Top Lab Test Expert: COVID-19 Virus ‘Does NOT Exist’

Scientists are realising that claims of the COVID-19 virus having been isolated and proven to exist are based on a made-up definition of “virus-isolation.”

In his latest article, Saeed Qureshi PhD, a former senior scientist at Health Canada, calls out the fakery and reveals what more experts are now confirming world wide. We have been scammed.

Dr Qureshi writes on his blog the following analysis to clear up the lies and confusion on this issue:

During a discussion on LinkedIn with one of the microbiologists, I came to know how they described virus isolation, which is as follows:

“A virus isolate is a virus isolated from an infected host. The process is called “isolation,” which separates viruses from the hosts.”

It means that for microbiologists and virologists, taking a swab sample, which separates virus from the host, is considered as “virus isolation.”

This interpretation does not reflect the correct meaning and understanding of the subject of isolation. But, they imply and promote the true meaning of the process of isolation, i.e., to obtain something by extraction, purification, and identification, reflected by well-known pretty pictures of the DNA/RNA, proteins, and viruses such as a spherical body with spikes (aka coronavirus).

The virologists’ version of the definition is incorrect and causing the problem. Wherever one looks for the virus, one always finds a suffix with it, e.g., “virus isolate,” “virus culture,” “virus lysate,” etc., (which are soups, mixtures or gunks), never “virus” alone; however, it is presented and promoted as pure “virus.”

The made-up definition of “virus-isolation” makes the story of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its infection, and pandemic very clear, i.e., nothing is real about them, but all are fake. No one has seen the virus, found it, or isolated it as claimed. It is all bogus.

People might ask, then what about the PCR tests, DNA/RNA sequences, protein structures, etc.? They are all reflections of rituals, ignorantly using highly sophisticated and costly chemistry equipment, to make people believe science is being followed. However, nothing is real or relates to the virus.

To conduct such experiments accurately, scientists/technicians must-have reference samples or standards to calibrate the equipment and validate the tests. The reference standards can only come from independently isolated and thoroughly characterized pure virus.

However, as the pure virus has never been isolated, one cannot have reference standards and calibrators; hence all the claimed experimentation becomes scientifically null and void, reflecting a fraud.

Such requirements are not unique to virus isolation or assessment. These are standard and must requirement, referred to as validation, for product assessment by the authorities, such as FDA and USP. It is impossible to get products approved for marketing without this validation step. However, validation of tests and testing for viruses and their components are slipping through the regulatory oversight.

Currently, for the SARS-CoV-2 assessment, the work starts with the assumption that it exists. Without validating the techniques, some experiments are being conducted following ritualistic steps (SOPs) to generate “data” and pretty pictures to show that it exists. It is hard to believe that such deceptive practices can occur in modern-day science and escape authorities’ scrutiny and audit.

Like the virus’s assumed existence, it is further assumed that the associated disease (COVID-19) exists, is contagious, spreading uncontrollably, and potentially people are dying or will die in large numbers. There is no available scientific evidence to support these claims except counting the false-positive test results, obtained mostly from the non-validated and false, PCR test.

It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence showing that SARS-CoV-2 is causing the illness. It cannot be shown because the virus (SARS-CoV-2) is neither available nor exists, as noted above. Hence, its link to the disease cannot be established. It would be safe to confirm now that the COVID-19 is a hoax.

Therefore, considering the current flawed science practices, it becomes a fact that anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 should be regarded as a misdiagnosed case, and accordingly, the incorrect corresponding follow-up treatments.

Physicians need to examine patients without considering the presence of COVID-19 in all cases. They should be challenging the current “scientific” rationale of the COVID-19 diagnosis rather than following the media’s narrative or provided SOPs.

Patients who take a longer time to recover or died with COVID-19 diagnosis could very well be because of misdiagnosis and, by extension, mistreatment or no treatment (e.g., extended quarantine or isolation without treatment).

Similarly, as the virus does not exist, vaccine administration and development become irrelevant; hence, they need to discontinue.


About the author: Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D. ([email protected]) Saeed gained extensive (30+ year) experience in conducting hands-on and multi-disciplinary laboratory research in pharmaceutical areas for regulatory assessment purposes while working with Health Canada.

