Time To Review The Evidence For Man-Made Global Warming
Some people seem to think man-made global warming has been proven. Others believe there’s no evidence that man-made warming exists.
Neither is correct. Evidence exists, but, as people familiar with courts of law will know, what’s submitted as evidence is not automatically proof.
Firstly, a judge might decide that what is submitted as evidence is inadmissible because it’s not evidence at all (e.g., irrelevant, opinion, hearsay, obtained by unacceptable methods) or of negligible value.
Secondly, lawyers for the two parties ask questions that test the credibility of the evidence, and the witnesses are compelled to answer those questions. Finally, it’s up to the jury to decide if the evidence is conclusive.
None of this happens with scientific “evidence.”
Chapter 1 of the IPCC’s 2013 climate assessment report describes evidence as “data, mechanistic understanding, theory, models, expert judgment.”
Regarding the IPCC’s claims of man-made warming, I don’t think these amount to much at all. Many of the data are uncertain, the “mechanistic understanding” says only what might be happening, and the theory might not be true in the real world.
Models are not evidence, especially when they have not been verified, do not accurately include all factors, and are weighted toward the prime “suspect.”
Expert judgment is merely opinion, and opinion is usually accepted as evidence only when applied to very specific issues in court cases.
Some people seem to think the IPCC’s evidence is conclusive proof. This would be like the police presenting evidence and then the judge jailing the person, with no court case in between to test the evidence.
Other people seem to think they are capable of evaluating the scientific evidence for man-made warming.
In reality, probably less than 5% of the population has the appropriate education to understand the issues, and even fewer have an interest in exploring climate matters in depth.
With no examination of the evidence, we don’t know the truth of the matter. It makes no sense to dismiss alternative ideas or to label someone a denier when the truth hasn’t been established, but that’s what has happened.
The IPCC can’t examine the evidence it gathers because the organization’s charter is to report on the human influence on climate and what might be done about it.
It was told to consider just one “suspect,” so, naturally, it tries to find evidence to support a case against that suspect.
Science as a whole has shown itself to be incapable of resolving disputes. It has no forum in which the evidence can be questioned and evaluated, no forum that demands responses to questions and challenges. Some scientific disputes have dragged on for years without resolution.
It’s true that scientific truths are provisional in case new evidence overthrows an old theory, but that shouldn’t stop the open, impartial, and detailed examination of evidence so as to clarify what is known with reasonable certainty, what’s speculation, and what flaws exist in a scientific claim.
When companies want to commercialize scientific findings, the first thing they’ll do is verify that the claims stack up. To do that, they examine both the methods used and the evidence supporting the findings.
When governments’ policies are based on science, then it’s up to the governments to first determine if the science is solid. It would simply be irresponsible of any government not to do so.
Testing the evidence requires an open, impartial, and objective evaluation. The process cannot be political, because it has to recognize an essential difference between politics and science.
Politics is settled by consensus (i.e., votes), but science is interested only in how well certain ideas (i.e., hypotheses) account for what’s been observed and how those ideas relate to accepted science.
Science also has a “null hypothesis” that argues that an apparent causal link between two factors might be a coincidence or might be driven by some other factor.
President Trump’s proposal for a review of climate science looks like the kind of evaluation that’s needed. For far too long, warmists have avoided close scrutiny of their claims.
Let’s just hope that it’s like any court case, with witnesses cross-examined in regard to statements they’ve made, compelled to answer questions, and maybe even subpoenaed to attend.
It would be ridiculous to put more effort into testing evidence in court for a minor crime than testing scientific evidence that threatens to put a large financial burden on the U.S. and much of the world.
Usually, when people believe their evidence to be compelling, they can’t wait to get to court and show the truth of their claims.
The warmists tell us that their evidence is compelling, but they seem curiously reluctant to try to prove it in a formal inquiry.
Maybe their argument is far weaker than they’ve been claiming. If that’s the case, then it’s all the more reason for an open, impartial, and objective review.
Read more at American Thinker
Dan Pangburn
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Part of the problem that many people have is the mistaken belief that GW has a single cause. By accounting for three factors a 98.3% match with measured average global temperature is achieved 1895-2017. CO2 is not one of the factors.
This analysis finds about 60% of the warming since a low in 1909 is from natural factors. The rest is due to increased water vapor (WV is a ghg) which is self-limiting. The increased water vapor (about 7% increase since 1960) correlates with increased irrigation. Because the increase in WV is self-limiting and natural factors have existed benignly for millennia Global Warming will end if it hasn’t ended already. A change in slope of average global temperature from up trend to flat trend occurred in 2002-2005 but was interrupted by el Nino action starting in 2014 which is still playing out. http://globalclimatedrivers2.blogspot.com
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Dan, there is no such thing as a “ghg” (greenhouse gas), unless you are talking about CO2 that is injected into actual greenhouses. But I digress… learn a little physics please…
Dan Pangburn
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I assumed everyone paying attention to this stuff was aware that ghg is a misleading name and refers to any gas that is IR active in the wavelength range associated with earth temperatures. Try to keep up.
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What about the suns variability?
Dan Pangburn
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TSI variability is small and in sync with SSN. Apparently SSN quantify a magnification effect on clouds. Average global temperature is very sensitive to clouds. This is addressed at http://lowaltitudeclouds.blogspot.com The SSN identified as v2 are one of the three factors in the globalclimatedrivers2 link.
Aubrey Banner
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Please visit my website above. I put forward an alternative explanation for the rise in temperature of the atmosphere from 1966 to 2015. It has nothing to do with the greenhouse gas effect.
I believe the temperature increase is due to the aggregate anthropogenic primary energy consumed during this period. The results of this explanation agree well with the measured values derived from NASA GISS Earth Observatory website.
Jerry Kennedy
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It’s not a bit surprising that the AGW religion cult remains opposed to CO2, when more CO2
is exactly what our planet needs. Ice cores going back hundreds of thousand of years ago provide the most convincing evidence for much more CO2.
James McGinn
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This is an excellent article. I do, however, disagree with your assumption that AGW (and/or climatology in general) is an outlier. In my estimation climatology is just following the example set by meteorology:
This is a quote from the article linked below:
“Much of science has been dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Unscrupulous, pretend scientists employ the techniques of consensus (politics, propaganda) to dominate scientific discourse. It’s easy to pretend like you have a deep scientific understanding of a scientific subject if you just go along with what everybody else believes. It takes no talent to agree. It takes no intelligence to pretend to understand. And it takes no effort to lie and obfuscate in order to appeal to what people already want to believe.”
More here:
James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
Bill Watson
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” Others believe there’s no evidence that man-made warming exists.
Neither is correct. Evidence exists, but,…….
If the evidence does indeed exist, why did the author of this article not provide any?
Herb Rose
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Hi Bill,
Vegetation captures energy from the sun and stores that energy in organic compounds. These organic compounds naturally break down releasing the stored energy and CO2. When these compounds are burned as fuel the process is speeded up adding stored energy, formed from energy energy from the sun in the past, to the current energy being received from the sun. This man made warming just results in a shift of the equilibrium of energy being stored by plants and energy being released by decaying plants causing vegetation to grow faster and longer storing more solar energy. Man made warming is not significant, it is just an adjustment to the natural energy process on Earth..
Have a good day,