Top Aussie Scientist Reveals UN IPCC Greenhouse Gas ‘Errors’
As climatologists increasingly, albeit grudgingly, concede climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide approaches zero, a top Australian scientist exposes gross errors in the UN IPCC’s claims about ‘greenhouse gases.’
John Elliston AM, FAusIMM(CP), author of several peer-reviewed papers, concludes that the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on a definition of the “Greenhouse Effect” (AR4,page 946) which is “plain wrong.”
Elliston pulls apart the IPCC’s iconic diagram (AR4, page 115) to reveal fundamental errors (shown below). The cartoon-like diagram is simplified to illustrate the flaws in their “Greenhouse Effect” concept.
When a scientific expert of this caliber speaks out, people take note. For exceptional services to his country in chemistry and geology Elliston received the highly-prestigious Order of Australia (AM). [1]
The definition and the accompanying diagrams below are the centerpiece of global warming science: the UN IPCC Assessment Report (2007) and are a major cause for concern.
As Elliston found:
“The statement in the definition that downward atmospheric radiation from the cold upper atmosphere “trap(s) heat” in the surface-troposphere system to result in higher temperatures and global warming is untrue.”
He goes on to clarify,
“The idea that back-radiation or radiant heat from the very cold upper atmosphere results in increasing the temperature of the warmer air below contravenes at least two elementary laws of physics (Second Law of Thermodynamics and Stefan-Boltzmann Law).”
As Elliston indisputably points out,
“cold things like the exceedingly cold upper atmosphere cannot radiate heat to result in warming much hotter air near the ground that is the climate we live in.”
Even friends of the IPCC are now conceding that the very choice of “Greenhouse Effect” to imply that water vapor and trace levels of CO2, methane, etc. cause global warming is unfortunate.
In reality our open atmosphere cannot act like a glasshouse because there is no physical barrier to confine convective recirculation of air. Within the enclosed space of a glasshouse, air is warmed by surfaces and objects heated by solar radiation through the glass and it must circulate within it.
In the open atmosphere warm air simply rises to higher altitudes and expands until it is as cool as its surroundings.
As Elliston explains,
“Radiant energy reaching the Earth from the Sun is the only source of heat to maintain or vary global climate. Solar radiation varies according to the spectral wavelengths emitted, the number of sunspots, the extent of the sunspot activity on the side of the Sun facing the Earth and the proximity of the Earth to the Sun in the normal course of its elliptical orbit. The maximum intensity of radiation due to distance is at perigee.”
Sunspot Activity is “Tide-like” Activity
Indeed, as this extensive study shows, sunspot activity in the magnetic gaseous plasma at the surface of the Sun is related to the “tide-like” gravitational influence of Jupiter.
“From 1947 some Australian universities taught that this varies in complex uneven cycles as the other heavy planets are grouped on the same or on the opposite side to Jupiter or dispersed more or less evenly round the Sun.”
Historic records and observations of sunspot activity since 1610 confirm this point. They establish that they are related to the synodic period of Jupiter and that periods of colder climate are associated with low sunspot activity. Each synodic period is the time between planetary conjunctions or 1.092 Earth years between alignments of Earth and Jupiter.
Sunspot activity increases the heat content of solar radiation because sunspot temperatures are about 4,000 to 4,500°K. This is still brighter than an electric arc on Earth but the heat content of the spectrum is increased.
Total radiant heat gained by the Earth must establish and maintain equilibrium with total radiant heat lost. As IPCC claim, solar radiation powers the Earth’s climate system.
It is the only source of sufficient heat for cyclic climate changes. As in the past, global climate change can only be due to longer or shorter-term variations in solar radiation.
Misuse or Abandonment of the Scientific Method
In recent years John has served as Principia Scientific International’s Vice Chairman. His latest book, ‘The Origin of Rocks and Mineral Deposits – using current physical chemistry of small particle systems,’ has ground-breaking research enhanced thanks to John’s access to the world’s leading academic advisers.