He is an internationally recognised expert in the areas of pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, analytical chemistry as related to characterization of pharmaceuticals, in particular, based on in vitro (dissolution) and bioavailability/bioequivalence (humans and animals) assessments.

At present, Dr. Qureshi provides teaching, training and consulting services, in the area of his expertise as noted above, for improved pharmaceutical products development and assessments.

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Comments (57)

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    John O’Sullivan

    Obviously neither you nor Dr. Qureshi have been taken ill by what you falsely claim is not a real virus. It is really sad to see such bad science posted as if it were valid. I have had the disease. I was pretty sick for 3 weeks and it took another 3 weeks before I could work out again. You are very ignorant and deluded with you articles and in my opinion, very harmful with your totally false reporting. You can make up all the dishonest articles you want. You are very wrong all the way. Nothing I can do about it. The idiot contrarians that inhabit this junk science space believe the lies you peddle on a daily basis. Nothing can be done. Liars will lie and idiots will believe the lies. Happens all the time. Your blind followers trust your words. Nothing will change their limited thinking ability.

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      Since the vast majority of people are now testing positive for COVID-19 because of faulty testing, people will be misdiagnosed and given improper treatment; thereby, potentially extending their illness, making it worse or killing them. Do you have any insight as to what people may be experiencing? Is it the flu? They act very similar except for its affect on children.

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      So Norm, what makes you think that you had covid19? Was it a failed pcr test? Do you have any evidence to show that they did isolate the sars 2 virus? So far foia requests show that this was made up.

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        I did have a PCR test which was positive and I had some nasty symptoms to go along with it.
        Fever, chills, fatigue, nausea. Similar to flu symptoms but duration considerably longer.

        Here is a discussion on finding Coronavirus in tissues of infected people.

        These scientists bring up questions dealing with identifying the virus. The Author is given a chance to respond to their points.

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          So you were misdiagnosed. Before these doctors can have a discussion about what the so called sars2 can do they must first find it. So far Koch’s postulates hasn’t been satisfied, without which they cannot say that it does exist.

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            Mr M Golder


            Absolutely, this is about control not a virus, you need not investigate too much to find this out. The WEF , the Great reset, the 4th industrial revolution. The collaboration admitted in white papers on UK government website. Mind control has worked on the masses.

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          Usually every time I get the flu it last for at least 3 weeks however 3 times I remembered that it lasted for at least 6 weeks to 10 weeks.
          Once was in September 6, 1976 after my sister wedding, I was sick for at least 6 weeks.
          Second time was October 5, 1984, I was 5 months pregnant and could barely breath. The doctor wasn’t sure what to do with me due to my pregnancy. I got over it after 8 weeks with sequel such as breathing problems that lasted 6 months.
          Third time was December 2009, took me 2 months to get over including a very bad case of bronchitis.
          Most time when I get the flu I also get lungs infection.
          Yes, some people do get very sick each time they get the flu, I am one of them.

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            I get sick when I get the flu vaccine. Not sure whether it’s the one I was vaccinated for or not but it does happen. I’ll get sick 2-3 times every season I get the vaccine. I finally quit getting the vaccine – and essentially quit getting the flu. One of the times I got sick I ended up with bronchitis in the hospital with lung treatments. The vaccine never protected me; it made me more vulnerable either to the flu or other respiratory viruses. I can empathize. I did get it one summer – took 2 months to get over it. Thank God we had a drought. I could not have mowed the lawn I was so weak.

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          There is a not a shred of evidence to support the claim that SARS-CoV2 causes disease or that it even fact, the specimen they claimed was SARS-CoV2 was NOT infection to human cells/tissue……NOT INFECTIOUS TO HUMAN TISSUE

          get it????????????

    • Avatar

      Tom O


      So, Norman, you were sick with what the doctor said was COVID-19. That said, had the doctor told you that you had FANGO-23, would you have believed him as well? I am betting you would have.

