Time to bring this madness to an end

The reality is clear to everyone with eyes. Everything that the government, government scientists and government media say is a lie.

There is no pandemic and there never was.

There is, or there was, a moderately dangerous disease almost exclusively affecting the very old, and the already extremely sick, comparable to a moderately severe flu.

This disease is treatable with cheap generic drugs and, managed correctly, presents no public health threat at all.

Nobody would even have noticed that there was a pandemic except for the fact there is also a highly coordinated project to promote this narrative in order to concentrate power into the hands of a global political and corporate elite.

This project is managed by the World Economic Forum in Davos, and openly advertised under various names: the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, and Agenda 2030.

Stakeholders include the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the World Health Organisation, the Chinese Communist Party and BlackRock. Several of these are the same players behind the influential and self-appointed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations about which Paula Jardine wrote in TCW Defending Freedom yesterday. 

This project must fail. It is not possible to impose technical plans on humanity because man is not a machine.

Every previous attempt has degenerated into madness and despotism, before collapsing completely, and this cycle will play out again.

In the meantime we confront both its conditions and consequences: a deepening social and psychological crisis which started long before 2020, but has accelerated in the last 18 months. This is the disease we must treat.

Even the government has more or less abandoned the pretence that it believes in a narrative which now has more holes in it than Andrew Neil’s Covid-jabbed arm.

The blithering idiocy of Sajid Javid’s stuttering performance in Parliament and Allegra Stratton laughing away the hypocrisy of a puppet regime partying through the blitz of political and economic destruction exemplifies the reality of a government which has lost all credibility.

There are nearly 20million unvaccinated people in Britain (including young children). Having resisted the government death fugue thus far there is little possibility they are going to get back on the train and no realistic possibility that this government can suppress all of them.

The logistical capacity for political repression on this scale simply does not exist. Meanwhile, the so-called Biden administration is facing resistance all over America where unlawful executive mandates are now blocked in all 50 states, and a real opposition is armed and entrenched.

How long can this go on?

The mountain of evidence that the so-called vaccines are extraordinarily dangerous is already impossible to ignore.

Despite claims to the contrary by corporate and government media, adverse effects from these powerful and poorly understood products are neither mild, nor rare.For more than a year this reality has been dramatically demonstrated in footage of professional athletes collapsing, clutching their hearts.

Now children are being hospitalised for myocarditis.

Given that it is no longer argued that injections stop infection or transmission there is also no question that vaccine passports are a complete non-sequitur. But imposing digital passports was a central objective for launching the pandemic event in the first place.

There can be no doubt that the global injection regime is being extended to benefit vested corporate and political interests and the upper elite at the expense of workers and the middle class, and the balance of evidence suggests this was true from the beginning.

Peter Daszak’s Ecohealth Alliance was commissioned to conduct gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology by Fauci’s National Institute of Health in March 2018.

A trial connecting vaccination status to digital identity was pioneered in Bangladesh by the Rockefeller and Gates Foundation project ID2020 in September 2019. The World Economic Forum/Gates Foundation sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 took place a month later.

Programmable, central bank digital currencies, using the same technological platform as the injection passports are now being promoted by central banks and the Bank of International Settlements. The World Economic Forum itself describes digital currency as part of the Davos Agenda.

For 18 months injections and lockdowns have been promoted relentlessly by World Economic Forum associates; while WEF senior leadership has described the pandemic as a unique opportunity for advancing their institutional goals.

If an equivalent body of evidence (training drills, fingerprints, clear financial interests, confirmed criminal histories, and consistently incriminating statements) existed concerning a bank robbery, no court in the world could fail to convict.

Yet Daszak’s genetically modified virus seems to have been disappointing: nowhere near lethal enough to justify the pseudo-medical measures which were rushed into action on the back of the CCP information warfare campaign at the beginning of last year and remain in force today.

There is also clear evidence of a conscious intention to harm. Safe, cheap and effective treatments including ivermectin have been suppressed.

In December last year, the second-largest hydroxychloroquine factory in the world inexplicably burned down.

The most distinguished scientists and doctors in the world have been censored and defamed and megaphones given to crackpots like Ferguson and his pharma industry mercenary colleagues at SAGE.

