Top COVID Doc Peter McCullough: ‘These Jabs Are Killing People’

Dr. McCullough, a professor of medicine who developed a globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol, insists that there are many unnecessary deaths as a result of policy decisions made at various levels of government.

In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, the internationally renowned Dr. Peter McCullough–the doctor with the most citations in the National Library of Medicine on these topics–warned that the COVID shot was already causing thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of hospitalizations that have been recorded.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, he warned. In normal circumstances, 50 deaths reported to VAERS would result in a drug being taken off market immediately. In the case of the COVID shots, thousands have already been reported, and yet the mass vaccination programs continue to be pushed.

The Website Peter McCullough mentions is

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Comments (15)

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    So many people are dying from the CV “vaccines” that if the “vaccines” were an automobile, they would be recalled and taken off the road!


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    This was Trump’s biggest mistake, to allow these on the market without being able to sue for damages caused by the vaccine.


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      Mark Tapley


      Helo Chris:
      You and many others have not figured out that shabbas goy puppet actor Trump (like all of them since Wilson in 1913) has always even controlled by the Zionist Jews. All of his top four donors in 2016 were Zionist Jews. Kushner clan no1, Sheldon (all I care about is Zionism) Addleson no.2, Vulture investor Paul Singer no.3 and Home Depot’s Bernie Marcos no.4. His daughter and son-in -law are members of the worlds most racist organization of Chabad Lubavich and Trumps Sec. of Commerce Zionist Jew Wilbur Ross, former Managing director of Rothschild Inc. bailed this adolescent idiot of his casino disaster and his personal debt of 1.2 billion. Trumps first project after the death his shabbas goy crook father was with the Chicago Pritzker family who got puppet actor Obama started in Illinois. Trump has even borrowed money from BLM financier Soros but did not have to pay back. Check on Trump’s Chabad Lubavitch pardons along with super spy Pollard. The fake virus is the Zionists long planned medical scam. The last thing the whore chaser and Lolita Express frequent flyerTrump would do is interfere with the mobs plans.


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        I think you should take the Jab. Your Anti-Semitic views and your TDS will be cured


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        I’ve heard this canard so many times it’s boring. There are Zionist Jews who are involved and Zionist Jews who are victims. The former are not truly loyal to their people or their Land, but use it as a cover. The wickedness attempting to take over everyone’s lives and micromanage us is pan-ethnic. The elite uber-billionaires involved in this agenda to impose a world-wide technocratic dictatorship have been at it for at least 100 years. They span every nation, every ethnicity, every religious tradition, and sport zero loyalty to any of their external identities. They are loyal to nothing or no one but themselves and their own, weird, sociopathic inner circle. More than likely they harbor ambitions of deadly competition against one another as well — and would slit one another’s throats in a heartbeat if it advanced their “cause.”


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          Personally, identifying as an Pagan Azathothian Agnostic (vaguely speaking)…I just see them as anti-life, qlippothic “freemasons”. They seem to be idolized and elevated by how destructive they are in terms of nature.


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          So I have to kinda refer to this part of sociopsychopathetic societies…

          “There are Zionist Jews who are involved and Zionist Jews who are victims. The former are not truly loyal to their people or their Land, but use it as a cover. ”

          They are loyal to nothing or no one but themselves and their own, weird, sociopathic inner circle. ”

          You described two aspects of the same thing, though. Both aspects in denial.


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      Actually that law was passed in 1995 . Bill Gates has explained that he put his money into vaccines because the returns were enormous and you could never lose . This injection is called a ‘vaccine ‘ so that there is no accountability for the pharmaceutical companies. When victims of vaccines sued it was actually the government that paid out. As these vaccines have not been fully authorised , it will be interesting who victims will be able to sue. It could be your boss who coerced you into have the injection to keep you job.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Chris#
        Yes the law was passed under the mobs front man, Illinois sportscaster and puppet actor Reagan. The beginning perorations for the banking cartels “bailout form billionaires” program also began under Jew Greenspan at this time also,

        It is true that Gates has made big money on “vaccines” especially when the shabbas goy congress just dumped another 4 billion on him. No wonder he brags about the return on investment. Gates is from a wealthy banking family and the wealth is not really the primary driver. Bill just like his father who was head of Planned Parenthood and part of Zionist eugenicist elite are all about control. These technocrats already have the wealth.


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          In using a racial characteristic for the machinations and deceits of elitist power structure, you set everyone of that group as a target for hate and attack or denial by association. regardless that the Jewish Identity has long been international, and often but by no means always in conflict with the nation states they live in. The use of fear by leaders to control and maintain an identity against integration or subjugation is not unique to Jews, but has unique facets.