      You are upset because you were told you had something that is being claimed here does not exist. I am sitting at home, wishing to live my life as I used to be able to, because you believe in a scam because your doctor said you had something. I don’t deny you may well have been sick and it may well have taken time to recover – especially if you have been misdiagnosed and your immune system isn’t getting any help from the medical protocol that was prescribed for your misdiagnosis. At least you survived. But your being sick doesn’t validate the existence of COVID-19, even if your doctor said you had it.

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        K Kaiser


        @Tom O

        Well said!

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      Saeed Qureshi


      For a minute, I thought you are describing the “official narrative “of lies and false claims. Then I realized no, it is about my article.

      Sorry, Norman, you completely misunderstood the article. I have not done any (experimental) research for this article or described my research. I presented a critical review of the experts’ and scientists’ research, including government organizations.

      (1) Their research described the gunk obtained with swabs sampling (mostly mucus with multiple components) as a pure virus sample or isolated virus. People do not have to have an advanced degree in science or chemistry to know that this is not isolation or virus extraction. That is just sampling. Extraction, isolation, identification, characterization steps come after to isolate the virus. None of these steps have ever been conducted, so how did they isolate/separate the virus. They just called the soup a “virus isolate” and presented it as a pure virus. Now tell me who is lying here.

      (2) The virus (gunk) characterization is based on the PCR test, which has never been validated because the reference virus or its required components are NOT available. Everyone knows about it. If you do not know it or like to ignore it, that is your problem. BTW makes sure you understand that using a non-validated test and/or presenting data using such a test is considered illegal activity or science. People are getting away using this test. Now tell me who is doing harm with totally false reporting.

      (3) I am sorry to know that you have been sick for some weeks. Why would you say that you had COVID-19? It is because they told you so, based on the test I explained above, which has never been appropriately developed and validated with the actual reference virus. Now tell me who is a blind follower here.

      I have no intention to convince you because you are a “blind follower” however, I responded to your concerns so that others may benefit (non-blind followers, I have many) from such doubts and questions.

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        Saeed Qureshi

        I do not think any evidence will likely convince you. The only thing that could alter your current mental state would be to get the disease from someone known to have it or having a positive PCR test along with symptoms. I hope you do not get it. The only positive thing if you would get a savage case of the disease is that you would quit posting your ignorant articles. Others have been just like you until either they got the disease themselves or someone they knew died from it. It opened their eyes. If you do happen to get sick you will realize it is similar to flu in the fact you will get fever, chills, fatigue and maybe bad cough. Then you will at least know some type of virus is out there producing the symptoms. Until then I am sure you will continue to lie to yourself and convince some people that you know what you are talking about. I do not have much respect for your intelligence, I consider you to be ignorant.

        Also maybe contact some nurses and doctors working with patients in ICU who tested positive with the PCR test. Tell them how they are fooled by evil scientists that like to twist the truth and con people so they can destroy the global economy for some unknown reason. Maybe do some real research by talking to the people on the front lines.

        You remind me of the pig “Squealer” in Animal Farm. The other animals are concerned they are taking the horse away to a glue factory. Squealer says “Oh, no we just bought the used truck from a glue factory, we are sending the horse to a beautiful pasture to relax and enjoy life”.

        You have your made up Conspiracy Universe and pull the flies in with your bait but you won’t do any actual research and talk with people who deal with patients on a daily basis.

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          Saeed Qureshi


          Do you really think that I will respond to such an idiotic post? Sorry, I pass. Please go back to your research/science source “nbcnews”—best of luck.

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            How do I delete my comment? I’ve doubled up and need to delete one.

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          George Hilbert



          You say, “The only thing that could alter your current mental state would be to get the disease from someone known to have it ….”

          That sounds a lot like the “You have to be hit by a train to know it is bad” way of thinking.

          “… or having a positive PCR test along with symptoms.”

          It has been known for months that false positives are endemic to the “covid-19 experience.”

          Could that be because the PCR test was never meant to diagnose Covid-19 and other flu-like diseases?

