Toxicology Vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute And The Criminal Polio Fraud

F. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor, and lecturer.

In July 2022, he published a brilliant essay titled “Toxicology vs Virology” that exposed the Rockefeller Institute’s role in creating virology.

Using Polio as an example, the essay outlines how fictional “viruses” are used to advance medical tyranny.

He revealed:

  • Flexner’s fraudulent experiments
  • The corruption of the American Medical Association
  • How the Rockefellers controlled the Polio narrative
  • The real causes of Poliomyelitis
  • How it relates to COVID-19 and current globalist agendas.

and much more!

Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medical practice.

For this, we need to look at the origins and politics of America’s first medical research institute, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, today Rockefeller University, and their work on what they claimed was a polio virus.


h/t Joe O.

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Comments (11)

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Russ,

      “Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio.”

      You evidently never lived in the USA before there was no polio vaccine. I did!!!

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Zoe,

        You have made comments on PSI since at least April 2018 ( when you commented: “Galileo never dropped objects from a tower to see how they fall. It was a hypothetical experiment written in a book. I don’t think objects of different weight fall the same. There probably is a difference based on their density.“

        If you would read Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio’s translation of what Galileo Galilei wrote to the common Italian folk of Venus in 1638, you would find that he reviews his demonstrations of the observed actions of pendulums. Whose varying rates of FALLING and RISING can easily be SIMPLY OBSERVED.

        And because I read that Newton tried to slow the rate bodies, with significantly different densities as long as the minimum density was greater than that of liquid water, I doubt if he ever learned to read the common Italian language and what Galileo wrote.

        However, you seem to know what Galileo could have observed and doubt that he did ACTUALLY OBSERVE that which he claimed to have observed. Because you “don’t think’ he actually dropped bodies of different weights (densities) from various high places; you, an economist ( About Zoe. Mother & Wife B.S. Economics, M.S. Quantitative Finance 10-year Wall Street veteran. Business Woman Mrs. Smarty Pants) “think” him to be a liar.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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      Gordon Robertson


      Russ..are you aware that polio came and died off naturally several times before the vaccines were introduced in the 1950s. The highest death rate, by far, was in 1910, but it too went away on its own.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Matt,

      I went to your link and the title and first paragraph was: “The history of virology – the scientific study of viruses and the infections they cause – began in the closing years of the 19th century. Although Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner developed the first vaccines to protect against viral infections, they did not know that viruses existed. The first evidence of the existence of viruses came from experiments with filters that had pores small enough to retain bacteria. In 1892, Dmitri Ivanovsky used one of these filters to show that sap from a diseased tobacco plant remained infectious to healthy tobacco plants despite having been filtered. Martinus Beijerinck called the filtered, infectious substance a “virus” and this discovery is considered to be the beginning of virology.”

      I ask a PSI Reader: Do you believe this to be historically accurate? I do! For if one doesn’t seem to believe this, I ask:: Do you believe that you even exist or have lived long enough to have learned to read the English language with understanding?

      Every thing becomes very confusing if there are no historical facts.

      Have a good day, Jerry

      (You are making repeated errors on your e-mail address had to correct for the third day in a row) SUNMOD

      PSI Administrator


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi sUNMOD,

        When I submit a comment and have miss typed my email address, I am told this and have to correct my mistake before my comment will be posted with the comment “Awaiting Moderation”. So, I cannot understand how you correct my email address.

        “Moderation”: “A way of life emphasizing perfect amounts of everything, not indulging in too much of one thing, hence moderation.” (New Oxford American Dictionary) Given this comment I understand how I how I do not practice “Moderation” as I repeatedly make comments similar to “The third aspect of my subject is that of science as a method of finding things out. This method is based on the principle that observation is the judge of whether something is so or not.” (Richard E. Feynman, ‘The Meaning Of It All’, from a 1963 address not published until 1998)

        Have a good day, Jerry

        (It is easy all I do is use the EDIT then correct your e-mail address and since ALL of your posts goes into moderation automatically, I have to approve them. All WordPress moderators sees the e-mail address and IP numbers) SUNMOD

        (I have been moderating since 2007 in various forums and blogs, I am a veteran in this unpaid endeavor) SUNMOD


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Zoe,

          I have admitted several times that I am SLOW OF MIND, but that I evidently get there because I do not give up. I now see the reason for my video confusion because you presented separately two different links involving Dr. Sam Bailey.

          And this video documents that she is not aware of what observational science can and cannot do. An observation (or measured) result can only prove a hypothesis (theory) to be absolutely wrong. Galileo’s telescopic observations that Vemus and Mercury had phases like the moon proved absolutely that the Earth could not stand still. Hence, every other hypothesis (theory) must be accepted as being uncertain to a possible small degree.until there is an observed result that absolutely contradicts a predicted result. Like a a body 10 times as heavy falls 10 time as the lesser body.

          Again, we can learn from historical facts.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Zoe,

        It doesn’t take courage to watch a Video. It only takes stupidity. I read the written word because it so easy to reread a statement and to go back a paragraph or more to see (conclude) if a future paragraph appears to be consistent with a future paragraph. And I have read that some people believe there are neither bacterium nor viruses (generic germs). As I wrote to Russ; “You evidently never lived in the USA before there was no polio vaccine.”

        At one time I read that a mold produced what became known as penicillin; which ‘killed’ bacterium (infections). But penicillin had no obvious effect upon the common cold which I believe nearly every human has had.
        And I read that in earlier days there was a ‘disease’ known as SMALL POX and a much less ‘severe disease’ known as COW POX. The rest is a matter of the historic record if you believe there are such things as historically OBSERVED FACTS.

        In the portion of the video I had courage to watch, the narrator made a big deal about the fact that one person was only a “school teacher”. Evidently this narrator didn’t know that John Dalton was only a “school teacher.” I ask you: Do you know what this certain John Dalton actually did (or was credited with doing)?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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