This month see Jupiter and its largest moons with binoculars
Although those living in the southern hemisphere will have the best views of Jupiter, people all over the world will be able to enjoy the spectacle.
Dr. Robert Massey, deputy executive director at Britain’s Royal Astronomical Society, offered some advice on what to look out for.
“Unlike stars, it won’t twinkle,” he told CNN. “Even when it’s low down, it will look pretty steady, and that will make it stand out. You’ll need a good clear southern horizon to see it.”
Those with binoculars would be able to see the shape of the planet and its four brightest moons — those discovered by Galileo, he noted — while a telescope would afford more detail.
“My advice to people would be to go out and have a look because it’s a beautiful sight and it’s really quite a thing to realize that when you are looking at the moons with a pair of binoculars — when you see them moving from one night to the next — it’s worth reflecting on the fact that it was that discovery that cemented our view of the solar system as having the sun at the center,” Massey said.
Famous for its awe-inspiring stripes and swirls, Jupiter is fifth in line from the sun and the largest planet in the solar system. Last year, NASA finally received stunning images of the giant planet after deploying the spacecraft Juno in 2011.
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