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        Saeed Qureshi,

        Could you pleas advise.
        I fully agree with your article however the official narrative claim:
        1. Before RT PCR is done (disregard for now this test is not credible at all) they purify a bit the sample before they do tests. They remove with centrifuge and with help some chemicals (buffer etc.) fat, proteins and all the other larger parts than RNA, DNA.
        Of course this is still not purified/isolated as should be but but this is not a full sample which is tested.
        I am aware that not everywhere they do that as very often test straight away the sample as you described.

        The same they do when they discover a virus (e.g. SARS-cov2), they put a sample (partially purified as I said above) into the culture (cancer cells or other tissues, etc.) for growth with a lot of stuff such as toxins, chemicals, antibiotics etc. to make cells starving and sick. Then they they observe CPE. There is no way they KNOW this CPE is caused by a virus but they say they KNOW that.

        Correct me if I am wrong in my above description.

        But I have got 2 issues:
        1. I do not have so much knowledge to beat this article
        What do you think?

        I know sickness (Covid-19) could be caused by many things (toxins, pollution, EMF, stress, fear, depression and many many more).
        But if suddenly couple of people are loosing small and taste not having rainy nose etc. (what never happened to them in their life), then I start to think what new could happened in the environment, drugs etc.?
        I know loosing smell or taste is kind of normal diseases since years and could be caused by many things including radiation but if nothing changed in these people’s live then what is that?
        Is it possible that the suddenly flu started to have such symptoms?

        Is it possible that some local environmental pollution appear which we are not told about?

        Please consider as follows:
        – air pollution in Wuhan and north of Italy and in other places,
        – air pollution linked to bio-fuels in New York which is used there in great amount and 5G as well (dr Kyle Sidell said in New York he saw first time in his life that kind of ‘pneumonia’),
        – new 5G systems all over the world (including satellites),
        – disinfection of Wuhan market with full of chemical stuff (people were dying on the street suddenly we were told on the beginning by MSM and later everybody forgot about that …),
        – according to virologist Lanka, there is about 30% of pneumonia diseases every yeas which cause in not recognized … ,

        Could the above cause as well e.g. sudden smell or taste loss assuming something from above appear in local environment?

        Adding to above we have got now unprecedented fear, stress, depression, masks use (which cause more harm then help), aggression, abuse, drugs, suicides …. all of these kills, so we know lockdown kills, so actually government kills people and people believing in this scam also indirectly kill the other people. But none of them could cause lost of smell or taste?

        I know there are more serious pneumonia or kind of ARDS but they could be caused by many causes but this sudden loss of smell and taste just make me thinking … .

        Many questions appear …
        This is very suspicious saying from the very beginning by official narrative- there is ONLY a virus which causes new disease. And based on my research this is clear, this narrative is a scam.

        But question I asked above remain.
        Apology for a long post.
        Thank you for any advise!

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          Saeed Qureshi


          Bart: Thanks for reading my article and asking the question:

          As I explained in my article, the confusion comes from the incorrect use of the word isolation. Microbiologists and virologists should use the word isolation, as it is supposed to mean. It will be clear to them, and everyone else, that the virus has never been isolated. They have always worked with the virus in the soup form (e.g., cell culture); however, effects and results are made if pure viruses were used. The author of the linked article makes the same and faulty claim. This is where the confusion is; whether it is method (PCR) development, sequencing, disease monitoring, etc.

          The claim should be made for the soup, not that of the virus, until it is available and characterized in its native or pure form. At this time, observations and claims about the virus remain assumptions and theoretical.

          Regarding “…sickness (Covid-19) could be caused by many things …”. Please note that Covid-19 is defined for SARS-CoV-2. If the virus does not exist, then so does the Covid-19. However, if there is another illness mislabeled caused by many other factors, which is possible. In that case, their effects should be evaluated separately and independently with defined and quantifiable symptoms, not under the Covid-19.

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            Thank you Saeed!

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      Norman, if you missed 6 weeks of work because of an average flu, then you’re a goldbrick. If you were actually that sick from an average flu, then you’re unhealthy and have a weakened immune system.

      Stress is known to weaken an immune system. The fact that you are so stressed out here might be part of your problem.

      Chill out, and learn some science.

