Trump Sends Boris Coronavirus Drugs Not Available in UK Health Service
President Trump is so worried about the health of Prime Minister Boris Johnson — currently in intensive care with Chinese Coronavirus — that he has offered U.S. medical support.
Anyone who considers this to be overreach by Trump — doesn’t the UK have a perfectly good National Health Service already? Isn’t it known domestically as ‘the Envy of the World’? — might consider a letter that appeared over the weekend in the Sunday Telegraph, written by Dr Steven R Hopkins of Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire.
It says:
The chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has banned doctors from treating Covid-19 with anything other than paracetamol and in severe cases, oxygen.
Colleagues have rightly condemned this response, which ignores the experience of doctors overseas. Professor Whitty’s position is that British doctors may not use therapies that have not undergone double blind controlled trials here. This could condemn many thousands to avoidable death through a failure to recognise that different rules should apply when patients are dying at such a rate.
The drug hydroxychloroquine is well-known, with a well-understood side-effect profile. It is safe. It also has a recognised mode of action in preventing replication of the virus. Comparison of the death rates in South Korea and Italy strongly suggests that it works to dramatically reduce the death rate. Evidence from India is similarly encouraging.
What the letter appears to indicate is that the hidebound, overcautious, unimaginative approach of the NHS bureaucracy to the coronavirus may actually be jeopardising lives.
Though President Trump didn’t mention any specific drugs when he offered support from the U.S. it seems likely that one of the ones he had in mind was the anti-malarial drug chloroquine.
According to the Guardian, President Trump said shortly after PM Johnson was moved to intensive care:
“I’ve asked two of the leading companies … They’ve come with the solutions and just have done incredible jobs – and I’ve asked him to contact London immediately,” Trump said. “They’ve really advanced therapeutics … and they have arrived in London already. The London office has whatever they need. We’ll see if we can be of help. We’ve contacted all of Boris’s doctors, and we’ll see what is going to take place, but they are ready to go.”
“They’ve had meetings with the doctors, and we’ll see whether or not they want to go that route,” Trump added. “But when you’re in intensive care it’s a big deal. So they’re there and they’re ready.”
It’s true that the jury is still out on hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in treating Covid-19. But it appears to have fared well in a number of small scale studies and an increasing number of doctors around the world have made it a key part of their treatment protocols.
Hydroxychloroquine — originally designed as an anti-malarial treatment – is often used in conjunction with zinc.
This is because chloroquine is a zinc ionophore – see this 2014 study by Jing Xue et al – which means it enables the body’s cells to absorb zinc. Zinc — as well as being effective in boosting the immune system — is thought to disrupt the most deadly phase of coronavirus, the cytokine storm, when the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissue.
Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective therapy’ by doctors for coronavirus: Global survey – Washington Times @SebGorka @JamesDelingpole
— Dr Sam Pappas (@DrSamPappas) April 4, 2020
I asked a senior NHS consultant if it were really true that only paracetamol and oxygen had been permitted for use in Coronavirus treatment in the UK.
He told me: “No one I know is using chloroquine but at this rate it seems likely that we’ll be trying it on spec, without the trials. Whitty is a good doctor, for sure, and if the anecdotal/cohort study evidence mounts from elsewhere, then it will come on. The Boris situation is a test, if he does deteriorate…”
This isn’t exactly reassuring, is it? In the U.S., when President Trump heard about the potential of chloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, he successfully called for the drug to be fast-tracked through the regulatory system. (It has been permitted as a treatment for malaria — and other conditions such as lupus — for 75 years, but obviously not for Covid-19, which didn’t exist till last year).
Britain, on the other hand, remains in thrall to its stolid, sclerotic, overcautious, unimaginative, rules-bound public health bureaucracy. In normal times, this bureaucracy was merely inefficient, wasteful, and a massive drain on the taxpayer. But in extraordinary times like these, this public health bureaucracy has become a positive menace.
When all this is over, a serious investigation needs to be conducted into the performance of the National Health Service, Public Health England, and the rest of the public health bureaucracy in this crisis. If it turns out that because of its dogged obsession with procedure and correct form it denied to dying patients basic medicine that could have saved their lives, then I hope that heads will roll and that root and branch form will be instituted.
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Jack Pollack
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Evidence is mounting that this entire pandemic was planned long ago, one sign is that that the deep state is in panic overdrive to prevent hydroxychloroquine from being used widely to halt this deadly disease, despite overwhelming anecdotal accounts of astonishing efficacy, dramatic turnarounds sometimes in hours. They are counting on high casualties to undermine confidence in Trump and other populist leaders. China also is alleged to have purchased practically all the world’s existing stocks of masks in January/February 2020, rumored to be over 2 billion units, to “corner the market” and allow them to have leverage over other countries, like France which is being pressured to purchase Huawei 5G equipment in return for medical supplies, while putting them in a position to quietly create maximum social chaos and risks for medical and first responders in the West. Again, maximizing the death toll, fear, and political pressure.
Here’s another critical treatment issue raised by an MD in America who is on the front lines of the COVID war; apparently the more acute lung symptoms are not signs of pneumonia (fluid buildup in lungs) but of a mysterious oxygen deprivation dynamic:
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“Britain, on the other hand, remains in thrall to its stolid, sclerotic, overcautious, unimaginative, rules-bound public health bureaucracy.”
Most unfortunate for the nation that “the empire on which the sun never sets”.
What would those great leaders like – Churchill, Cromwell, Nelson, Thatcher say…?
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Is Boris the only leader in the world in a Hospital? Hope he is ok but seems like he is proof that it is not so contagious if he is the only one.
Intersting stats-
Lock down in Switzerland -22,000 cases, 824 deaths .
Sweden with larger population, no lockdown- 7,693 cases, 591 deaths.
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I am more gratified to read your comments than the articles Richard.
At some point, now that we are all corralled, a small opening will appear and we will be permitted to go through at a safe distance from each other of course. We will have to observe the conditions that will be laid out before us to get through this opening.
We can expand and push through the walls of the corral and live as normal a life as we can.