Tickets Available! Meet The Real Dr. Judy


Drs. Reiner Fuellmich and Judy Mikovits along with Patrick Wood will bring unity, truth, and education to the greater Tampa area with their newly formed collaborative task force, Crimes Against Humanity Path to Truth Conference, on June 18th, 2022.

This launches their first in-person event to educate and engage the public in efforts to build the case for indictments against those responsible for the current crimes against humanity being enacted on a global level. Joining them live via Zoom for Q&A will be guest speaker Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP at Pfizer.

The contributors bring critical context:

Patrick Wood sets the historical context by asking the question – how do scientism, technocracy, and transhumanism serve as the blueprint for what is happening today? From our denial of natural immunity to the infiltration and control of our economic and governmental systems, technocracy has been at play for decades prior to its manifestation in today’s current global crisis. From his 40+ years of research, Patrick Wood lays the foundation for the fabric of social engineering that has allowed these predators to enact these illegal and criminal measures on a global scale and how we can reclaim our sovereignty through clearly understanding their manipulative and controlling measures.

Dr. Judy Mikovits presents the fraud in the scientific and medical literature detailed in her books. She also details the government and Fauci’s role behind her arrest and career destruction which is now a daily occurrence for truth-tellers striving for unity and an end to this four-decade-long plague of corruption.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich shows us where the legal proof can be found and how the jury of the public will play a role in these indictments. How and where are these crimes being committed? With expert testimony of nearly 400 scientists, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and public officials, Dr. Fuellmich shares a summary from the expert testimony of the Corona Investigative Committee’s grand jury proceeding by the peoples’ court of public opinion and alongside Mikovits and Wood helps us understand the setup, the scientific evidence, and the fraud behind the coordinated and intentional actions that have resulted in mass injury, death, and destruction on a global scale.

To attend the event or the VIP dinner: 

Reference Links for the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force can be found at:
Dr. Judy Mikovits:
Patrick Wood:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

For interview requests or additional information please contact: [email protected]

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Comments (6)

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    Mark Tapley


    Time for more Rockefeller CDC big Pharma propaganda from “former Pentagon” employee and fake virus obfuscation expert Mikovits, along with Zionist operative Uber lawyer fuelmrich who was going to “bring the elite to justice” but can’t even get into a real court (as it that would make a difference anyway).

    In the video below Kaufman discredits Mikovits presentation, even though the host is biased in her favor.


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      Controlled opposition. Sort of like “the Good Citizen”, Naomi Wolf, Mercola, Wood, Malone, Reiner Fuelmich, Zelenko, and the rest of the celebrity covid doctors.
      Sites like Lew Rockwell have had to resort to posting articles with no comment section at all, or one that’s behind a pay wall, like on Malone’s website.

      The idea is for them to be “the shepherd who made their way into heaven”.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Don,
      The only comments I’ve seen removed are the spam where you can make a fortune working at home a few hours a day. When those are removed the “reply”comments are also removed. It’s not a matter of censorship but trying to get rid of pests.


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        Don Corleone


        That is not the case here. Some comments have been removed and others shortened. Maybe some spam removed but other posts and replies that had nothing to do with spam are gone.
        Please keep the comment section free and open to discussion that goes against the mainstream lies. It is so rare to have a comment section like this in today’s censored group think world-wide prison camp.


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    John Doran


    I’m not a praying man, but this conference and its participants will have my sincerest best wishes.



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