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      All you know is that you had something like flu, and what you were told it is to be called.
      How do you know it wasn’t any ordinary flu? The PCR isn’t known to discriminate between them at 40-45 cycles, and has never been tested for that; it can’t be because the virus hasn’t been isolated!
      Moreover the clinical symptoms – all of them- overlap between ‘ordinary flu’ and purported covid-19 variant.
      Your comments are aggressive in reply merely because you suffered illness. Many people have suffered from flu in the past and will continue to do so, including people who are aghast at the manipulation of public health.

      In short, this article is not about YOU and your suffering, it is about the corruption of public health policy and medical science. Having been told you suffer from Covid-19 doesn’t qualify you to dismiss out of hand people’s misgivings, and even more, their intelligent enquiries.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Norman, We understand this is severe cognitive dissonance for any true believer in the COVID cult. Stay calm, stress only weakens your immune system. Try to apply rational thought and be less dogmatic in your anti-science rants.

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        John O’Sullivan

        I am quite rational and not part of a “Covid cult”.

        Your beloved Saeed Qureshi PhD is not at all right with his article. In fact he does seem very ignorant in his claims on isolates. He really does not know what he is talking about but he seems able to convince you and others. I guess put PhD in your title and you are an expert in all fields.

        Here are some facts he does not disclose.

        Koch Postulates are for bacteria. Living organisms that can grow and thrive outside a host. You can isolate these. You cannot do the same with viruses. Viruses do not live on their own. They require a host and will only grow and thrive in a host. They cannot grown and multiply on their own. Simple difference so his claims are invalid.

        You claim you like science. Science is based upon evidence. The claim here is the virus that causes Covid does not exist. Has never been seen. One place to start research is in the Hospitals. Find nurses and doctors (not just one exception, that is not how science works) and ask them what they think of Covid. Is it worse than the flu? Same? Do they feel it is a hoax or nonexistent disease? That is a start.

        As for evidence, it is there. You may not accept it but it available to review.


        You have the entire genetic code of this nonexistent virus worked out:

        I think the people working on the gene sequencing and determining the virus are far advanced in expert knowledge than anyone here including the article’s author. It is far easier to come up with lame conspiracy theories calling these brilliant minds liars etc because understanding the level they are at requires lots of work and effort. It does not seem anyone on this blog would spend 10 minutes trying to learn the actual science. Much easier to accept the conspiracy world view, it takes little effort and it makes the ignorant feel intelligent even though they know very little.

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          Norman, again, sorry, you display your ignorance. Ignorance that is intentionally and deceptively set in you because the deceivers know people like you will believe anything they say. Koch’s postulate’s were modified by Rivers for viral assessment, and remain the benchmark. The PCR test is also a benchmark, but for DNA, not RNA. So for the PCR, the data must first be transformed, a gateway for error. The maximum number of PCR amplification cycles recommended even by the CDC falls well below the current 37 – 40 cycles of the covert-1984 PCR test. Multiple error gateways. Don’t work yourself up defending things you really have no clue about, you are doing your immune system no favours, and by the sounds of it, it was pretty crap to start with.

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            Damn!!! I am not going to get into an argument with you Tom because I would lose.

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            You are calling me ignorant and a liar yet you post no information to demonstrate anything. It is like you are just saying things.
            Here is Rivers article. Read some and I am not sure you can state that these requirements have not been done on Covid.

            Problems with Koch postulates and viruses.

            Do you have actual data to prove the PCR test is not doing what it is claimed to do?

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          Norman, a suggestion is to go beyond google when you research. I hope you find peace within and wake up soon, rather than project personal fear and limited beliefs to this very important conversation and article.

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      Norman and such…

      A simple (test) question:
      If a test to detect a disease with a prevalence of 1/1,000 has a false positive rate of 5%, what is the chance that a person found to have a positive result actually has the disease? (As given in 1978 to 60 Harvard physicians and medical students of which only 14% answered correctly!)

      And now, in this case of unjustifiably benevolent estimation of current CoViD-1984 RT-PCR testing accuracy of only 50% false positive (e.g. Dr. B. Yaffe of ON, Canada), with unknown initial prevalence and multiple tests of single persons included in the overall total – that is a very tricky question!

