Top NASA Climate Scientist, Gavin Schmidt, in Sex/Drugs Cover Up?

NASA GISS Administrator Gavin Schmidt is alleged to have a hidden criminal record according to a former colleague and friend at NASA. Climatologist, Dr Duane Thresher made the revelation about his former friend this week to Climate Depot’s Marc Morano and Principia Scientific International’s John O’Sullivan.

Dr Thresher wrote in an email:

“Given the sociopathic behavior of Gavin and other major climate scientists, I just have to comment. Sometime between 2001, after 9/11, and 2004, when I left NASA GISS, Gavin confided in me that he had been arrested at 3 AM in Morningside Park — in New York City near NASA GISS and where Gavin lives — and had to appear in court.

Gavin tried to make it sound like he was arrested just for being in the park at 3 AM, and there is such a law, but the reason for that law is that the only reason to be in the park at 3 AM is for illicit sex and/or drugs, which Gavin actually may have been arrested for.

You and/or your readers could search the court records from that time period for the details.

Another troubling aspect of Gavin’s crime, and why I cc’ed this to NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine — if he’s not too busy sucking up to climate sociopaths like Bill Nye or allowing NASA facilities to be hacked — is whether Gavin made his criminal record known to NASA.

NASA is a U.S. Government job and even to work with NASA supercomputers there is a background check, which of course includes criminal records.  Particularly when Gavin become NASA GISS Administrator in 2014 he would have been required to reveal his criminal record.  Did he?

Additionally, NASA GISS Administrator Gavin Schmidt was a British citizen, a U.S. Permanent Resident, at least up to 2004.  He may still be one or perhaps he became a U.S. citizen.  In either case, he would have had to reveal his criminal record to DHS.  Did he?

Speaking of major climate scientist sociopaths, the Weinstein of Climate Science is — revealed here for the first time — renowned climate scientist Robert Dickinson (photo, above), my former advisor at the University of Arizona.

Dickinson sexually harassed many of his female graduate students and postdocs; he concentrated on the foreigners since they were less likely to complain.  But some did complain and he had to move from institution to institution every few years as the complaints piled up; passed on like a pedophile priest.

Ask Judith Curry about Dickinson — she surely knew — when they were both at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  Dickinson could only get away with this because he was bringing in so much research money, particularly from NASA and the NSF.  Universities will happily coddle sociopaths if they are bringing in enough money.

You could also try talking to Andrea Hahmann, one of Dickinson’s postdoc victims at the University of Arizona.  However, she moved to Denmark to get away from Dickinson and I tried to get her to speak out about Dickinson a couple of years ago but she refused.

So, the real sociopaths are alarmist climate scientists not climate skeptics.

Dr. Duane Thresher”


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Comments (10)

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    ……”illicit sex and/or drugs, which Gavin actually MAY have been arrested for”.

    Sorry to see that PSI MAY find this event disturbing enough to share.
    I do not like Climate alarmists.
    Especially for their factual inaccuracies.

    I guess Dr. Thresher however is a bit troubled….maybe he is overlooked by someone…
    I’d recommend a vacation, large quantities of impure corn liquor an some profound unbiblical sex perhaps with Judth Curry


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    Who cares about his private life? It is his lies about science that matter.


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      Charles Higley


      Often, a person’s personal moral behavior indicates how that do their job moral behavior. Few can keep the separate. It becomes another piece of understanding that you cannot trust Schmidt at any level.


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      Tom O


      I would. The platform he is using – NASA – has underlying regulations that do not allow people with these backgrounds to work there simply because they can be blackmailed, and you should as well.


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      Carbon Bigfoot


      ALAN: When your private life includes felonious behavior it is relevant. As a retired Professional Engineer in the States you can lose Registration (livelihood) for various violations of law and ethics, personal and professional. That is why Federal and State Agencies need to be headed up by Professional Engineers. Their policies have to be endorsed by sound science.
      In the case of PhDs the same should hold true—lose the parchment for fraud, unlawful and unethical conduct.


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    Heads of organizations are not supposed to have criminal records like this that are undisclosed. The reason is is because integrity must be maintained. There are not supposed to be any undisclosed criminal records. They are to be out in the open so that no one can take advantage of them. I believe that this institute is one of those that had also changed raw data to make it look like climate science was right. Did he do it or have it done because of blackmail?


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    Roger Higgs


    Here’s a brief (a few minutes) but very illuminating non-debate between Schmidt and the excellent Roy Spencer …

    No contest.


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    T. C. Clark


    Arizona State…Lawrence Krauss….female students and employees have complaints….retirement for Lawrence….


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    Andy Rowlands


    Schmidt should be sharng a jail cell with Mann.


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