TNT Radio: Hear Martin Sieff on Catastrophe Theory & George Orwell

Three-time Pulitzer nominee, seasoned international journalist and advocate of catastrophe theory, Martin Sieff gives his take on science and coming political changes on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show.

September 11, 2022 – Hi and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know.

I’m John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International.  Joining me as usual are Texan engineer extraordinaire, Joe Olson and Canadian space scientist, Joe Postma!

So, let us be clear – we are currently living in a turbulent and rather frightening period of human history when the prophetic work of George Orwell has never seemed more relevant.  Fear of viruses, government over-reach, impending doom, nuclear war and Armageddon are all around us.

Therefore, nothing could be more topical for discussion than a deep dive into ‘catastrophe theory’ and helping us in that journey we are delighted to have Martin Sieff, a veteran Washington DC journalist, historian, anti-imperialist and respected Velikovsky scholar (that’s ‘catastrophe theory’ in case you didn’t know!).

So, truthers like us are pointing to ominous parallels from the world of fiction to the facts of today and in the mix is prophetic writer, George Orwell with Animal Farm, 1984 and Winston Smith.


Since 1982 Martin Sieff has been associated with Catastrophism & Ancient History. Speaking on discovering the work of Velikovsky Sief said:

“Immanuel Velikovsky was a man born before his time. A new universe had begun to open up to me. If Velikovsky was right, the underpinnings and assumptions of virtually every intellectual discipline needed to be radically rethought. The huge array of evidence he amassed, and his poetic mastery of it, carried conviction. “Truth,” William Blake has written, “can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed.”

In a convivial two-hour discussion with Principia Scientific’s frontmen, Olson, Postma and O’Sullivan Sieff spoke in real depth on the work of electric universe proponent, Wallace Thornhill (Thunderbolts Project) and how it tied in so well with Velikovsky.

“All good work and easily understood through electric law and we may infer connection with Tesla’s ideas such that “electric law may allow us to turn the motors of the universe in our favor.””

Sieff, an astonishingly widely read intellectual, shared what he had learned of the globalist elite’s psychopathy while he worked as Chief Foreign Correspondent for The Washington Times (from 1994 to 1999) and then as chief news analyst for United Press International and its former Managing Editor for International Affairs. He would go on to receive three Pulitzer Prize nominations for his international reporting.

Mr. Sieff has been a columnist for The Globalist since 2002 and has appeared as an expert on Asian security affairs and the Middle East on National Public Radio, the Fox News Channel and C-SPAN. His work has been published in The American Conservative, the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, National Review and National Review Online and many other publications.

Martin is the author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East” (Regnery, 2008), “Shifting Superpowers: The U.S.-China-India Relationship in the 21st Century” (Cato, 2009) and the upcoming “Cycles of Change: The Three Great Cycles of U.S. Political History” and “War and Peace in the 21st Century.”

The Sky Dragon Slaying broadcast goes out live on TNT Radio between 7 pm to 9 pm (E.S.T.) every Saturday.

If you are a lover of empirical science proofs and a hater of corrupt government science, this is a show you won’t want to miss. Please use the  TNT Radio link at the top right of this web page.

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Comments (1)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    I had no idea what ‘Catastrophe Theory’ was. The following is seems simple, hence possibly understandable.

    “Catastrophe Theory
    P.D. Roopnarine, in Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008
    Catastrophe theory is a mathematical framework that deals with discontinuous transitions between the states of a system, given smooth variation of the underlying parameters. The term catastrophe, derived from the French in this usage, refers to the abrupt nature of the transitions, and does not necessarily bear negative connotations. The main thesis of the theory is that the parameter space of the system is a low-dimensional projection of the state parameters and state relationships of the system, which are summarized as higher-dimensional, smooth manifolds. Apparent discontinuities or singularities in the parameter space of the system are explained as folds and cusps on the manifolds, thereby allowing the application of smooth differentiable models to discontinuous phenomena. The theory is well defined for systems up to five input or control parameters, and one or two output or response variables. Low-dimension catastrophe manifolds serve as good models and explanations of discontinuous transitions between alternative stable states in biological populations and ecological communities. In addition to the transitions, the models also explain the divergence between systems of slightly different initial conditions as those states evolve, as well as hysteresis in the reversal of state transitions. The prediction, using ‘catastrophe theory’, of future states of ecological systems is more problematic given the often semiquantitative nature of ecological mathematical models, as well as the complexity of those systems. Nevertheless, the broad applicability of catastrophe manifolds to dynamic systems suggests that they should be useful in predicting the potential behaviors of ecological systems.”

    Relative to ” Ecologic Issue I consider the abatement “The prediction, using ‘catastrophe theory’, of future states of ecological systems is more problematic given the often semiquantitative nature of ecological mathematical models, as well as the complexity of those systems.” which should never be ignored. Therefore, I do not waste my time in considering it further.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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