This Weekend On TNT Radio Sky Dragon Slaying: Tom Nelson, Elizabeth Hart

This weekend’s guests on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying Show are Elizabeth Hart, a long-term campaigner in Australia for the truth about vaccine injury, and climate expert Tom Nelson who will debunk the media’s fearmongering narrative. Listen live Saturday 7 pm -9 pm (New York time).

Hart is an eloquent and well-informed researcher and is gaining traction for revealing how Big Pharma, working with corrupt politicians, has been playing fast and loose with misinfo about vaccine ingredients, side effects, and the long-term risks to health due to little or no testing on these toxic potions.

You can learn more about Hart here and the many emails she has sent to influential people on international vaccination policy and safety.

In the second hour, we have independent climate researcher Tom Nelson. Tom holds an MS degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and was involved in tech and software for many years.

In 2005, as an avid bird-watcher, he became heavily involved in debunking a high-profile, but bogus “Ivory-billed Woodpecker” rediscovery that opened his eyes to the problems with blindly trusting “peer-reviewed science”.

Then a meteorologist pointed out to Tom lots of parallels between that woodpecker debate and the climate change debate, and Tom has been debunking climate change claims almost daily since then.

Nelson also has a popular podcast on Spotify, Anchor, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Rumble, NewTube, Odysee, Bitchute, Pocket Casts, Podvine, Overcast, Stitcher, Amazon Music podcasts, Audible podcasts, Castbox, RadioPublic, etc.

Please join us for a two-hour live interview on Sky Dragon Slaying where Hart will do a deep dive into the growing concerns about vaccine injury while Nelson details how to be a well-informed skeptic when discussing climate, plus other topical subjects.

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