This Weekend On TNT Radio Sky Dragon Slaying: Elizabeth Hart

This weekend’s guest on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying Show is Elizabeth Hart, a long-term campaigner in Australia for the truth about vaccine injury. You can listen live Saturday from 7 pm-9 pm (New York time).

Hart is an eloquent and well-informed researcher and is gaining traction for revealing how Big Pharma, working with corrupt politicians, has been playing fast and loose with misinformation about vaccine ingredients, side effects, and the long-term risks to health due to little or no testing on these toxic potions.

She will be appearing this weekend on Sky Dragon Slaying– an episode you don’t want to miss if you want to be fully informed.

Hart explains that:

“My investigation into companion animal vaccines has led me to be very concerned about vaccines with an aluminum adjuvant. Do I have masses of material in the “peer-reviewed literature” to back me up? No, and neither have I had the time to do a full-blown literature search, what with spending so much of my time investigating questionable MMR ‘boosters’, HPV, flu, pertussis vaccination, etc, because of all the misinformation spread by the ‘scientific’ establishment… Who would fund such research anyway?”

Please join us for a two-hour live interview on Sky Dragon Slaying where they will discuss how Big Pharma and corrupt politicians have been purveyors of vaccine misinformation, plus other topical subjects.

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    Joseph Olson


    the Elizabeth Hart article linked above only covers Aluminum adjuvants, but we will be discussing Thimerosal (Mercury), polyethylene glycol (antifreeze), squalene (shark liver oil), SM102 lipid cell invaders and human/chimera fetal cell adjuvants. We are lab rats for demonic pharma WITCHDOCTORS


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