Elliston states:
“IPCC reports are not based on scientific method. Instead, they use computer algorithms to assess selected data in large numbers of papers by ‘climatologists’ that support the conclusions they want policymakers to believe. Natural climate change cycles before 1765 (the industrial revolution) occurred without industrial CO2 in the atmosphere.“
Like many independent scientists and citizen researchers Elliston notes the immense internationally financed publicity effort by IPCC that has managed to mislead so many (including Australian Government officials) that an increase of 0.0105% CO2 in the air has been the cause of the observed 0.8°C rise in average global temperature from 1950 to 1998.
Yet, our planet’s average global temperature COOLED by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data. Thus, wiping out all the so-called ‘man-made global warming’ of the 20th century.
As Elliston concludes:
“The IPCC have projected this increase to alarming levels into the future but their measurements are all in the rising period of one of our longer-term natural global warming-cooling cycles. But there have been seven of these since 1000AD, all without industrial CO2. Apparently we are now towards the end of a normal change over period with global average temperatures trending slightly lower.”“Few people read IPCC reports and they have relied on the complexity of their definition and this diagram to conceal their poor understanding of a basic scientific principle,” concludes the study.
In doing so, climatologists have confused each other with explanations of scientific detail that disregard or misuse Planck’s law, Wein’s displacement law or the Stefan-Boltzman law.
[1] John Elliston AM, FAusIMM(CP), Elliston Research Associates Pty Ltd, 10B The Bulwark, CASTLECRAG 2068, New South Wales, Australia
After early experience as a chemist and consulting geologist, John Elliston joined the small Peko mining company in 1956 where studies led to understanding the nature and origin of the local intrusive ironstone deposits. Application of the new concepts by his exploration team led to discovery in Australia of 9 new mines containing 33 orebodies in a 15 year period and to dramatic growth of his company. He was appointed to the board of the parent company in 1969 and, as an Executive Director, he was responsible for technical subsidiaries including Geopeko Limited. Fourteen published and 65 unpublished scientific papers and reports record his recent research and his treatise the international edition of The Origin of Rocks and Mineral Deposits – using current physical chemistry of small particle systems is now published.
[2] O’Sullivan, J., ’53 Bogus Authority Statements that Earth’s Atmosphere ‘Like a Greenhouse’’ (April 11, 2012),
John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone:
jerry krause
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Hi John O’,
Until John Elliston and you recognize that the downwelling infrared radiation being measured by NOAA’s SURFRAD project,(, is a portion of the upwelling infrared radiation being emitted from the earth’s surface is being scatter back toward the earth’s surface by the phenomenon of Tyndall scattering by small condensation nuclei, larger cloud droplets, and other particles (significantly larger than nitrogen and oxygen molecules) in the atmosphere, any explanation of what is observed (these measurements) is not complete.
Yes, this very significant downwelling infrared is not the result of the emission of greenhouse gas molecules due to their temperature, which is the temperature of their environment (oxygen and nitrogen molecules predominately). So what John Elliston wrote and you quoted is not necessarily wrong, just terribly incomplete.
What is observed must be explained and the comparison of the air temperature being measured relative to the difference between the two infrared radiations is important. How, it seems few beside myself consider these measurements of the SURFRAD project.
Have a good day, Jerry
Chris Marcil
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The sad part is that most of what he said was stated and restated for about a hundred years. Let’s see if his words have any effect on the ipcc “scientists”.
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Of course it’s got to be CO2 hasn’t it?
It can’t possibly the sun can it?
No the sun is to feeble an effect, right?
That’s what the UN-IPCC and all their climate modelers say – – err, right?
So feeble that all it can do that’s of any significance is modulate the thermosphere, moving the hight of the atmosphere up or down depending on how active the sun is. But that couldn’t affect the weather, (or climate) could it?
Or maybe it could. There’s a strange correlation, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. is watching this with a “Thermosphere Climate Index” (TCI) ….
Of course that couldn’t be anything to do with the stratosphere having some quite anomalous behavior recently …
see , and
Humm, and most solar researchers believe that the next solar cycle isn’t going to be much stronger than this current one (SC24), I wonder what that may herald for the coming winter weather in the NH?
Have a good day 🙂
Peter C
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Hi Doug,
I am pleased to see you posting again.