There remains zero evidence supporting the claim of significant asymptomatic transmission, the sole justification for the medically illiterate lockdown of billions of healthy individuals around the world, and zero clear evidence supporting Sage disinformation that there is any benefit to public health from masking, this shameful policy which has divided society into masked servants attending an unmasked elite: a new normality like an interminable birthday party for Barack Obama in hell.

Meanwhile incessant government disinformation and behavioural programming has resulted in tens of millions of others becoming pathologically invested in masks and restrictions in general.

Here again we encounter the problem defined by Spinoza and restated by Wilhelm Reich: that human beings ‘will fight for their servitude as if for salvation’ and give their blood and lives for the glorification of tyranny.

Everybody still hoping our hypnotised contemporaries will somehow ’wake up’ is thinking along the wrong lines. Compliance with corrupt authority is not a question of faulty analysis, but a systematic derangement of desire. These people have come to enjoy being humiliated, and humiliating. As in addiction, this enjoyment overrides ethical and intellectual considerations.

Our strategic position has to begin from this point. Our problem consists in treating neurosis at its source but this source is the broken political structure of Western society. Individuals have been atomised, and autonomous spaces in which people can discuss the matters that concern them have been co-opted or liquidated.

With their disappearance, the possibility of exercising concerted political engagement has been curtailed, and society left defenceless from coordinated elite exploitation.

It remains the responsibility of people in a free society to hold the government to account, as opposed to obeying their diktats slavishly, by thinking for themselves based on a rational analysis of all facts.

Individuals must not only be reminded of their civic duties, but take active measures to re-establish the necessary conditions for their exercise. What Edmund Burke called the ‘little platoons’ of society must be rebuilt.

By presenting the urgency of this situation in the starkest possible terms the pandemic is producing a re-politicisation of the public sphere, for which we should be grateful. It is true that there is no going back.

Not only the current regime but also the conditions which enabled it to come into being must be destroyed. We should take our inspiration from Gandhi’s satyagraha, that is, not only passive resistance, but the force that is generated through adherence to truth.

Gandhi said: ‘I believe that no government can exist for a single moment without the co-operation of the people, willing or forced, and if people suddenly withdraw their co-operation in every detail, the government will come to a standstill.’ We’ll see it happen.

See more here: conservativewoman.co.uk

Header image: Forbes

Editor’s note: This reinforces PSI’s position that COVID19 is merely influenza rebranded because the CDC, FDA and several national governments still do not show a gold standard isolate of the novel coronavirus and thus it is not proven to exist in empirical science.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (9)

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    link: bilderberg-2015-a-travesty-of-transparency

    I can only point in the direction the rest is obvious.


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    Socialists (e.g., fascist Third Wayers) and communists are reunited, using their control of nearly every country to wage WWIII against population and freedom via a fake pandemic, fake covid tests, fake covid cases, fake covid deaths, fake covid vaccines, lockdowns, shutdowns, mandates, murders, denial of medical care, defamation, mass firings, . . . Every leftist involved in these pre-planned war crimes, from billionaire to politician to doctor, nurse and police, deserve the ultimate punishment and asset seizure for their victims. Leftists are criminals who must be segregated from decent people.


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      Roger Higgs




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        Roger Higgs


        PS Might your message have greater impact if you gave your name? Don’t be afraid.


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          Might your message have greater impact if it weren’t so patronizing?


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            Excellent, Timmy— well said!

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    Itz Me


    I can’t wait for the treason trials followed by the public hangings.


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    Kevin Doyle


    A very well crafted, and accurate essay by ConservativeWoman.co.uk

    The Romans believed the Empire was far more important than any Individual. This view is also held by Communists, Socialists, Muslims, the Third Reich, and ‘central government’ elites.

    Some religions, such as Christianity and Judaism, believe the Individual is greatest. The Individual was placed here by God, and has no earthly government which to bow down. The Individual has freedom of choice. One may choose positive contribution, self-determination, and/or using their talents to the best ability; or choose negative behavior such as oppression, denial of freedom to others, or self-enrichment at the cost of others.

    Denial of freedom, choice, and liberty are the hallmarks of totalitarians and Romans…


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Nicely written article, greatly appreciated.

    For a complete analysis of vial contents, I think you would be especially interested in the website of “La Quinta Columna”.
    The items found, have been video’d moving and identified. This is Very BAD news for the injected.

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas, to you all.


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