Top Surgeon Trashes Myth That Only Vaccines Work on Viruses


Doctors have long believed no medicines will work against viruses. Lee Merrit MD, a noted American surgeon, stumbled upon a story so shocking that it’s impact is felt going back decades. Did Doctor Merritt just expose one of modern medicine’s long held assumptions?

Watch this video interview hosted by Del Bigtree.

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Comments (4)

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    judy Ryan


    A very intersting exposure of vested interests by big pharmas pushing their own vaccines. Shows that it’s all about money and power and derailing Trump ie politics. I am now watching taxpayer funded SBS in Australia where several different companies are talking vaccines ad nauseum. One thing I notice is that we have different acting chief whatevers every few days. Anyway in Australia we are writing lots of public emails to these malfeasant politcians and some of the screenshots I took from this video will be very useful. Thank you

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    Well, didn’t that just blow the whole scam wide open… and from different angles?
    We now have a big ad campaign running in Australia at the moment, telling us how safe and effective these vaccines are. The big sell is on…

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    very old white guy


    How many of you, over the decades, have gone to your doctor with flu like symptoms only to have your doctor tell you, it is a virus, go home, get some rest, drink plenty of fluids and take something to reduce the fever. Dare I suggest that unless you have serious underlying medical conditions that you continue to take that advice.

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    Follow the money- “Profiteers of fear” With Subtitles.

    “This documentary “Profiteers of Fear – The business with Swine Flu” by Arte from 2009 shows the corrupt machinations of the pharma industry and how pandemics are invented to keep the coffers ringing. Since the same pattern is always followed, this film is more topical than ever in times of Covid-19″

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