      The former is clear: 1 in 50 or 2%, while the latter = the real question, may have many “self-evidently correct” answers (from as per Dr. Faust to Dr. Coleman; further, in the case of Dr. Faust, it would also depend on the wind direction, the date and Moderna’s stocks appreciation.)

      As often predicted: “We ain’t seen nothing yet!” Good luck to us all


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      You had a cold. A cold 99.97% of people dont even get. More people die from the common flu every year. Your being played.

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      Are you a scientist? What were your symptoms? Just curious. I work with someone that was sick with covid and they told me it was just a bad flu. So maybe your flu was worse but you shouldn’t blindly believe everything you hear

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        And neither should you. That’s why you should do a little research and find out how diseases are determined. Koch’s postulates is used. Then find out if they have satisfied them which would prove the existence of the disease. They haven’t. Yet the people are saying that they have it when it hasn’t been proven to exist. Everyday that passes and no proof makes it more likely that there isn’t a such thing as covid19. The symptoms that the person is experiencing is being caused by any number of many other possibilities.

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      Decades ago, I once was very ill with something like the flu. It felt like I had pneumonia and meningitis at the same time, and I also went deaf. Caught this from my roommate who had only mild symptoms. Took me several weeks to recover, and I still have ‘scars’ from it to this day. No samples were taken from me to identify that bug, and I was pressured to return to work before I had fully recovered. Looking back, I wouldn’t want to shut down the world because of the flu. It’s well known that even young people can die from the flu, but mostly it is old people. We need medical advice on how to boost our immune system.

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      Obviously you have proof of an isolated sample then?

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    Kim Lee


    This petition is good and must be done.

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    Leaf Fael


    Thank you Dr. Qureshi for this finding and explanation! I did not believe C19 was legit and refused to get a RNA injection. Please yell this information loud and far so lockdowns will cease. (Be careful, this news will not be welcomed by New World Order) Best to you!

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    Usually every time I get the flu it last for at least 3 weeks however 3 times I remembered that it lasted for at least 6 weeks to 10 weeks.
    Once was in September 6, 1976 after my sister wedding, I was sick for at least 6 weeks.
    Second time was October 5, 1984, I was 5 months pregnant and could barely breath. The doctor wasn’t sure what to do with me due to my pregnancy. I got over it after 8 weeks with sequel such as breathing problems that lasted 6 months.
    Third time was December 2009, took me 2 months to get over including a very bad case of bronchitis.
    Most time when I get the flu I also get lungs infection.
    Yes, some people do get very sick each time they get the flu, I am one of them.

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    C19 is clinically undetectable as an independent CANNOT be distinguished from normal flu by any specific symptom or typical course..there is not a shred of evidence to support the claim that SARS-CoV2 causes disease or that it even exists….what are the unique symptoms??? what is the typical disease progression…what test on earth can provide a conclusive diagnosis….you’re a fool….

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      replying to Norman

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    Sean McDonnell


    Thank you for your work Doctor Saeed. There is no doubt about it Convid 19 is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind. God bless you sir. Seanie

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    Michael Clarke


    COVID-19 is a distraction. The Hot spots that crop up are a distraction,
    The real enemy is the false claims of cheap energy.
    We have recently undergone a scare here in the northern beaches of Sydney, it wrecked the New Year celebrations of the entire city,
    How was this achieved, well a suburb was chosen and ALL the PCR tests from that suburb were given the treatment, they were tested and tested and tested until the ‘Virus’ was shown to be present.
    Here we are days later and there are NO repeat swabs testing positive, It was all part of the scam.
    If you get tested you are entitled to look at the results which should include the number of time the PCR process was carried out.
    Over 30 and the test becomes meaningless!
    Testing positive does NOT make you a COVID-19 case.
    Let us get back to the larger fraud of climate scientists claiming all they say and how they will save the world with cheap energy!

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    This article illustrates the problem we have – who do we believe when we have different views from experts? I am always concerned when, as here, comments end up as insults. It is entirely unhelpful.

