Thousands of Canadian Children are Dying Suddenly! Fully Vaxxed & Boosted Kids Unexpectedly Drop Dead

Innocent Canadian children have died in the thousands because of the death vaccine. Odessa Orlewicz joins Stew Peters to talk about the plethora of kids who are dying suddenly.

80% of Canadian children have been double vaxxed and provinces are no longer reporting the number of flu deaths to conceal the surge in vaccine-related fatalities. A murderous regime from around the world has colluded together to kill our children!

In this emotional video, Stew Peters pays tribute to a mere handful of the children who have died in Canada within the last few months after being forcibly giving the vaccine. At present, almost no mainstream media outlets are covering these deaths and the ones that are put the blame on common illnesses like the flu and Strep A when the actual cause is clear to those who know.

The average number of child deaths per year in Canada is 9 and the highest it has ever been is 13. Now, reports are coming to light with over 96 child death in the past year alone and more are going to die in the coming months. The question now is are those responsible for these deaths going to be held accountable?

Source: Bitchute

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    The “authorities” in canada are covering up all vax injuries and deaths. The crime is disgraceful and has to be punished.

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    The entire medical system is a criminal enterprise that loves murdering children and adults.

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