They Knew Then What They Know Now: Summary

This three part series charts my 4 year campaign on behalf of children and which I began in April 2020-but it is more-it sets out what “they” knew at the time, what “they” know now and
compares the harms/outcomes predicted then with what actually has happened

For two years we were subjected to the most restrictive regimes in our history.

And yet despite the catastrophic failures of the policies, the wholly unnecessary nature of them and the devasting damage to our children and society, no one has been held accountable for these harms nor for the vast amounts of public money spent and wasted.

It is an attempt to hold “them” accountable at least in the court of public opinion by using data/research and statements from the authorities themselves and the words and research of eminent professors.

The series also highlights the loss of democratic rights and where this may lead to.

PART 1 four-years-a-personal-odyssey: April 2020-awake

My public story began with my response to a Belfast Newsletter article asking why there was no debate about re-opening schools and because I was speaking against the dominant narrative, I had to be clear I was correct in what I was saying.

I liaised with a group of experienced and compassionate people who explained their evidence unlike the authorities who merely ordered society without any real evidence. I was inspired by an early interview between Nick Hudson-now CE of Pandata and Professor Sunetra Gupta.

The story should have ended with the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship on which 3000+ people were imprisoned and despite a closed air circulation system and staff moving from room to room only 13 people died and no one under 70.

The IFR for children and adults was known at the time, as was the average age of a covid death (82) The series opens with several quotes from authority figures which indicate, not only that “they” knew, but which showed a callous disregard for children and humanity.

The comments resonate and formed the basis of my presentations and articles during the period of school closures and the isolation of children (on the basis of the totally flawed PCR test-again known to be flawed) “If you keep children out of school, every single one of the children you keep out of school is disadvantaged” Feb 2021 Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, England.

“It’s nothing to do with the children, it was to keep their parents at home” N .Ireland Chief Medical Officer to Paul Frew MLA, why we closed schools. “What is frightening is that there was

very little consideration given to the disadvantage that pupils would face from school closures,” Robert Halfron, Chairman of the House of Commons education select committee.

“They aren’t taking it home and then transferring it to the community. These kids have very little capacity to infect household members” according to epidemiologist Shamez Ladhani, of Public Health England July 2021 According to the Department Health Northern Ireland Dashboard one person under 40 has died in NI and not one under 15 I became a strong advocate of the

Great Barrington Declaration .

It was clear, even at the start, that the potential damage far outweighed the potential benefits and this was particularly clear for children. It seemed particularly appalling that we were putting adult welfare ahead of that of children.

The article is also set in the context of the removal of our democratic rights—lockdowns, masks, mass testing-bans on travel, worship, education, work, access to medical facilities. Rereading the above, I remain totally appalled at the treatment of our young, sick, elderly and the dying. The inhumane treatment was unbelievable.

PART 2 a-callous-disregard-for-humanity-but-no-one-is-responsible

Part 2 relates an exchange with our CMO in which I invite him to address key questions-the failure to respond epitomizes all that has been wrong. I then consider in more detail to risks to children and the risks from children.

The authorities knew that masks, a heinous affront to us and our children, and school closures/lockdowns did not work. Once again I use a range of eminent scientists to highlight the actual  science.

Professor Michael Levitt , Professor Mark Woolhouse, Professor Martin Kuldorf, Professor Brighthope and Professor Angus Dalgleish who is even more scathing. Donald Henderson (called the 20

th century’s most acclaimed disease eradicator.) had set the tone, in 2006 he wrote about how a FREE society deals with pandemics: “The negative consequences… are so extreme… that this mitigation measure (lockdowns) should be eliminated from serious consideration”

The article notes that current research carried out by Professor Norman Fenton, Dr Gerry Quinn et al at the University of Ulster which revealed that seasonality was overwhelming more important than any of the government measures and serves to underpin what the eminent scientists mentioned earlier have been saying.

In January 2022 Swiss Policy Research Group had reached a similar conclusion.

