This Film Will Save Lives
Over the last few decades, thousands upon thousands of people have died unnecessarily – not from a killer virus but from a killer government.
Medical democide death by government policy is shockingly – alive and kicking in the UK. Secret medical trials, deliberate negligence, and the use of protocols and medications that are known to cause harm are practices that are all too commonplace. Most of us haven’t been aware of these murderous government policies. Those that are seem to accept them.
“The Greater Good”
The government may argue that these policies are in place for “the greater good” but this is highly debatable. Drugs have be tested, they might say; terminally ill individuals need a helping hand as they pass away, they say; withholding food and water from frail or elderly hospital patients is fine in certain circumstances, they state; rolling out life-threatening injections while they’re still in the trial stage is something that just had to be done, they insist.
The list goes on.
But why is all this happening – what are the reasons behind it – and how are they getting away with it? This is what needs investigation.
The killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference and neglect.
Stand Up For Your Rights
In the UK, we pride ourselves on a long history of standing up for our rights and freedoms. We should not be subjected to dangerous medical protocols, nor should we be forced to comply with directives that could cause us harm.
Certain policies (handed down to the NHS in the guise of formal government directives) have been – and still are – causing death and devastation to individuals and families. It’s time these policies were examined, exposed and investigated.
‘Playing God’ is a film that will do just that, proving that medical democide is in full effect, looking into the individual policies that are destroying lives and giving a platform to people who’ve lost loved ones – babies, children, parents, spouses and siblings – because of it.
Raising Awareness
The aim of ‘Playing God’ is to raise awareness of these crimes against humanity. Only then can we start to make much-needed changes.
We Need Your Help
To produce the film, we need your help. To get the message across and to get the film distributed far and wide, we require funding. The more we raise, the quicker we can spread the word.
Everyone who donates will have their name entered into a prize draw, getting the chance to win four free tickets to the premiere.
Thank you for being involved in our project.
Please donate and help stop medical democide in the UK NOW!
About The Producer
Jacqui Deevoy has worked for over three decades as a freelance journalist, writing primarily for national newspapers and women’s magazines. In 2014, she was employed as a producer at The People’s Voice (an alternative news station set up by renowned author and researcher David Icke).
Last year, Jacqui produced a documentary with Ickonic Media called ‘A Good Death?’, which focused on the shocking implementation of euthanasia in NHS hospitals and care facilities. The film was seen worldwide and is one of Ickonic’s most-watched films. It was also picked up by national and international media. In the last few months, Jacqui has appeared on several internet TV shows and has been interviewed by many well-known hosts including Gareth Icke, Richie Allen and Alex Jones.
After the success of ‘A Good Death?’, she decided to make a second film. She’s gathered together a great team and is now ready to expose more truths.
See more here:
Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Geraint HUghes
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The fact that all patients are not routinely tested for Iron and Vitamin D Deficiencies, is one of the quickest and most reliable indicators that they DO NOT have the patients best interests at heart. These deficiencies are widespread, easy and cheap to test for, have been known about for decades and are easy and cheap to reverse. YET NHS DOES NOT ADDRESS THIS ISSUE?????? This can only mean one thing, corruption and hidden agendas.
Eric the Red
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The issue that should be documented is not what governments are doing to kill their own populations. The issue is how and why the vast bulk of citizens are predisposed to accept it.
I am tired of beating this drum. I have tried to explain this issue in a thousand different ways on a hundred different venues, all to no avail. For at least the last two years, well meaning but stupid people keep trying to “get the word out”. But that does absolutely nothing, because those who could actually effect change are not listening, refuse to listen, and essentially cannot listen. I am struck by the fact that people trying to “get the word out” are themselves stuck in a cognitive trance just as pernicious as that which they assume to infect those they are trying to educate. It is a situation of the blind leading the blind, and it is glaringly obvious to anyone who has at least one eye open and a minimum of two brain cells to rub together. I am talking to you,
I cannot understand this blindness, but it is the only issue that must be fully investigated and plumbed to its depths. Absolutely everything else is a secondary issue, an effect not a cause. If you cannot or will not understand this, then you are doomed to failure, because your “getting the word out” will never have any useful viable effect, and your government will just continue to find ways to kill you. The world is going to hell, because almost all of humanity has somehow, in some strange unknown way, had their minds completely closed off and reduced to mush. Ah well, the hell with it.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Eric:
The Zionist controlled governments that coordinated the current medical control fraud which is just a larger version of it’s precursor, the fake AIDS virus have been working on this pathogenic transmission hoax for over a hundred years since they went into high gear with The Rockefeller Foundation and their dozen deadly blood toxins for wha was then initially called para-typhus, latter switched to the “flu.” The MSM and political puppets have long been under Zionist control as well as practically all of the big Pharma funded medial system.
The government has been refining their propaganda since the days of Sigmund “Fraud’s” nephew Edward Bernays, while systematically dumbing down the herd in the public indoctrination centers. They know that over 90% of the livestock will never do anything as long as they get a bowl of soy per day and have a job to go too. Its only a small minority of non cooperative miscreants that are a problem for the plantation owners. That is why the herd must not be driven too fast. Or else they will start bellowing, kicking up dirt and bolting back out of the Agenda 21 holding pen.
Eric the Red
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…and so your solution is what, exactly ???
You don’t have one, do you, you just mouth off like everybody else.
Quite frankly, you sound like just as much of an idiot as
everybody else I’ve had the misfortune to deal with.
Like I already said, the hell with it.
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While I agree with much of what you say, I believe there is still a portion of the populace that understands what is happening. But as you explained, we as individuals often don’t know what to do about it. Isn’t one of the first steps in not accepting all the government lies, being understanding that they are lying to us? Perhaps this movie will help! I wish it was a broader goal of telling people about the fraud in government directives like the shots, but I applaud Jacqui for her work. Dinesh D’Souza’s film 2000 mules is making a difference I believe, and getting a lot more discussion than some of his previous films.
As an aside, I believe that one of the big problems is the growth of governments. They are too large and control too much of people’s lives. Isn’t it still true that the best government is that which governs least? And local government is more attuned to the people than what we have now. Global governing is our enemy. In the US I believe that the Convention of States is our best answer. Take away most of the Federal government’s powers and bring them back to the States. Please go to, and under Resources, scroll down and click on their “Article V Pocket Guide”, which explains their goals and the process they are working towards. I am doing what I can to further that, and hope it happens sometime in the next few years.
We need more good leaders to help wake up the sheep. It takes a lot of energy to do that, which I don’t have at this point. But I believe that is part of the success of Trump–his boundless energy. In the meantime, I do what I can by sending out letters to friends and family about the lies being told, and replying to items like your comments. I’m doing what I can, and I hope others continue to do the same!
Mark Tapley
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Hello Eric:
I thought the solution to be so self evident as to not need repeating but since you “are as much of an idiot” as many others I will state that the solution is to arouse as many people to this medical control scam as possible and by doing so it can not only be stopped but will also expose other elements of the global elite’s dystopian system of control being cast over all the world as they press forward to their ultimate goal of a rigid system high tech slavery and a 98% reduction in the population of what they define as “useless eaters.”
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Entering into the medical establishment as a patient is a sure-fire prescription for pain, misery and death. As you age, your number one life goal should be to do all you can to avoid the “doctor” and the medical system. They offer few real cures and a whole lot of disease management which means drugs for life which will be ultimately shortened by those very drugs.