This Weekend On TNT Radio Sky Dragon Slaying: Matthew Ehret

This weekend’s guest on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying Show is Matthew J.L. Ehret [pictured], a journalist, lecturer, and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation. Listen live Saturday 7 pm -9 pm (New York time).

While Mr. Ehret is the editor-in-chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, he is also a senior fellow at the American University in Moscow.

He is the author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and ‘Clash of the Two Americas’. In 2019 he cofounded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

His works have been published in Executive Intelligence Review, Global Times, Asia Times, 21st Century Science and Technology, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Duran, Zero Hedge, Fort-Russ and Sott.

Please join us for a two-hour live interview on Sky Dragon Slaying where they will discuss everything from the Two Americas, Manifest Destiny, Oligarchical Systems, China’s Belt & Road Initiative, how humanity is on a precipice that may soon be washed away, and other topical subjects.

You can listen live on Saturday from 7 pm -9 pm (New York time) and catch up on past episodes at Sky Dragon Slaying.

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Joseph,

    When did your European ancestors begin to move to the New World? Mine began in 1850s and 1860s where they had been farmers in just south of the Baltic Sea where they first settled in Brandon Wisconsin to homestead.. Then my Grandfather got married there and immediately moved to eastern South Dakota in 1982 to homestead there when it was still a Dakota Territory.

    I have questioned why the immigrated then and my answer was KINGS. Then someone (I forget0 here AT PSI gave me an explanation which I believe. His name was Karl Marx. There are evil people who make it their life mission to control other people by criticizing SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE who are human and sometimes make innocent mistakes. I do it all the time but I have been blessed with the desire and ability to read. And I often read about the courage and drive of very successful common people.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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