To Jab or Not to Jab, That is the Question

Image: Great Performers Academy

Despite the blitz of pro-“vaccine” state propaganda, large numbers of Berliners have so far declined to take the jab. It’s not clear how many have made an active decision not to receive the injection, as opposed to those who have not yet been notified, have procrastinated, or for other reasons have not showed up at the vaccination centers.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from PolitikStube:

I wonder why? Berlin: Hundreds of thousands ignore their invitation to vaccinate

After the numerous horror reports (deaths, blood clots) and the brief suspension of the vaccine, does vaccine frustration and a negative attitude towards AstraZeneca seem to be rampant in Berlin? The vaccine is supposedly safe, but apparently so unpopular that hundreds of thousands do not respond to their vaccination invitation.

Of course one tries to blame ignoring the vaccination invitation on the sluggish appointment scheduling and the overloaded hotline, but there are numerous people who have a skeptical view, not only about the AstraZeneca vaccine, worry about side effects and long-term effects, and do not want to make themselves available as guinea pigs.

Daily mirror: 100,000 doses of the British-Swedish preparation AstraZeneca are currently in stock — and further deliveries are expected. Doctors and Senate officials fear that the AstraZeneca skepticism will hardly be able to be dispelled in the foreseeable future.

Recently, masses of teachers, police officers and daycare staff should have come to the vaccination centers where AstraZeneca is injected. But there were thousands fewer than expected by the Senate and vaccinators.

A million so-called vaccination codes have been sent since December 2020. This means the right to be vaccinated. But by March 23, only 362,711 Berliners had an initial vaccination, which means that around 630,000 Berliners are currently entitled to get vaccinated, but have not done so.

What is certain is that many of those currently eligible for vaccination have not yet been able to make an appointment, for example because the Senate hotline was overloaded, because they only received the code in the last few days or because they did not react immediately.

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    Ausgezeichnet! ?


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    Well, when even The Guardian sees that what-ever-it-is-being-peddled now doesn’t work, we’re in trouble. Eh, we all knew that, right? Hello! A real vaccine is needed!!
    There was ONE EFFECTIVE corona-virus vaccine developed so far — by Bayer (me thinks), but it was K-9 vaccine. Maybe, if we convince The Maker, that we’d prefer a healthy-dog’s life over for-ever-sick-human one, they may, that is, under proper “emergency authorization,” release their patent … and, once inoculated, our Border Terrier Maximus could sleep in our bed as equal!


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    Allan Shelton


    “A million so-called vaccination codes have been sent since December 2020. ”
    The vaccination code is a tracking code for future use by the Government.


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