Those Mysterious White Rubbery Blood Clots

I’ve been referring to the mysterious white rubbery white “clots” in my Substacks for some time

Feb. 10 2024

Feb. 7 2024

Jan. 22 2024

Jan. 21 2024

July 23 2024

Now, after more than three years, an international group of dedicated scientists know the composition of these “clots” and speculate on how and why they are formed.

Below is their first report and a number of excerpts from the report.


“Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, a group of international scientists has been working behind the scenes to unravel the mysteries of the white clots being found by embalmers.  After four years of effort, the group has managed to determine the chemical nature of these mysterious white clots which they now call Hirschman clots.”

“The sudden appearance of long, white fibrous clots in the deceased was first observed by embalmers after the COVID vaccines were rolled out.”

“The Hirschman clots do not in any way resemble coagulated blood clots commonly formed after death.”

“For the first time in history, large numbers of aberrant white thrombi have been found in cadavers shortly after death.  These aberrant white Hirschman closts must be forming in the arteries and veins of living people.”

“It is critical to note that the HPLC-MS results clearly showed fibrinogen chains, not fibrin chains.  This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the major structural elements of the Hirschman clots consist of disassociated, fragmented fibrinogen, not fibrin residues.”

“Hirschman clots are significantly different to conventional blood clots normally found in humans. They tend to be very long, thin, fibrous, elastomeric in physical character and have polymeric structure.”

“The spike protein associated with both the SARS Co-V2 and COVID vaccines is identified as possibly one of the two catalytic species responsible for creating Hirschman clots. The other chemical catalyst hypothesised is the method of delivery used in the COVID vaccines, the lipid nanoparticle (LNP).”

“It seems likely that the Hirschman clotting cascade is initiated either by viral infection or by COVID vaccines containing lipid nanoparticles and their subsequent spike protein production.”

“In cases of genuine COVID infection, clot formation as a result of cellular destruction (inflammation) may be caused by the host’s own immune system. However, no such mechanism of clot formation from viral attack is described in the medical literature, as far as the authors can ascertain.”

“In cases where COVID vaccines appear to be the triggering event, the authors suspect that the lipid nanoparticles within the vaccine and/or the subsequent Spike Protein production may cause endothelial damage, leading to the initiation of Hirschman clotting.”

“Evidence from whistleblowers and brave health professionals who are not afraid to speak up provide a sinister backdrop to what may constitute the greatest public health emergency ever seen.

That officials continue to deny the reality of these unique clots can only lead the observer to the conclusion that a vast, worldwide coverup is in force.”


Only about five percent of the members/staff of the US Congress believe vaccine injured people exist.

There are only six members of Congress where the staff members have realized that the vaccine harms > non-existent benefits.

There are 425 members of the House so that’s only 1.5 percent who have figured it out.

See more here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (3)

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    Keep using the word covid. Ridiculous, the shots are causing it as they were not witnessed before the shots. Tell me how the flu can possibly cause that type of clot? People have been dying from the flu for a very long time so let’s rule out the flu and return to the shots.


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      You’re absolutely right.


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    Frank S.


    The spectroscopy analysis done by Mike Adams revealed they consisted of several different substances including various nonbiological metals, such as aluminum.


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