Top Lukewarmist Fred Singer Now Admits CO2 Cools Climate

One of the world’s most respected climate scientists, Dr Fred Singer, publishes an article admitting that top scientists have privately been conceding that carbon dioxide (CO2) DOES act to cool the atmosphere. Now some are going public.

With ‘Does the Greenhouse Gas CO2 cool the climate?‘ (April 2, 2018) Professor Singer, emeritus professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia admits “Much further work awaits!” as ever more peer-reviewed papers are abandoning the so-called greenhouse gas theory, 17 such papers have been published in recent months.  [1]

Singer’s latest admission, while accompanied with the usual nuanced middle-of-the-road lukewarming equivocations, will be regarded as a boost to the findings of 1,300+ independent scientists and researchers (The ‘Slayers’) at Principia Scientific International (PSI). Since publication of their ground-breaking book (2010) the ‘Slayers’ have insisted that empirical scientific evidence (not climate models) proves CO2 cools the climate. As such, the trace atmospheric gas (a mere 0.04 percent by volume) therefore cannot be blamed for global warming or act as earth’s climate’s control knob.

Singer’s  latest admission proves there is a growing and undeniable intellectual schism among the world’s leading climate experts. Singer reveals the change of thinking has come after private discussions with the brightest and best, including Professor William Happer. Happer called climate science “a glassy-eyed cult.”

The greenhouse gas theory predicts that more CO2 in the air causes higher temperatures by “trapping” heat and/or delaying cooling. Even NASA had bought into the non-science nonsense that CO2 was guilty and earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, but well refuted in ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory.’ In the eight years since publication, this important book is being vindicated by the real world evidence, so something has clearly gone awry with the theory. Even to non-scientists, it is very clear that ever-rising levels of atmospheric CO2 are out of step with global temperatures, which have remained stubbornly flat for a generation.

Professor Singer writes of the “puzzling ineffectiveness of the greenhouse gas (GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2) in warming the climate” and illustrates his point with the telling graph [2] below:

Implying that government climate science has been on the wrong track since the 1980’s Singer observes:

Such is the power of group-think that even experts, with some exception, find the idea that CO2 might cool the climate difficult to accept.

That “some exception” is Principia Scientific International (PSI). PSI has been forthright in challenging both alarmists and lukewarmists to openly and publicly debate the theory, but there have been no takers. In 2015 the ‘Slayers’ drew ire from Singer after senior PSI scientist, Joseph E Postma published ‘Dr Fred Singer’s Position Consistent with No Radiative Greenhouse Gas Effect.’

Postma, a young Canadian space scientist, had the temerity to claim Singer stood apart from other lukewarmers and was “converging on the truth” after Singer published an article where he conceded climate sensitivity to CO2 was “close to zero.” At the time Singer confessed:

“I should note that I am somewhat out of step here with my fellow skeptics. Few of them would agree with me that the climate sensitivity (CS) is indeed close to zero. I will have to publish the analyses to prove my point and try to convince them. Of course, nothing, no set of facts, will ever convince the confirmed climate alarmists.” [3]

Fellow PSI scientist, Dr Pierre R Latour spoke of discussions he had with Singer, both in person and in emails. At the time Singer conceded there were problems with the GHE when assessing molecular transition and lapse rate. Latour wrote:

“I met Singer at his University of Houston lecture hosted by Prof Larry Bell on February 6, 2012 and his several talks at the latest Heartland Institute ICCC, Las Vegas, July 7-9, 2014….Singer correctly notes there are several different temperatures involved; a source of confusion I discovered years ago. The Greenhouse Gas Effect Theory (GHE) literature is intellectually incoherent, a mess. He is correct to point out atmospheric global warming ceased since 1997 until now, 2014. The globe warms about half the time, 4.6 billion/2 = 2.3 billion years. It cools half the time also.

Singer now thinks it is possible that CO2 could be the one ‘greenhouse gas’ that “produces cooling of the climate when its molecular transitions are in a region of positive lapse rate.”

Professor Singer points to persuasive new scientific findings now triggering a reassessment of CO2’s role in climate. Singer clarified further:

“Another example is temperature over the winter poles [Happer – private communication; Flanner et al. GRL 2018]. While the climate cooling is not obvious, it counters [conventional] GH warming.”

While Singer, Happer et al. play catch up elsewhere climate realism has taken hold already. Even in Japan, scientists are pointing out the hidden fatal errors James Hansen et al. rely on and another paper in 2018 shows how our planet’s temperature is easily explained without reliance on any GHE. Recently, Russian scientists have declared the ‘greenhouse gas’ science is dead as global cooling sets in; while a team of Italian scientists are demanding a wider and “deep re-examination” of the failing theory.



[1] Richard, K., ‘New Scientific Papers Dispute CO2 Greenhouse Effect As Primary Explanation For Climate Change’ (June 8, 2017)

[2] J.R. Christy; “Testimony To U. S. Congress”, (Feb. 2, 2016)

[3] Singer F., ‘The Climate Sensitivity Controversy,’ American Thinker,( October 15, 2014)

John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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Comments (3)

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    M.J.(Moe) Lavigne


    Error, 4th paragraph; “Spencer’s latest admission”,,(is this copied accidentally from your next installment??)


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      John O'Sullivan


      thanks Moe. Now corrected.


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    Joseph Olson


    I attended two Bell sponsored Singer monotribes at UH and his missive at ICCC-9 at Lukewarmist Love Fest in Las Vegas. I witnessed Dr Pierre Latour, PhD Chemical Engineering, trying to explain First Principal science to the obstinate Singer. I gave Singer a signed copy of Slaying the Sky Dragon, had dozens of email exchanges to no avail. Willful ignorance is a powerful defense.

    I have been banned at ‘American Thinker’ which does not allow THINKERS to comment.

    Much of the Alt-right media is just MSM Lite….elitist controlled opposition.


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