    I understand the point being made about isolating the virus and I am inclined to think it has not been done because conventional vaccine development requires the isolated virus to be grown in a culture and I have not seen anything about this. I understood that the Chinese had isolated the virus and identified the genome which they passed to the west. I saw a BBC programme about the development of the vaccine by Oxford scientists who claimed that had started work on vaccine development as soon as they hear about the virus and within days knew how to produce a vaccine. How could they do this when they obviously had no information on that timescale.

    My bigger concern is how is it possible to test a vaccine on such a short timescale? Where is the evidence from trials? Trials must show that people who have been given the vaccine do not get infected when mixing normally with people known to be infectious with the virus. I do not see how such trials could be organised, especially on such a short timescale.

    The virus may or not be a hoax, but an effective vaccine is a hoax, and we are all being forced into a mass experiment.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi Alan,
      If the shot does not provide immunity from getting the disease or prevent it from spreading how can it be labeled a vaccine to begin with? Of what value is it? None except to the pharmaceutical companies and those making money from it

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    David Stone CEng


    Dear Saeed Qureshi
    Thank you for the article, I have been making similar remarks for some time in other places, but people do not wish to believe the real Science. I am very shocked that our Chief Medical Officer here in England appears to know so little science, and that he appears to know nothing of virus extraction. Strangely this is exactly the same story as HIV, no virus isolated but it is a virus! It is true that a lot of people have become quite ill, but the number who are not old or have serious co-morbidities who have died is tiny. Whatever is happening the biggest effect is to give patients viral pneumonia, which is largely untreatable except with steroids. It is liable to leave permanent lung damage, always a risk with any lung problem.

    The interesting question is: if we cannot isolate any pure virus for this disease (not flu ,common cold etc) then what is causing the obvious illness? Have you any ideas?

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      Since the symptoms are the most common symptoms why do you assume that there is just one cause affecting all of them? It will depend upon the sick person. Some may have autoimmune disease. Some may have a fungal infection while others could have… etc. The list goes on and on.

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      Saeed Qureshi


      Thanks, David:

      Without being disrespectful to anyone’s feelings and emotions, we here are adults and seek some critical analysis to provide help or solutions. Keeping this thought in mind, scientifically speaking, there is limited or no data available to reflect unusually higher illness or mortality rate for this year than previous years.

      It is the physicians’ job to make a judgment for the proper treatment. However, in my view, physicians’ hands got tied this year. They had to provide diagnosis based government policy. For example, it almost became mandatory to have a COVID-19 test for a hospital visit. Unfortunately, once diagnosed with COVID, which were frequent, treatment options become limited to nil (isolation). Therefore, there is a strong possibility that patients received the wrong diagnosis, which exacerbates their health situation, and in some cases, may have died prematurely.

      For example, lockdown is a treatment (government policy) to stop the spread of the virus or its disease based on PCR “cases,” which caused the economy’s death and ruined the people’s wellbeing. If one removes the testing (PCR), what will happen? There will not be a false indication or fear of illness or its spread.

      Does the PCR test indicate anything real? Science dictates it does not. It is an invalid test and cannot indicate disease or no disease.

      So, in short, the requirement of PCR testing (government policy) needs to stop and allow the medical professionals to perform their usual medical practice; illness and treatment will come back to their normalcy. That Is my view.

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    Brian James


    This is the exercise the started all of this nonsense.

    Dark Winter About the Exercise

    On June 22-23, 2001, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention Terrorism, hosted a senior-level war game examining the national security, intergovernmental, and information challenges of a biological attack on the American homeland.

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    Greg Nance


    I think that by now it should be clear to anyone having done more investigating than simply buying msm pablum that this scamdemic is being perpetrated by the same groups of people and organizations entrenched in the globalist milieu (or New World Order) in order to indelibly alter the manner and landscape of how and who manages (restricts) our freedoms.
    What will occur next is the Covid Pass and a world digital monetary unit all brought to you by actual satanists ( look at Mel Gates and Chelsea Clintons inverted cross necklaces and if you buy that those are St Peter crosses, check out the coziness Chelsea has with the Church of Satan on twitter).

