This Actor is Either Wearing a Silicone Biden Mask or He Has Some of the Weirdest Skin Ever
This video only proves what some people have been saying for a long time; those in power aren’t really the same people we are led to believe. In fact, a lot of actors wear realistic masks to appear like those in charge, such as President Joe Biden.
This video leads me to believe the evil ones’ power and ability to throw clones and robots at us is not as developed as they might have us think. Maybe those technologies are not as advanced as they would like us to think?
Source: Bitchute
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Russ D
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FJB has a impersonator because FJB is too STUPID to answer any questions. He is braindead and has been for 50 years
81 million votes my A Z Z!!!!!
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The evil ones could be claiming 131 million landslide votes.
Heh! They make 100% outrageous claims routinely already.
Still waiting on the ” Safe & Effective” Patented Bioweapons to achieve Warp Drive…
I’ve been observing an increasing number of job reqs on the internet job sites that aren’t being filled…especially jobs needing years of specialized experience…leadership jobs…Engineer & Scientific leads…still vacant for many months. Yes, the injection requirement is specifically mentioned too…in case reimplemented.
Lessons from My Lai Massacre, Vietnam. Disobey Illegal, Unethical and Immoral Orders
There are millions desperately deserving punishment for following such orders…and giving them.
Starting at the top.
This Sheisse IS NOT OVER.
The not so great Mass Murderer Fauci has said so.
Alan Webb
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I’ve wondered why in one video, he seems coherent, then the next, he’s a babbling idiot.
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Five errors in two paragraphs? Quality!
Frank S.
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What’s fake is the poorly doctored video.
Charles HIgley
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Be cynical, but it was clear that they had a double for Hilary during her campaign.. She could barely get into a car and 20 minutes later she’s out on the sidewalk laughing it up. Yeah, a double or a horde of drugs. Take your pick.
Climate Heretic
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Biden is a puppet and in addition he has dementia. He is lucid one moment and then incoherent next. This is a result of medication or the gradual decline of his medical condition, it will only get worse in the next 12 to 18 months.
Climate Heretic
christian loosli
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Find in the pictures off Joe where you see his right ear and compare with others and you see one ear is attached right to the skin and other have dedached lobe. Either he has undergone surgery or he is not the same person.
John V
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As much as I detest and loathe him, he has had plastic surgery to his face, this is probably a symptom, especially since he’s older than dirt.