Transgenderism Part 12: Calcium, Electromagnetic Fields, Psychosis and Gender Dysphoria
In this installment, we continue to look at transgenderism by looking at electromagnetic fields effects on the brain, behaviors, and hormones and how that relates to gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria is the term for a deep sense of unease and distress that may occur when your biological sex does not match your gender identity.
Epidemiological studies have described higher rates of psychotic disorder diagnoses in transgender, as compared to cisgender, individuals.
Source: Bitchute
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Let’s put this into actual perspective:
Actual ‘Rainbow Pride’ refers to the coming together of houses. It symbolizes the ‘Covenant’. Ancient Sumerian skylore depicts the scenario as a stag (chaos) and a horse (order) meeting at Andromeda (Rainbow).
Actual ‘Pedophilia’ refers to multiplying wealth. Sex and vulgarity is used to symbolize lucrative business ventures. The child represents 2 things: the ‘seed’ that is planted, grown green, cut down and harvested (cabbage patch kids also show this). Also, the kid represents the new ‘messiah’ for the new age. The kid then grows to be the new ‘Jesus’, and insiders want to be in on the game, so they want to have sex with the kid symbolically. Most are not actual pedophiles, but some probably are.
Actual ‘transgenderism’ and homosexuality also come from symbolism. The cycle starts on the side of chaos (male) and ends on the side of order (female), so transgender and same sex stuff are pushed on the sheep.
Donald Trump is an insider, and was on the side of chaos. He switched to be president. This was depicted heavily in media: Trump being killed and beheaded was promoted instead of stopped, then he was called ‘orange man’. Orange and crimson are the colors of the Phoenix, which is rebirth, and comes from the sunrise and sunset. Enki/Adam/Lucifer is twilight, the phoenix is sunrise, and the ‘messiah’ is the day or age.
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The rainbow demonstrates all included, all the the other colours from the rainbow that have not been claimed – hetero vs the rest.
Otherwise, it is the Chakras.
Chaos is the result of the lack of balance, of one not fully restrained by order. Humanity aptly demonstrates this throughout time.
The Masculine is potential, the mind. The Feminine, is creativity, that which brings into being. One is lacking without the other, and particularly, creation without order is certainly chaos.
In the Hindu tradition, Shakti, the Feminine, is the creator, that which transforms the individual mind and restores the balance torn apart in the beginning, the Adam and Eve story? Obviously it isn’t about an apple, but you’ll find the snake reference there, the same snake Shakti is wrongly titled with as ‘the serpent energy’. Shakti is the same entity as the Holy Spirit, that resides within:
Corinthians 6:19-20
Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.
It is obvious that the Holy Spirit descends on nobody (Being born again), since it is allready there. It rises, as Hindu tradition states. No, it does not rise to order, or spontaneously as the kundalini crowd would have you believe, that is mass delusion. No person who truly is in that Divine state would ever speak of it.
If a guy for example, has an ‘excess’ of Feminine polarity, the Feminine side will show by attraction to things commonly associated with Women. You know the rest.
Like the simple Eden explanation, the old sun gods and such have nothing to do with it. That’s all old world.
The Sun is self. Venus, the morning star, Adam, the Divine being, The planet of Love, that rises before the Sun, before self.
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The rainbow was created by God as a sign in His sealing of the Noahic Covenant. See Genesis 9:8-17. The Rainbow device was appropriated by the homosexual lobby as a sign of rebellion against what God had ordained for procreative sexual relations between a man and a woman. The homosexual lobby and now gender corrupters think that by purloining God’s sign of the rainbow they can corrupt its purpose to give moral legitimacy to their de-humanisation of natural sexuality. God created the rainbow. It’s His. It does not belong to the homosexual and transgender lobyists.