The article also draws upon a range of evidence from official bodies highlighting what has happened to our children. Eg Association of Directors of Children’s Support Services report: “the devastating impact Covid (and austerity) had on children in England” and Ofsted reports.

It was as if the scientific evidence and the views of experienced, esteemed and highly qualified academics counted for nothing. Why was that?

Part 3 The impact on school closures on attendance …. And on children

Part 3 charts the decline in children’s development and performance through the age groups due to school closures and isolation and poses serious questions. Is no one accountable for ignoring or not knowing the evidence or for the harms their decisions caused? Or is the story more malign?

Internationally recognised PISA tests, Ofsted reports and Paediatric specialists are used to chart the Educational, psychological and developmental decline eg UK schoolchildren achieved their lowest scores in mathematics and science since 2006 and the US saw its steepest decline since tests began.

Professor Hill presents a very succinct timeline of the damage through the ages here The impact on children’s mental health is considered and once again the authorities cannot claim not to have known.

100 leading Child psychologists had highlighted the mental health risks to children due to lockdowns, We denied our young people all the activities which help their mental health-we closed

schools, isolated them, banned sport, travel, parties, plays, church, what did we expect to happen?

Record numbers of young people are seeking help for mental health conditions, And In terms of children’s health generally, the number of under 18’s waiting for NHS care in England is the highest on record. The article ends with big questions.

Was there a Pandemic at all, much less a deadly one requiring extreme measures?

Pandata revisited the pandemic in China and concluded that there was no pandemic at all.

Even if there was a Pandemic, a well researched and agreed Pandemic Plan was ALREADY in place at the WHO, but was cast aside. Why?

Of the countless commentaries and research reports showing Lockdowns did not work (Part 2), Professor Jonas Herby et al January 2022 puts it succinctly and leads directly into the final issue-the loss of democratic rights and the shape of future society.

“lockdowns have contributed to political unrest and the undermining of liberal democracy”

It is incredible that the Western democracies removed many of our previously established civil liberties in what was clearly concerted action.

The silencing of alternative views continues and we appear to be being dictated to by unelected world organisations commanding the financial support of mega rich individuals.

The WHO and the WEF are two such organisations, it seems that many of our universities and media outlets are funded by the same people. Certainly, the people, finance and philosophy which led to lockdowns are still there.

As Professor Heneghan says “The Lockdown files message is clear: we must never again suppress democracy by giving power to power-hungry people.”

Or is it worse? What do you think of this by Professors Michaela Schippers, John Ionnidis and Matthias Luijks? “Individuals, groups and even whole societies are sometimes caught up in a Death Spiral…”

And this passionate plea. “Mistakes Were NOT Made”: An Anthem For Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice; Read by Dr. Tess Lawrie)

My complete story entitled “What are we doing to our Children?” with some 50 published articles and a dozen presentations is available here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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    J. H.C.


    My children fell way behind during the lockdowns because not one teacher had any idea how to teach online when it was deemed necessary to send everyone home. They had assignments to do, but my spouse and I did the ‘teaching’. We were also essential workers, so worked all through Covid lockdown and “taught” when we were home. The teachers at the school all got an extended break because there was only ONE teacher in the entire school who could put assignments online for the entire end of their second-grade year. The rest did nothing because they couldn’t answer even the simplest questions about the online assignments. My children started their third-grade school year online, and after the entire summer to ‘figure it out’, the teachers still had no idea what to do online or how to teach online. Again – only one teacher in the school could put assignments online for the whole school. The other teachers still had no idea – even after having had the entire summer to learn. We were told we were supposed to “give them grace” because it was sooooo difficult for them to learn how to manage online teaching – even though that was what they were PAID to do – we were not. We were also one of the last school districts to go back to in-person learning in our state. My children now continue to get resource “help” and continue to test 1-2 levels below their current grade level because they have yet to “catch up” after the fiasco that was Covid lockdown.


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