          Whether you mean to or not, your resort to the good v evil narrative of assigning the latter to Jews, undermines anything else you write or teaches a blanket prejudice that no longer has to question, because it believes it is right.

          Open anti Jewish diatribe is sometimes found to come from Jewish people, either from the ‘self-hating Jew’ – so called, or as a strategy of keeping the herd aware of the fears by which they are induced to support, sympathise, comply, or at least not openly criticise. This device is not unique to Jewish controllers, but as you say, to Criminal Mafia of organised crime that is recognisable across time and space in human history.
          Hate demands a target. But hate is a reaction of vengeance against being hurt, which is associated with being unfairly denied, attacked.or deprived. That you hold grievance is evident. That anyone or everyone Jewish is the cause of it is false, and perpetuates the cycle of denial.
          The Mafia run on the perpetuation of polarised identities set in fear and grievance. It is their battery source. Perhaps they don’t need to DO much to find an energy supply when people are set in identities that DO it for them.
          To what degree to people WANT their grievance and protect it against introspection and healing? To the degree that they seek power for themselves from an underlying sense of threat, lack and drive to defy it?
          The deceit runs deeper, but must ultimately come home to roost.
          Or in the world’s thinking, a deep state of deceit must be protected against disclosure of both lack of substance, and its alienating of truth.
          All protected or securitised narrative indicates a limiting and controlling of mind that then attracts the projection of fear into what is held outside and apart from transparency and account. What is actual agenda and what is projected motives from our own minds? And how do they interact to in some sense feed the unconscious fear of the one being assigned ‘control’ to believe they have it?

          You may not choose to relate to what I write. But i am not complicit or supportive of your assignment to race as pathogenic. And so I offer another view – and not simply an anti anti reaction.

          To become the thing you hate under self-righteousness is the problem, not the solution. Those who feed off the problem want to set up insoluble problems. Do you consent to feed such a mindset – which could as well be an alien agenda running through anyone hijacked by fear.


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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Binra:
            I have often on this PSI format carefully explained that the great majority of people that identify themselves as Jews are not in any way involved with the network I describe. However this particular derivation is widely represented at the top of the Zionist power structure as I havre outlined,. Their prominence is evident through out the government power structure and is widely represented by aIPAC and the ADL but there are over a hundred more. If they happened to be Japanese or Irish I would have exposed them instead. That is just the way it is. As evidence of this I have laid out Trump’s involvement and support network. This is easy to verify. You can check on both sides of the fake Rep. and Dem. party organization and find the Jews are the biggest force. In fact this ethnic group is disproportionately represented in all the areas I describe. I have also been careful to point out that there are many in this group that I refer to as Zionists who are Gentiles. Biden (when he still had some cognitive capacity) even said “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, I am a Zionist.” When this puppet actor was placed in office by the Zionists (as all of them are) this video was removed. All of this has been going on for a long time which is also clearly evident in the transparently ridiculous, imaginary and long planned “pandemic” in which all the countries had ordered their fake PCR tests back in 2018.

            In closing let me recommend Supermob by Gus Russo that depicts activities of this group in the U.S. up until their shill ‘Reagan. It also details the shameful government dispossession and incarceration of 800,000 Americans of Japanese descent coordinated by the Jews Bazelon and Pritzker who headed the Office of Alien Property under the Zionist (Israel first) shill Truman. But again this is just conspiracy theory. I will re examine your comment and take note of the things you point out. they are valid concerns.


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          I’ve heard this canard so many times it’s boring. There are Zionist Jews who are involved and Zionist Jews who are victims. The former are not truly loyal to their people or their Land, but use it as a cover. The wickedness attempting to take over everyone’s lives and micromanage us is pan-ethnic. The elite uber-billionaires involved in this agenda to impose a world-wide technocratic dictatorship have been at it for at least 100 years. They span every nation, every ethnicity, every religious tradition, and sport zero loyalty to any of their external identities. They are loyal to nothing or no one but themselves and their own, weird, sociopathic inner circle. More than likely they harbor ambitions of deadly competition against one another as well — and would slit one another’s throats in a heartbeat if it advanced their “cause.”


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    So, they actually have custom designed DNA nanorobots that target cells and “unlock” to deliver a DNA payload.
    Keep in mind, they’ve identified the gene that does all of the important things: intelligence, behavior, fertility, etc…
    Keep your eyes on the intellectual property rights over claiming humans subject. I keep seeing it pop up.


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    Not interested in taking it until there are longitudanal studies. I have a number of people in my life who are laughing at me and even refusing to see me. Yet, they’ll go into grocery stores or wherever, not wash their hands not knowing who and who isn’t vaccinated.


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