Trends in Global Fires
Climate alarmists claim that an increase in man-made ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions will cause more fires.
For example …
Human-induced climate change promotes the conditions on which wildfires depend, increasing their likelihood …
— ScienceDaily
Funk … says there is very well documented scientific evidence that climate change has been increasing the length of the fire season, the size of the area burned each year and the number of wildfires.
— DW
The clearest connection between global warming and worsening wildfires occurs through increasing evapotranspiration and the vapor-pressure deficit. In simple terms, vegetation and soil dry out, creating more fuel for fires to expand further and faster.
… Global warming will keep worsening wildfires …
— SkepticalScience
Sounds serious. Is it true?
We show that fire weather seasons have lengthened across 29.6 million km2 (25.3%) of the Earth’s vegetated surface, resulting in an 18.7 percent increase in global mean fire weather season length. We also show a doubling (108.1 percent increase) of global burnable area affected by long fire weather seasons and an increased global frequency of long fire weather seasons across 62.4 million km2 (53.4 percent) during the second half of the study period.
— Nature: Climate-induced variations in global wildfire danger from 1979 to 2013
This is just about the most scientific paper I could find on the issue. Why are they obsessed with the length of the fire season? Why can’t they just answer the simple question: Is there more or less fire?
NASA has collected daily data on Active Fires since 2000.
Active Fires, March 2000 [Source]
I downloaded and analyzed all of their Active Fires data. Here’s the result:
Now it all makes sense. Climate scammers need to cherrypick locations and seasons in order to distract from the empirical truth that global fires have been decreasing.
Since I wrote the above in 2021, I found a source with more data, extending to 1982. It comes from a project funded by European Space Agency. Right here. Actual data is downloaded from UK servers, here.
1994 is missing in their data, but that’s alright. It’s obvious that carbon dioxide has zero effect on fires.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, an imbecile, or just plain ignorant. The latter can be cured.
I just realized this data is also plotted at ESA’s site (they sponsored this data):
You see what they did there?
Stretched out the chart so you can barely notice any trend. Biased much?
See more here:
and here:
Header image: CNN
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Geraint HUghes
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Make sure you keep this on your records. As we can see there was an uptick from 1990 to 2000, which makes me think they will be waiting for another (no doubt natural uptick) and when it comes they will be enlarging the graph and splattering it all over the news as yet more evidence of global catastrophe and all the usual lies and tricks they play.
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Jerry Krause
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Hi Zoe and PSI Readers,,
The most obvious is most difficult to SEE. (JLK)
In the USA the biggest wildfires are occurring where the natural climate has an annual precipitation rate around 10-12 inches. Which we observe can vary several inches from year to year.
And for decades we have had the policy to extinguish naturally caused wild fires and to not harvest timber when it needs to be harvested. With the result of these great sized wildfires which burn up buildings (more fuel).
Sooner this excess fuel will be burned in a short time span, and there will be little excess fuel to burn. With the result of fewer big wildfires. Hopefully, we (humans) will learn something from what we are seeing!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
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Most fires are caused by foreign invaders particularly Muslims who believe and execute the saying “The non Muslim world must be destroyed by fire” .
Zoe Phin
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That can’t be. Islam is a religion of peace. You must have gotten that from their sacred writings. You’re not supposed to read it literally. You need a trained Imam to massage the text for you.
Herb Rose
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Hi Zoe,
When you don’t have a fixed reference interpretation it can cause a perversion of beliefs.
Originally the faith was spread by the swords to pagans while people of the book (jews, christians, and other muslims) were of the same belief (one God) and were not to be harmed. Interpretation has certainly changed that tenet of faith.
Zoe Phin
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Experts suggest there was no new religion during majority of conquests. The religion came 150+ years after Mohammed most likely did not even exist.
Mark Tapley
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Hell Zoe:
Islam in which all three so called original texts are widely dispirit and one of them was written by someone with only a marginal grasp of Arabic. Linguists know from the syntax that Islam was finally cobbled down from oral traditions ap. 100 years after the fictitious prophet Mohamed. Another aspect that is notable in this nonsense is the heavy copying of Catholicism, even having an entire chapter on Mary who is only briefly mentioned in the scriptures. Even Muslim shrines are full of Catholic symbolism. Another problem is that the original Holy site was not in the out of the way Mecca but in Jordan.
It is no wonder that Muslims can’t understand the Koran when there is not one complete story in the whole book. There are lots of nonsensical passages such the one about the sun setting in a pool of muddy water. But what can be expected from those who wrote about a non existent prophet and his marriage to his 8 year old wife?
As to it being a religion of peace Zoe, here’s an example of that too:
The Koran (translated by Dawood in Penguin Classics series) says, “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5). “When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads” (Sura 47:4). “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate” (Sura 9:73). “The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan” (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. “Muhammad is God’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Sura 48:29).
For the orthodox Muslim, the Koran’s commands are valid for all time. Fifteen hundred years later, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini (a better authority on the Koran than either Smalley or I) is able to say, “Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Islam says Kill them (the non-Muslims), put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]. Kill in the service of Allah those who may want to kill you!” (quoted in “Islam Unveiled” by Robert Spencer, p. 35).
Islam is the not same as Unitarianism or Christian Science, and wishful thinking won’t make it so.
Paul Trout
Zoe Phin
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Yes, I watched Dan Gibson’s “The Sacred City”. Petra is “Mecca”.
Mark Tapley
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Fires are often lit in large areas such as Brazil in order to burn off the ground to improve the soil for growing grass for cattle grazing. The same thing occurs in Australia. In dry areas such as the western U.S. thickets develop that are routinely going to be ignited by lightning, cigarettes, camp fires or arson. Other than protecting property such as houses and buildings it would be much better to just let these area burn off rather than putting out the fires so that the next year the problem is worse.
People should know better than to build houses right in the middle of thickets and brushy areas.
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I am making $162/hour telecommuting. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply ,
Andy Rowlands
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Nice work Zoe 🙂
Zoe Phin
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Thank you ?
Mark Tapley
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The Club of Rome’s environmental shills claim that increased CO2 (greenhouse gasses) are causing an increase in fires makes no sense (like everything else they claim). But if thre were a significant increase in CO2 (without the corresponding increase on O2 they omit to mention), would that not tend to suppress fire generation? After all, class B fire extinguishers use CO2 to put out fires.