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    Viruses have always been dangerous.
    My wife was killed by the flu a few years back. It killed her within 24 hours.
    Years ago I had a flu that I did fully recover from for a few months. It just took the life out of me, it was that bad.

    The year before Covid I had a corona virus. It came with laryngitis meaning it was corona not a flu. This corona virus was every bit as bad as people describe the worst covid. I coughed so much for three weeks my chest muscles gave out, I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the hospital. Interesting, only a year before covid hospital workers paid almost no attention to such viral cases.

    Covid to me is just another corona virus or flu that you get any year. If you are under 70 it is far less dangerous.
    The difference is people are being financially ruined, losing housing, prohibited from worshiping. It is outright persecution.
    Yet this was not done any other year over a mild virus. And what makes it worse is forcing people to wear masks that do not work to stop viruses, and so on and so forth.

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      I’m so sorry about your wife. This is what I try to impress upon people. Flu kills as well, and in a very short time. It kills young and old and everyone in between. It kills those that have been vaccinated just as easily as those that have not. People who have been vaccinated end up in the hospital, in ICUs and they end up dying. So I had to ask last week – why is no one asking “if the flu vaccine is so good, why………are the vaccinated in ICUs, in hospitals, and dying anyway?”

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    I forgot to point out in my post above……….that yes, a lot of people are getting a virus. But beyond any doubt it is not the same virus.
    I have searched and widely read the stories of people who say they had covid. The named symptoms, severity of disease, length of claimed infection vary so widely you can only conclude these are different viruses and diseases.
    One man wrote how nearly everyone in his remote town experienced a very mild cold, that was declared Covid-19.
    My mother, in a nursing home was almost declared a covid death. She died a few months ago. At the time people at her nursing home tested positive. But they redid the tests and they all came out negative. Absurdly, in Canada, an OUTBREAK, used to terrify the public is only 2 or more people testing positive. Meaning they can create outbreaks for the media to report anywhere with two positive tests that later come out negative.
    People with serious medical problems can die quickly from any virus or disease. I’ve seen it happen. Being improperly diagnosed with covid, and then not getting the correct treatment would kill them fast.

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      What virus?

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    Apply this to all ‘viruses’ and you’re getting somewhere. Then count in the fact that ‘Germ theory’ is a deadly cult and allopathic medicine is based on ‘Germ theory’ and we can start to move forward…

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    Viral theory is a political theory masquerading as a medical theory.
    Direct observation is not possible in “viral theory”
    Instead it relies on indirect observation conferring abstraction and assumption which is not scientific method.

    Many thanks for continuing to expose the truth. Excellent and to the point.

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    Could it be that the deaths are being misdiagnosed also?

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    John Blaid


    Please check out my research summary if you haven’t already where I provide 55 responses to FOIA requests done to 44 institutions in various countries like England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Slovenia, US(CDC) and European CDC that shows the lack of evidence for the existence of the “virus”. It also includes the scientific evidence regarding the faulty PCR and “antibody” tests and the false science behind “antibodies” and what these proteins actually do in contrast to what we have been taught and much much more.

    Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19”

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      John Blaid


      This excellent review highlight what we have learned the past year and what we known for quite a while which is:

      The dogma within genetics that states that DNA -> RNA -> protein when in reality it can go both ways which has huge ramifications, especially since we are now dealing with gene editing technologies falsely called vaccines created by Moderna, Pfizer and others.
      The false idea of “retroviruses” which ties into the dogma of genetics.
      The false claims of “isolation” by “virologists” which is in reality a combining of things instead of the separation of things.
      The false claims of genetic sequencing of “viruses”.

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    Fred Stevens


    Thank you Dr. Qureshi for explaining this. Covid-19 (AKA the “China Virus”, AKA “2020 Democrat Election Flu”) and the accompanying censorship, hysteria and “make things up as you go” unconstitutional orders have seemed suspicious. Your article now brings the root-cause of the suspicious activity of government into focus.

    Also it has been fun watching some twit named Norman make an absolute fool of himself be demonstrating his ignorance of science, scientific method, and burdens of proof. Norman, your capability to deliver a logical argument is so bad it’s entertaining. Thanks for the laughs!

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