
At Manchester, Rutherford assembled one of the most stellar teams of scientists in the world. His “nuclear family” included immensely consequential physicists, such as Hans Geiger, who would go on to invent the radiation counter, Lawrence Bragg, who won the 1915 Nobel Prize for his work on X-ray crystallography, Ludwig Wittgenstein, the famous analytic philosopher, and none other than Niels Bohr, who revolutionized our understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.
Rutherford’s most famous experiment involved bombarding a thin sheet of gold foil with alpha particles. The unexpected results revealed that most of the atom’s mass resides in a dense nucleus— a particle 1,000 times smaller than the atom itself.
Prior to that, the atom had been presumed to be the smallest particle in the universe. Decades later, Rutherford’s protegees would discover that the nucleus is made up of particles like protons and neutrons.
This 1911 discovery redefined atomic structure and, therefore, atomic physics. In 1919, Rutherford went a step further, successfully disintegrating the nucleus of a nitrogen atom by firing alpha particles, thereby producing oxygen atoms and free protons.
This was the first artificially induced nuclear reaction.
Interestingly, Rutherford eschewed terms like “transmutation,” fearing associations with alchemy. Instead, he described his discovery as “disintegration.” He had not yet “split the atom”, but Rutherford showed a clear pathway toward this goal.
This achievement would come in 1932, at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. Under the mentorship of Rutherford, British physicists John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton built a particle accelerator capable of smashing protons into lithium atoms.
What they observed was astonishing. The lithium nuclei split into two helium nuclei, releasing a flash of energy. This was the first time anyone had achieved nuclear fission in a laboratory.
In doing so, they experimentally confirmed a central tenet of Einstein’s theory of relativity: mass could be converted into energy, a concept captured in the equation E=mc². The energy released in their experiment, while small, hinted at the tremendous power stored in the atom.
While Cockcroft and Walton were the first to split an atom with artificial means, other scientists also played key roles in unraveling the mysteries of the nucleus. Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, for example, discovered nuclear fission in the heavy element uranium in 1938, sparking a race toward nuclear technology.
This work paved the way for the discovery of nuclear chain reactions, which would later be harnessed in both power generation and weaponry. This is where President Trump (or more likely his speech writers) probably got confused.
The first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear reactor was achieved by Enrico Fermi’s team in 1942 at Chicago, followed by the Manhattan Project’s creation of the atomic bomb in 1945.
These milestones were indeed the product of American technological leadership, but the original splitting of the atom occurred elsewhere.
Nick Smith, the mayor of Nelson, Rutherford’s birthplace, responded on social media with restrained incredulity:
“I was a bit surprised when that honor belongs to Nelson’s most famous and favorite son.”
The backlash extended beyond New Zealand. Dr. James Sumner, a lecturer at the University of Manchester, where Rutherford performed his landmark experiments, expressed disappointment in Trump’s historical oversight. “I don’t think he [Trump] knew really what he was talking about,” Sumner said.
Such misunderstandings, he noted, often stem from the mythologizing of scientific breakthroughs, reducing complex, collaborative discoveries to a single moment or figure.
While leaders may seek to simplify history for political purposes, the truth often lies in the messy, interconnected web of global contributions.
Today, Rutherford is remembered as the “father of nuclear physics.” His experiments in Manchester’s modest lab reshaped our understanding of the universe and laid the foundation for technologies that define the modern age—from nuclear medicine to power generation.
Perhaps the best way to honor his legacy is to preserve the accuracy of his story, ensuring that scientific history remains as precise as the experiments that built it.
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Italic emphasis added
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Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Excellent review of nuclear science by Tibi Puiu who used a Nit-picking theme to gain attention. The FACT is that SCIENCE IS INTERNATIONAL and one does not know where one’s interest will lead. E = m
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Excellent review of nuclear science by Tibi Puiu who used a Nit-picking theme to gain attention. The FACT is that SCIENCE IS INTERNATIONAL and one does not know where one’s interest will lead. E = m
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Excellent historical review of nuclear science by Tibi Puiu who used a nit-picking theme to gain attention. The FACT is that SCIENCE IS INTERNATIONAL and one does not know where one’s interest will lead.. “Energy equals mass times the speed of light (radiation) squared” proves that.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
“one does not know where one’s interest will lead”
Here in these comments we have an example of this statement as MattH takes us back further into Rutherford’s New Zealand’s background involving the conversion of the UNIQUE, but common, FLAX PLANT to the ancient fabric LINEN.
Matt, or Herb, what do you know about the flax plant? Have a dood day
Jerry Krause
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What I know is if we didn’t bail it to remove it from the field, we burned it. I never asked why we just didn’t plow it under like the oat, or cereal grains, straw or even the corn stalks to add organic matter to the soil. And how did ancient people know that the flax straw could be used to make linen?
Herb Rose
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Ernst Rutherford was a pioneer in experiments with radiation but because the field was brand new he started with a blank page. He named the three particles he discovered by their penetrating power, alpha, beta, and gamma but only one was particle, beta. Alpha was a subatomic molecule with a positive charge, beta an electron, while gamma is an electromagnetic wave (energy).
The neutron, discovered later, is also a subatomic molecule made from the combining non a proton and an electron.
The alpha particle was shown to be a combination of two protons and two neutrons or four protons and two electrons and is stable, despite containing repelling positive charges. The neutron molecule is unstable despite having the attractive force of opposite charges and decays into a proton, an electron, and gamma radiation. Beta decay is accompanied with gamma radiation as a neutron molecule within the nucleus decays, increasing the number of protons in the nucleus.
This is what is happening when nitrogen is bombarded by alpha particles creating oxygen and is not fission but fusion. The collision between the alpha particle and nitrogen nucleus breaks off a neutron molecule from the alpha particle, which immediately decays. This creates the oxygen atom, in the form of a NO molecule, and three neutrons from the alpha particle (gains an electron)
A similar reaction is occurring when accelerated alpha particle combine with a lithium atom converting the atomic number from the three of lithium to four of two helium atoms.
The question remains how can a nucleus, not have enough energy to be stable, expend energy to expel an electron from the nucleus (which would help bind the nucleus together) form a stable nucleus even though the repelling electric force within the nucleus has increased?
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Hi Herb.
On matters more scientific. The Rutherford family was involved in the flax industry. There are the remnants of a flax mill on the Eastern end of Kaitoke Creek, Raglan; operated by Ernst Rutherford’s brother. The boiler still sits above the high tide mark.
George Rutherford was not the first person to split the flax leaf.
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
Is this near where you live? Was steam from the boiler used extract linseed oil from the flax seed?
Have a good day
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Hi Jerry. My understanding is the ‘dressed flax’ was exported and used for linen. the Raglan flax mill is close to the center of Raglan. The Raglan Harbour had ships come in for the transport of farm produce and dressed flax.
I just read the attached article. I had not realized that Earnest Rutherford was buried next to Isaac Newton.
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
Why didn’t you answer the simple question “Is this near where you live?”
Have a good day
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Hi Jerry.
Linen is made from flax, is harder wearing than cotton and absorbs more moisture than cotton, hence linen being good for bed sheets etc.
I live in central Raglan; New Zealand and the Rutherford flax mill was 2,000 yards away.
Be happy.